Future Mindset Future Performance

How To Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable By Utilising Pain For Success

What To Expect!

In today’s article, How to get comfortable being uncomfortable by utilising pain for success. It will help you understand better how becoming successful at anything will require having to get the uncomfortable socks out and go through the pain barrier. To come out the other side winning. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you can better understand how to use pain to your advantage.

Understanding What Pain Is

How to get comfortable being uncomfortable by utilising pain for success

We all know pain. The pain of a broken heart, the pain of a stumped toe or pain from our failures. Pain is normally thought of when bad things happen.

Pain is also the deciding factor of whether we are progressing or not. It’s very much a beacon of where to head and if we stay it’s cause we find a pot of treasure at the end of the journey. That’s either, muscle growth, weight loss, finding your first client, asking someone out on a date or becoming a champion athlete.

Ultramarathoners is one sport where the pain is the name of the game. Even when they train to the peak of their powers. At some point in the race, their mind starts feeling fatigued and pain somewhere in the body will start to ache. Their minds will tell them to stop, but another part of their mind will tell them to keep going.

The voice you listen to and give control to will of cause win.

When I was building my first business. It was a painful experience. I had the pain of not knowing what to do, making many mistakes, people leaving, not hitting my targets and even the pain of the business going into the red.

But when you go through the pain barrier and solve all the problems by creating a system that allows the business to succeed. You understand on the other side of pain you find success.

This was a valuable lesson that was learned. So many times I wanted to quit, give up because the pain was too much. What I understand now is that I was learning, growing and it’s the inevitable force of progress into the unknown.

How To Control Your Mind With Pain

Everyone has their own pain threshold they can deal with. What people don’t always understand is that they can develop their pain threshold. As pain is just a transmitter letting the brain know you’re in pain. This means that you can control your mind when you feel pain by practising.

Monks are an example of how a human can control one’s mind. They have learned that building your pain threshold is a great way to start taking control of how your mind deals with pain. Having techniques to conquer pain within any given moment can help you get through any pain situation. Also having activities in your life that help you develop your pain muscle will help you to understand what that feeling feels like. You can then become mentally stronger in dealing with pain.

Below is some example of how you can achieve this.

  • One more to go technique
  • Yoga
  • Exercising (running, cycling)
  • Know it won’t last (Pain is temporary)
  • Change the way you think about pain
  • Positive thoughts = higher pain tolerance
  • Treat it like a game

How To Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable For Success

When in pursuit of success in our life. Pain will be ever-present along the way. Knowing that this is inevitable, should bring comfort to you that you’re taking the right actions. When pain comes along when your exercising, trying to quieten the body and mind in meditation, building a business or learning a new skill. You need to let yourself know in your mind that I’m doing the right actions and success is on its way.

The Secret Sause For Success Is To Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Pain is undoubtedly the secret sauce to success. It’s a guide to knowing you’re on the right path and it helps develop muscles of the body and mind to overcome obstacles to make us stronger. By living in the uncomfortable and creating discomfort in your life. You can go from a student to a doctor, from an intern to a manager or from a start-up to a successful business.

When starting out at anything the future can look daunting, the task can seem impossible. But when we decide in our mind where we want to go and we can accept the pain the challenge will entail. That’s when will become successful at what we want to achieve.

So the secret sauce to your success is pain. So make sure you get comfortable being uncomfortable. You can’t ignore it or hide from it. It’s part and parcel of any form of success that’s meaningful. Get on board and enjoy the ride. 

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, How to get comfortable being uncomfortable by utilising pain for success.

If you’re struggling with dealing with pain. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. But if you need extra help or any questions answered you can contact me at

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Habits Future Performance

5 Ways How To Regain Your Confidence After A Setback

What To Expect

Have you ever struggled to get your confidence back? In today’s article, 5 Ways How To Regain Your Confidence after a setback. You will learn strategies that can help you regain your confidence. Also understanding more about why confidence comes and goes. By the end of this article, you should be ready to build your confidence back.

A Story Of Confidence

5 Ways How To Regain Your Confidence After A Setback

In life, confidence is everything to attaining success. Whether that be confidence in your own ability or confidence in other people. Our confidence will shape the people will become and the decisions will make.

In my early 20s when I was teaching people how to sell. Confidence was the holy grail for their success. Everyone thinks it’s the pitch you have to say but it’s not. It’s your body language and tone of voice that will win a customer over to your thinking.

When it comes to selling there are subtle signals that create trust between two people and that’s confidence in what you’re saying. Confidence is like a radio signal your either getting a distorted message or a clear message. When training anyone you have to help them to believe in themselves and their message. This is my number 1 priority for them to succeed.

In sport, confidence can be the deciding factor between winning and losing. I have grown up watching some of the best athletes in the world. However when some athletes have had a major setback like an injury or a loss. They have never come back as the same person.

