Future Wellbeing

The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You’re A High-Intensity Person

Living A High-Intensity Lifestyle

To get ahead in life it’s going to take a huge amount of effort each day. Taking time to recharge the brain will be on the bottom of your to-do list. If you’re an employee on the fast track your employer will demand every ounce of time and energy from you. If you’re a parent your child will be doing the exact same thing.

Having a purpose in life is meaningful. It can offer so much in the long term whether that’s satisfaction, financial benefits or a legacy to leave behind.

But none of this is worth it if your performance drops, you become mentally drained or you start to hate the thing you once loved.

When the mind is fatigued what you are trying to achieve will be hard. You will start wanting to sleep in, you will be annoyed all the time and your creativity will feel like there’s is a blockage.

The reason for this is a lack of mental rest.

The main causes are

  • lack of sleep
  • 12 plus hour days
  • no hobbies
  • no holidays
  • lack of familiy time
  • Finanial pressure
  • too many repsonsiblities

What Happens When You Don’t Recharge The Brain

Decline In Health

When the brain does not get the rest it needs. The negative effects are off the charts. Health starts to decline and the brain will actually start to wither away with memory and knowledge storage being affected.

You could look at the brain as a plant. Without living in the right condition it will eventually start to die quickly. This is the same for anyone who wants to live a life with a lack of sleep and a lack of prolonged downtime. They will be haunted by it as they grow old.

Poor Wellbeing

What’s also affected is the well-being of the individual. No one wants to work work work. There comes a point where you want to enjoy your life and working non stop all year round isn’t going to help your wellbeing.

Gary Vee for example work non stop but takes 100 days off a year to spend with his family and to recharge his mind.

A Drop In Performance & Productivity

Lastly, you will be affected by your performance and productivity. Have you ever tried to perform when your mind is tired? It’s really difficult to give your best. That’s from a mindset point of view but if you are an athlete you have the problem of ending your body to be in perfect condition. Without rest, you will cause injuries that will affect participation.

So health, wellbeing, productivity and performance are just 4 major factors of the brain that is not rested.

The evidence is clear and having a clear strategy of how to recharge the brain is crucial for all the factors we discussed that would be affected if you don’t rest.

Follow below the 5 ways to recharge the brain.

5 Ways to Recharge The Brain

The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You're A High-Intensity Person

The solution to fatigue is rest. This is what everyone should pride themselves on. The is a stigma that rest is for the weak or rest is for the lazy. This is scientifically far from the truth. There is a huge difference between someone choosing to be lazy and unproductive compared to someone recharging their mind to go again. When it comes to physical rest it’s deemed a good thing especially when it comes to athletes.

Choosing to rest by getting enough sleep, having alone time or having a family holiday. Is all part of your self-care plan, building mindset strength and being a better parent, employee or employer.

Below are the best 5 practices that I have incorporated into my own life that helps me recharge my brain.

  1. Getting all my thoughts on paper then meditating in the now
  2. Make sleep a prioerty
  3. Have designated alone time
  4. Make time to discover and travel
  5. Learn a new skill or take up a hobby

How To Make It Part Of Your Daily Schedule

To make recharging your brain part of your daily schedule you’re going to have to make it a habit.

Setting out a daily checklist that you can tick off throughout the day is a sure-fire way to make the habit stick. With a focus on resting and the reward of achieving it gives you that boost to do it. Also setting alarms of when to prepare for bed or reviewing your day. Marking in your calendar when you can have time alone, family holidays or adventures in nature will help to plan for your recharge days and weeks.

The main thing you should do is make it a priority in your life. When it means something to you. You can easily plan for it and create a schedule and systems that allow you to recharge your mind. Plus it’s fun and you are in charge of what resting means to you.


Has this helped you today? How are you going to take the rest you derseve?

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You’re A High-Intensity Person. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Future Mindset Future Performance

Break Out Of The Shackled Mind And Reclaim Your Freedom

Storys Of The Shackled Mind

Mohini The White Tiger

In Washington D.C there was a rare white tiger by the name of Mohini. A gifted present to President Eisenhower, Mohini was put into tiny confinement to live out her days. Once a majestic wild animal roaming vast amounts of territory in India. To now confined in a prison-like setting of no escape. The years passed by and Mohini was conditioned to walk around its small confined area. Out of nowhere, a sponsorship fund came where Mohini could be moved to a larger area where she could roam more like her old self. To everyone’s surprise, Mohini did not use the larger area. Instead, she stayed in her small corner where she lived out the rest of her days. She was shackled in her mind and conditioned to stay in her imaginary cage.

