The Foundations That Created Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton started his racing journey at the tender age of 7. Success quickly followed at the age of 10 winning the British Cadet Karting Championship.
Lewis talent was there for all to see. But this didn’t stop challenges coming his way. Racing and Formula 1, in particular, are drivers from well off backgrounds and primarily white European/ancestry. Lewis was neither of these and his dad had to work multiple jobs just to fund his life goal of being a Formula 1 racing driver. This sacrifice is clearly part of Lewis DNA. The determination and will win no matter the sacrifice is part of Lewis winning formula.
The second obstacle he had was having a black father and his experiences detailing the racist abuse he and his father received is pretty shocking. This is another element that has made Lewis who he is. Someone who has to go above and beyond to prove himself.
I believe these two obstacles of being from a working-class background and of a non-european dominant heritage made him who is today and what sets him apart from other drivers who haven’t been through the same challenges.
As you know challenges make us stronger and in Formula 1 especially the little things count a lot. Being the only black driver in Formula 1. Facing unique challenges that he should never have faced have ultimately had an effect unlocking grit and perseverance to succeed at this sport.
The Legend With An Almighty Legacy
As a teenager, I have witnessed Lewis Hamilton mastery. Coming on to the scene as a rookie to nearly winning the world championship in his first season. To become arguably the best racing driver of all time.
With 7 world champions level with the great Micheal Schumacher. He has broken record after record and is now using that mindset to create a more diverse Formula 1. For anyone wanting to enter racing or to know what it takes to be a winner. You can look no further than Sir Lewis Hamilton.
The legacy he has given me is the privilege to watch a fellow countryman dominate the sport of Formula 1 in style. Whether it was winning his first World Championship by overtaking on the final corner to dash a pre celebrated Massa or hunting down Verstappen in the Hungarian Grand Prix to overtake him on the penultimate lap. Sport is a passion for so many and memories created can last a lifetime. For me anyway, Lewis has created amazing sporting memories since I was 17 first watching him.
Below I have recalled and researched what I believe are the best traits that Lewis has in his armoury. Study these and your mindset will be unrivalled.
5 Traits That Make Lewis Hamilton A World Champion

1. Fearless
I think any racing driver going above 100mph and having to overtake as well is fearless. But Lewis takes this to another level. He takes chances that others wouldn’t dare. Sometimes it falls short but most of the time they do and this is 100% behind his success.
Applying this trait to your own life will open new doors and create possibilities you wouldn’t think was possible. Being fearless is courageous and pushes you to be your best. How many people in life who you know is capable of so much more than they are currently outputting. It comes down to how fearless they are to live the life they want. Take this approach to life and the trait of being fearless will repay you more than if you didn’t try.
2. Self-Belief
To be a world champion let alone a multiple world champion. You have to have self-belief running through your veins. You have to believe in your own ability to succeed through any obstacle. Lewis self-belief is off the charts but like any human, it’s a battle with self-doubt. He has intentionally and purposely surrounded himself with people who offer him self belief with their motivation and support.
This is the recipe for success and not only do you have to believe in yourself but you need to be surrounded by people who believe in you too.
I have an article all about self-belief that you check out in the link. But also if you’re planning on a successful life think about the people who are around you and ask. Are they bringing me up or are they bringing me down? Then the choice is yours. Ask yourself what would lewis do.
3. Critical Thinking
Thinking critically for yourself is the staple for any well-educated person who can think for themselves. Lewis expresses this inside the car and out. Helping to guide himself and the team to success.
Thinking critically in your own life will develop your creativity, independence, and enhance problem-solving skills. All necessary for a successful life. Lewis showcases these talents every time he drives but also in his outside life as well. Where he has stepped away from his father to become a role model for all children to follow.
4. Work-Life Balance
Having a work-life balance is crucial for a winning mindset. Focusing solely on one endeavour will have an expiry date sooner than later. After spending over a decade in the sport and not counting the years joining Formula 1. Lewis has designed a life that gets the best out of him. It’s very different compared to most drivers in Formula 1 and has faced criticism for this. But being different is no bad thing and finding what works for you rather than fitting into a pigeonhole that everyone expects is a great thing.
This is what we all should aspire to. We are not put on this planet to work work work. We are here to be the best version of ourselves. Doing life with purpose and wellbeing to ourselves and others.
Finding this balance between earning an income and living your life is a balance we all should aspire to. Also, find the life that you want not what others think is best for you.
5. Positive Attitude
A positive attitude will get you a long way in life. Not only will it propel you forward with relationships but also problem-solving too. These skills are sought after and if you possess these characteristics you will succeed.
For any world champion, there has to be a positive attitude and you hear this in Lewis interviews and see it in his driving. When you challenge yourself to be positive and make this into a habit you will be the outcast in society but you will reap the benefits of this in life but also within your own mind too. The wellbeing factor is off the charts a positive mind has shown in studies that this is a defining factor for long term health.
So make it a priority to possess a positive attitude.
Has this helped you today? What’s your favourite Lewis Hamilton trait? I would love to hear your thoughts. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.
A Final Word From The Future Mindset
I hope you enjoyed today’s article Athletes Mindset: 5 Traits That Make Lewis Hamilton A World Champion. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at
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