The Rise And Fall Of Fernando Torres

An example I saw was Fernando Torres. A wonder kid in Spain joined Liverpool and was an amazing goal scorer. Any sniff of a chance he would put the ball in the back of the net. A player everyone wanted and world-class he defiantly was.

Then he suffered an injury and the hunger of silverware came calling and surprisingly halfway through the season joined the best team in England. Liverpool’s rivals Chelsea for £50m.

It’s safe to say we never saw the same player again that lit up Liverpool and Spain. The confidence in the man had changed and he never seemed to regain it back until his retirement. The player’s ability hadn’t changed it’s his confidence that changed everything.

Why Confidence Can Be Like A YoYo

The reason why confidence can change at any point is due to circumstances. It could be a change in routine, difficulty levels or something unexpected.

In life, there are many unexpected variables and nothing ever stays the same. One minute we can be top of the world. Then your brain offers up a thought that creates self-doubt and leads the confidence to drop a level.

Our confidence is like a yoyo and there’s nothing we can do to keep confidence at one consistent level forever.

But what can mitigate any setback, is the choices we can make every day. By correcting our thoughts and what we say to ourselves.

Research into neuroplasticity has found that at any age confidence can be changed. So always remember how you feel today doesn’t mean you feel it tomorrow. But having the right habits and mindset in place will always help you find your confidence again.

5 Ways How To Regain Your Confidence After A Setback

1. Become A Student Again

When you lose your confidence in something it’s time to become a student again. Putting your mind in a growth state will allow you to pursue the task you was once confident at with a positive outlook.

For example, people who lose the function of their legs because of an accident have to learn to walk again. If they expect to walk as they used to. It’s not going to happen but if they become a student and learn again how to walk. they will build their confidence where they can walk confidently. Now every case will be different with its own challenges but the quickest way to regain confidence is to shift the mind into growth mode and leave the ego at the door.

2. Start From The Bottom

When regaining confidence it’s important to go back to basics. Too often I have seen people who are coming back from an injury or they changed their lifestyle. Still expect the same results from before.

Unfortunately, you can’t regain your top form or your best mental state with a click of your fingers. It comes from taking the necessary steps to get back there whether that be an hour in your mind or a week of physical practice. Going back to basics and rebuild the foundations to become strong will propel you for confidence.

For example, a boxer who has been unbeaten with a 24 – 0 record is at the peak of their confidence but unexpectedly gets knocked out. They can’t just get in the ring 3 weeks later and expect to be the same person. Their mind and body have changed. It has to be rebuilt and on the way up. They have to grow as a person technically and mentally for the new challenges they will face.

3. Visualise Past Success And Reaffirm

The mind stores all of our victories, mistakes and failures. Too many just look to the past to focus on their mistakes and failures. Not enough however look to the past for their victories, the times when they overcome the impossible. The days when they were the best in their field or when they worked so hard to achieve success.

Regaining confidence is a state of mind and tapping into past victories helps to tell the mind it’s been done before so it can be done again. Gaining the self-belief in yourself that you can achieve the success your after. Whenever I doubt myself I look to my victory list of all the accomplishment I have achieved in my life. This reassures me I am capable and helps me brush aside all doubt from the mind. Create your victory list today and by tapping into this. It will help you to regain your self-worth to propel you to a confident self.

4. Forgive Your Mistakes

A loss of confidence can reshape your whole identity. The frustration of not being the person you once was can be infuriating at best and can lead to self-talk sabotage. This feeling is normal but this will not allow anyone to regain their confidence back. It can only come from positive self talk about your journey back to being confident in your task.

On the way to attaining this outcome, forgiveness has to be on the table. Forgiving your loss of confidence, forgive your mistakes your making, forgiveness for anything that stops you from growing. releasing that pressure on yourself will move you a step closer to your confident state.

5. Surround Yourself With Positive People

If there’s any chance to regain your confidence back. It’s going to come from who you spend the most time with. Whether that’s beloved ones, friends or coaches. If mostly they are negative. Your journey back will be a long process.

Having positive reinforcements and being around uplifting people. Helps to elevate confidence and your own positive thinking.

If you’re serious about regaining confidence. Limiting your exposure to anything negative has to be top of your do list for regaining confidence.

Where To Go From Here

I hope today’s article 5 ways how to regain your confidence after a setback has helped you to understand that confidence is in your control.

There will always be setbacks and failures in life that knock your confidence. Knowing that this will not be forever and you can regain your confidence after a setback. Will give you the untapped potential to live a life you have always wanted. Learn these strategies and apply them if you can. I hope they can help you to regain your confidence again.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset

If you’re struggling with confidence. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. But if you need extra help or any questions answered you can contact me at

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.