The Story Of The Flee In The Jar

Zig Ziglar once told a story about the flee in the jar. Flees are notoriously jumpy and especially love dogs. To be able to train a flea you would think it would be extremely difficult. So when they put the fleas into a glass jar they were really good at escaping by jumping out of the jar. So to keep the fleas inside they put the lid on.

At first, they jumped and jumped but of course no escape. Even for a flea hitting their head against the jar’s lid is not a great idea in the long run. So the fleas altered their jumping and jumped just underneath the lid. After a couple of hours, the lid gets taken off and the fleas jump out of the jar.

I’m only kidding here

You would think this would happen but with the amazement of everyone involved the fleas didn’t jump out of the jar they kept jumping the same height even though they could escape at any point. They would do this for the rest of their life and live with a shackled mind.

Limitations Of The Mind

Break Out Of The Shackled Mind And Reclaim Your Freedom

Both stories have the same outcome. A conditioned mind that believes in its own reality even when it’s not true. The limitation they put on themselves is all too familiar to humans. Now there is a limitation of travelling outside of our galaxy based on technological advancement and then there are self-imposed limitations on what you can achieve with your life on Earth. This is the limitation we should all be watchful of.

The question we should ask ourselves is. How have we been conditioned to think of what’s possible in life?

Some people are conditioned to never leave their village, some are conditioned to stay in the same job forever even though they hate it.

When you really think about it. It’s one of the saddest things you can think about. All that potential, all that possibility written off due to the mind being shackled by its own self-limitation.

Even as I write this I have self-imposed limitations that keep me shackled. But the trick to all this is self-awareness. Being self-aware enough to question your thinking, your life, your parents, your mentors. Questioning everything around you is the escape route to freedom followed by decisive action.

When you find that there is more within you internally and externally to explore your outlook on life inevitably changes.

Breaking The Mile Record

Roger Bannister is known forever as the man who broke the mile sub 4 minute time. A feet no one believed could be done. Then once he did it. Soon after one after another, the time kept coming down and down. He paved the way to dispel peoples shackled minds of believing it couldn’t be done.

You have to be a leader for yourself, your family, friends, colleagues and all around you to show that there is a better way. At least a way that you can achieve anything that has been done before and what’s possible for the future.

That’s the reason why humans are in the position we are today. It just takes one person to change everything. You can be that person on a small scale and even on a revolutionary scale. You just have to be self-aware enough to see that it’s possible.

What’s Keeping Your Mind Shackled?

The question we should all ask ourselves from time to time. What’s holding us back in life? Whether we like it or not we have been conditioned to think and act a certain way from birth. From the guidance of parents, teachers, peers and so on. When a child gets sent to a private school in England compared to a public school there is a distinct difference in what they believe they will become in their future and thus produces higher grades.

These children aren’t any different from any other child except they are put in an environment where it’s easier to succeed. The private school of Eton college has produced 22/55 UK Prime Ministers and 5 since 1945.

Of course, some hands are definitely delt better than others. But that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve anything less in life. It just means you have to work harder and smarter to get what you want. Since 1945 there have been 6 UK Prime Ministers who have attended Public school out of a possible 16 (1945-2021)

Now being a head of state is somewhat a poison challis but it goes to show that you should question your own life and what limitations are you putting on yourself. It’s all in the mind and when you can you can escape from the shackles of the mind you can be anything you want to be. It just might take more effort than it does someone else.

How To Reclaim Your Freedom

I grew up in a working-class environment where you are told constantly of your limitations and your place in the world. But through opportunities in education, experiencing a sports mindset, being friends with people from all different backgrounds and the almighty knowledge of the internet. The world around you changes, your thoughts change. The limitations of going on holiday only in your country changed to the world, the limitations of thinking I should only get a certain job turns to I can do anything.

To reclaim your freedom comes from your own mind. I have forged a life and a mindset very different to my parents and school friends. There are many countless stories from individuals who forged a life for themselves that is very different from the generations before them.

As long as you know it’s possible to change then you will change. But when you are creating a life you want. Do so in the name of being happy. Ask yourself what will make you happy and then create a life that you can look back on with the proudness of a great life lived?

How I Unshackled My Mind

For me travelling to every country in the world is a must where my family think that’s crazy. Running my own business and being in charge of my own destiny is something that suits my personality where others think it crazy. There will be a lot of naysayers along the way on your journey to unshackling your mind. But don’t be mad or angry at them they are just expressing their views from their own concept of reality and maybe in the future, you might meet with likened minds. Because everyone’s is on their own personal journey and that’s the beauty of it and as long as you just focus on yourself and what life you want. Then everything will work out fine.

So I will leave you with two questions for you to answer

What’s holding you back in life and keeping you shackled in the mind?

What are you going to do about it?


A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Break Out Of The Shackled Mind And Reclaim Your Freedom. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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