Future Wellbeing

5 Proven Mental Benefits Of Detox From Social Media

What To Expect?

In today’s article, 5 proven mental benefits of detox from social media will discuss the challenges that social media can have on our mental health. Co-founders and ex high-level people in social media organisations have explained the dangers social media can have on everyone’s mental health. Social media isn’t going away anytime soon and I believe there are many benefits to social media when used responsibly and your mental health put first over anything else. I hope this article can provide beneficial tips to help you in any way.

Why Should You Detox From Social Media?

5 Proven Mental Benefits Of Detox From Social Media
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Studies have discovered that the more time you spend on a social media site, the more likely you are to develop depression. It’s enhanced even more when you’re already feeling not at your best. One of the main factors is because we can’t help but compare our lives to others and make the comparison that our life is not worthy enough compared to there’s. We know now that what people put up on social media sites isn’t always reality as we don’t see what goes on behind the scenes or editing software have created an illusion of what something really looks like.

When Should You Detox From Social Media

The moment you should detox from social media is when it starts to make you feel jealousy, fear of missing out, not smart enough, not feeling beautiful in your own skin. Any negative emotion that social media needs to change and detox can definitely help for sure. As well as preventive measures to have a social media that works for you.

How To Make Social Media Work For You

For me, how I make social media work for me. I follow people who share the same values as I do. When I see their Instagram post it makes me feel good, not bad. I don’t focus on how many followers I have and share what I want to share. Using social media as a tool can change the mentality you have towards it. Whether that be showcasing your business, finding motivation or touching base with friends. Just like the other habits that make you disciplined in your life. Treating social media the same way can help a lot.

5 Proven Mental Benefits Of Detox From Social Media

1. Silence The External Garbage

There so many people with negative opinions and you engage in so much information that is irrelevant to your life. This can the same for seeing other people living lives that are different from yours. Of course, it can be motivating but watching other people live their lives and not living yours can bring you down. If the garbage man doesn’t take away the rubbish it starts to build up and you know what happens from there. This is the same for social media. Detox yourself external garbage you see every day.

2. Return To Who You Are

Detoxing from social media can help you stop trying to be someone that your not and become the person you want to be. Coming back to reality and working on yourself helps boost positivity and happiness within yourself.

3. Return To The Real World

Social media doesn’t always give you a true reflection of what everyone thinks, it doesn’t show all the good in the world and it doesn’t give you real experiences. Returning to the real world you can get a gauge of what the world is really like, actually she good in your life and people around you. Finally, you can actually experience life by being present and create amazing moments you will treasure forever.

4. Reduce Anxiety, Depression And Isolation

Studies have shown the negative drawbacks to peoples mental health. People have shown that they get worse with anxiety, depression and a feeling of isolation. The moment you come away from social media. The reduction of these emotions will diminish and you will better for it.

5. Increase Mental Focus

Social media can be a major distraction with many workers being on their phones at a raising level taking them away from their work. If you want to progress yourself with your own business and new habits. Coming away from social media can quickly sharpen your focus to complete the task. We all get the same amount of hours in one day. Don’t let social media keep you away from achieving your goals.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 proven Mental benefits of detox from social media.

Remember that social media is a tool to help you. If it’s not helping you remove it from your life.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Habits Future Wellbeing

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice

What To Expect?

In today’s article, 5 easy ways to control your inner voice. The discussion will be about the power the inner voice has over us and how we can best use it. We all have an inner voice whether it’s a loud voice or a silent voice. Both can affect us the same way. By taking control of this inner voice we will find true power in life over our decision making.

What Is An Inner Voice?

An inner voice, self-talk or an internal monologue. However, you like to call it.

Is stated online as a “person’s inner voice which provides a running verbal monologue of thoughts while they are conscious. It is usually tied to a person’s sense of self”.

For sure this is true for the majority of people. For some their inner voice is not a verbal monologue but of silent thoughts that don’t pop up like a Morgan Freeman monologue. More studies need to be done on the effects this has on peoples motivation.

Until recently I only found out myself that people have an inner monologue like in films whereas I only have silent thoughts more based on feelings than dialogue.

How It Affects The Mind

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

An inner voice can effectively affect how you feel. If your inner voice is self-critical this will affect your overall self-esteem and your overall decision making. The inner voice can turn a high performing person into a shadow of their former self. When the inner voice creates a vacuum of negativity and doubt. Performance, mental health and thought patterns will change.

On the other hand, if your inner voice is supporting, encouraging and confident then performance, mental health and thought patterns will be enhanced to a positive outlook.

We know within ourselves these two inner voices and how it makes us feel and how life changes because of it. Unfortunately, no one within the education system in western culture to my knowledge is teaching this and how to control our inner voice to benefit our lives.

That’s why we need to teach ourselves and the people we teach, mentor and guide through life. The effects our inner voice has on our life.

Be Wary Of The Inner Bitch Lurking

If you don’t already know. I’m a massive fan of David Goggins. His mindset is a breath of fresh air. In one of his Instagram posts. He talks about being wary of the inner bitch lurking in all of us. His inner bitch is the 300-pound former self who always lurking ready to tempt him to eat the unhealthy option, to have a day off when it gets hard.

I think this is spot on. No matter how much we improve there is always going to be an inner voice within us that wants to revert back to our comfortable self. By understanding this and knowing what part of your life your inner voice is trying to lure you back to. This is self-awareness working in action. This is how you learn when it comes out, where it’s lurking and this help you have control over your inner voice that can benefit you. But remember the inner bitch will always be lurking.

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice

1. Exercise

A quick way to get hold of that negative inner voice is by exercising. When we exercise it releases amazing chemicals that change the way we feel and think. The lazy inner voice wants you to stay on the couch and do nothing but by just exercising straight away that inner voice will be replaced by a winning one.

2. Understand When It Comes Alive

By being self-aware it allows us to understand ourselfes we wouldn’t normally recognise. When it comes to our inner voice. There will be certain times when it comes alive more than it normally does. Is it when there’s a challenge or when trying something new. Whatever it is, knowing when it happens allows you to quieten the negative inner voice with a conscious positive inner voice that moves you forward instead of holding you back.

3. Writing

Writing is a great way to change a negative inner voice. What writing can do is put thoughts to paper and you can see whether what your thinking is true or not. Plus the writing is like muscle training for the brain. When we write we naturally become positive and our inner voice realigns into a positive inner voice.

4. Have A Performance Coach

If you find it hard to change your inner voice. Having your own performance coach can help change the way your inner voice responds. There are countless professional athletes and people running their own business who have performance coach and the reason why it allows them to their best selves all the time. Even if you’re not a sports star or CEO of a company. You can still find affordable methods to have your own performance coach with who you can touch base weekly.

5. Let It Speak Then Tell It To F**k Off

A great tip from the book The Willpower Instinct. Is that any negative thoughts you have? Don’t fight it. Just let it pass through and then tell it to move along and change the thoughts to what you want to do. This brings an improvement in self-control and the overcoming of negative thoughts. By understanding, they don’t have control over me but I do them.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 easy ways to control your inner voice.

We all have an inner voice. But some use it to their advantage and others just let it happen to them.

Make it a habit to be in charge of your inner voice and be the guide for your future self.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.