The Future Mindset

Mindset Toolkit: How Purpose Can Unlock A More Meaningful Life

What To Expect From This Article

The recent book I read was Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty. The chapter on purpose which he calls finding your Dharma. Got me thinking about my purpose. I learnt how purpose can unlock a more meaningful life. Now I want to apply it to my own life. Within this article, we will go on a journey to find our own too.

What Is Purpose?

This can be interpreted in many different ways. From getting something done to complete your life’s mission. A purpose is a destination you want to navigate towards. Something that lights a fire in your brain and body that you can’t ignore.

The reason why so many people feel like their life is going nowhere or bored is that they are not following their purpose. Purpose can be deconstructed into many moving parts. We have a purpose to get out of bed in the morning. A purpose to make sure there’s food on the table.

Without even knowing we are fulfilling many purposes that have major effects on our lives each day. The purpose we are going to discuss and find out here is the purpose that’s out front dragging every fire of your being in that direction.

Why is Purpose important?

You might ask why can purpose be all that important. You might have struggled all your life to find it. Even now I’m still navigating my way to my ultimate purpose.

Luckily we have people who have found their purpose in life, for example, everyone would have thought Andre Agassi purpose was to play tennis and becoming a grand slam champion would be fulfilling this vision, but in fact, he hated tennis and once retired he found his purpose in life helping underprivileged children in his home town and this is what truly made him happy.

This shows that when you find your ultimate purpose life becomes evermore enjoyable and your experiences with yourself and others flourish too.

Finding our purpose is why we live in a world that’s so different compared to a thousand years ago. With so many people from Da Vinci to Elon Musk finding their life’s purpose. This intern helps so many people and society grow for the better which only shows its importance.

What does purpose expert Jay Shetty Believe? 

Jay Shetty believes purpose is when your natural talents and passions connect with what the universe needs and become your purpose, that’s when you are living in your Dharma. He also states you should feel the passion when the process is pleasing and your execution is skilful. And the response from others should be positive, showing that your passion has a purpose.

Think Like A Monk


Anyone who wants to discover more about purpose he’s book and podcast is a great start.

How purpose can unlock a more meaningful life

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

The best thing about humanity is that we are all unique with different likes and dislikes. Which means we can all follow what our purpose is in life. Is it being a teacher or an inventor? Whatever your passions are. You have to find and follow it. Humanity needs it and it needs your joy and happiness in doing so. We all have one shot at life and a question you don’t want to ask yourself is what could have been if… This is not how we all want to go. We want to depart from Earth knowing we lived a life of purpose that was on our terms.

There are so many people now turning away from 9 – 5 jobs to climb mountains, retire at 30 or become an influencer online. Even becoming a writer through blogging. These people have more fire in their belly, they are happier than they would ever be rather than doing something we are taught is the right path in life.

Whatever you’re doing now that is not aligned with your purpose. Don’t look down on the position you have. View it as you have just warmed up the position for someone who’s purpose is do what you don’t want to.

Some people hate cleaning while some people love it. That’s the same for everything in life. You just have to find what your purpose is to achieve in life.

Still Have To Put In The Effort

Even when you find your purpose don’t expect that’s job done, the same work ethic, learning and mindset towards any task will still have to be achieved. The only underlying difference is your energy levels of passion will keep you going through any hardship. Laziness does not attract success even if it is your purpose. Your purpose is your responsibility, so you have to rely on yourself to take action on it. Only you can control this.

My Top Tips We Can All Do Today

  1. Learn new skills to find your purpose
  2. Do not stay doing something you hate, plan to leave it behind
  3. Find out what your strengths and weakness are
  4. Follow your passions, follow your heart
  5. Connect your values to your purpose

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed today’s article – How purpose can unlock a more meaningful life.

It’s apparent how effective having a purpose can have on your mental well-being in life. Don’t worry if you haven’t found your life purpose. It will take as long as it takes. As long as your pursing it and following your passions. We are all put on Earth to do something special. We just have to listen out for what it is.

If you have found your life’s purpose. What is it? We would love to know!

Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

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