What To Expect?
Have you wanted to control your eating habits? In today’s article, How I improved during my 25-day intermittent fasting. Is about my own experience with intermittent fasting. It’s become a popular technique that people use to regulate their weight and to combat inflammation. For me, I took on this challenge to help with my acid reflux and overall discipline with food, especially in the evening or when I’m bored. I hope you enjoy my experience.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?

What I Learned
My journey started off with the hope that this technique could help with my overall health but also the mental aspects of focus you gain from intermittent fasting. I believe I gained all of these outcomes suttlely over the weeks I did this challenge. My energy levels and focus in the morning on the 16th hour of fasting was astonshing. I once thought you couldn’t go without breakfast in the morning.
Now I’m completing a full workout and working at my computer without a care for food. Of course, there comes a point when it’s time to eat but that habit of always having to eat more than I should was slowly disappearing.
The nighttime snacks were gone and I genuinely didn’t care even if my partner was munching on my favourite chocolate. I surprised myself how easily I resisted.
The main learning point I could take from this challenge was I’m actually in control of my eating habits. Whereas I have lived a life where food has controlled me.
What Challenges I Faced
I would say I faced minimal challenges whilst intermittent fasting. I stopped eating after my last meal around 5 pm to 7 pm. After my evening meal, I was full and I kept myself hydrated to combat any hunger. I slept for 6 hours and upon waking I kept myself busy with exercise, school run and work from home. Sometimes I wanted to eat my breakfast sooner but that only came on a rest day where I wasn’t doing too much. Overall if you followed that schedule I think It would be easy for any adult to do.
What I Improved On
The improvement I have made not only helped with my weight but also my mental wellbeing too. My top 5 are just below.
- Weight loss
- A reduction in food cravings
- Morning focus elevated
- No more acid reflux
- Increase in energy
All my improvements weren’t stand out improvements but I could definitely feel and see in myself that intermittent fasting definitely improved my body and mind.
How Intermittent Fasting Can Benefit Your Life
Our body and mind were built not for the on-demand food we have at our disposal like never before. It was built to go days without eating while we looked for our next food source.
To be able to stay energised and mentally focussed we became more energised to fulfil the task of hunting for our prey. This is still part of everyone and when we tap into it. We can find our most energised and focussed self.
So if you’re permitted to fast in any way based on your health. I would highly recommend going back in time to live how our bodies were intended to. By giving our bodies time to digest our food and tap into energy resources through intermittent fasting.
Over To You
I hope you enjoyed today’s article, How I improved during my 25-day intermittent fasting. It was an easy challenge to do but a worthwhile one. I intend to carry this on for the forcible future as long as it helps my minds focus, makes me happy and gives me the energy I desire.