Why Ending The Day With Positivity Matters
Everybody will have days where it just didn’t go well. When we arrive home, our energy is down, negatives flow a lot easier, and our minds are very fixated on the day’s events. This can also happen with our children. Even though children’s attitude recovery is amazing to see. Getting children into a good habit of ending the day with positivity helps children in the present but also for the future.
With mental health taking on more importance within society. Understanding the mind in more detail and leading from the front will greatly benefit your child.
By taking time to end their day positively is just a small habit that can make a big difference.
The Dangers If The Child Goes To Sleep With Negativity
The danger if a child goes to bed with negativity will inevitably end with nightmares, wetting the bed or restless night sleep. It will also cause a habit to form where they cannot process their day in a positive way leading to negative thoughts and experiences hanging over them.
A study, published in the journal Nature Communications, suggests that during sleep, the brain reorganises the way negative memories are stored, making these associations harder to suppress in the future.
Suppressing anything is clearly not dealing with the problem. If not treated straightway, this could perceivably become a problem in the childs life further down the line.

What An Evening Routine Should Look Like
To protect your childs mental health, making an evening routine for children that’s fun is of major importance. No child let alone an adult wants to do anything boring. So making time to reflect on the day in a fun way will engage your child.
As an adult, I like to write through my daily problems, but I have children who don’t like this way too much. They prefer to act it out.
As a family, we have 3 clear objectives before our children go to bed and they are the following.
- Take time to relfect their day and turn it into a postive
- Make time for creativity with books and storytelling
- Time for movement to shake off the day with dance
By following these simple habits. It makes sure we know our children are going to bed happy and they also know their parents have their back.
How It Transforms Into Adulthood
When an evening routine is a positive one. This creates mental strength for any adult. Building this foundation in children is crucial for this to be a lifelong habit into adulthood. This will elevate stress, anxiety and depression levels. The wellbeing of the children will be transformed as they will not hold on to the weight of negatives in their life.
In my own adult life, I have held onto negatives for weeks and from my own first-hand experience, it creates so much damage in your internal life but also external commitments and relationships.
No one wants this for their children and the solution is simple. Help your child deal with their problems, failures and life-changing events in a positive way. So they will develop this skill to use for themselves into adulthood.
No doubt I will probably be zoom calling my children most evenings to make sure they’re ok when they’ve flown the nest.
Do you think a child going to bed positive is of importance? What’s your bedtime routine strategies? I would love to know.
A Final Word From The Future Mindset
I hope you enjoyed today’s article How To Always End The Evening With Positivity Helps Children. I hope the article has helped in some way with your parenting journey. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at adam@thefuturemindset.com
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