Building A Positive Mindset Thoughts

Why The Story You Tell Yourself Determines Your Success

Do you ever feel the story you tell yourself holds you back from achieving your life goals? Do you feel trapped by the story created for you by others?

If you say yes to both of these questions or are curious to find out more. We are here to help you shape a new story.

But first.

Welcome to mindset shift where we hope after this 5-minute read. You can take away nuggets of gold that can shift your life’s direction for the better.

The Story We Tell Ourself

We all have a story.

As a society, we are engaged with the stories of others whether they’re adventures from the past to modern-day celebrities.

When the feeling arises of I want that life for me or I want that story to be my story. Two choices arrises either yes I can do that or no that’s just not for me.

Countless times people undervalue themselves based on the stories they tell themselves. This is the major difference between someone succeeding at the life they want deep down. People have business ideas but talk themself out of them through the story they tell. A lot of people tell themselves they have to work hard all the time which has its positives but stops them from enjoying life.

The story we give to others and the story we hold for ourselves is too powerful to ignore. As this shapes our life’s fortunes.

Below are two mindset shift techniques to help you with your story. The change can be instant in the mind but the weeks that pass will be the hardest to follow through. Think about it every day and be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. You do this and I promise your story will change your life.

Two Mindset Shifts Techniques To Help You Remake Your Story

1. Evaluate your story

Your story has to come from somewhere. Either it’s forced upon you by parents, teachers and society or you have created it by the influences you have been drawn to. Sit down and ask yourself are these my stories or stories others have put on me?

Some stories will be very helpful like your parents teaching you to face your fears in life and to seek discomfort. But some stories will not be, like a career advisor telling you what you can’t do in life or society telling you the position you have to be based on race, gender or class.

Challenging these stories is how we make positive change. You just have to look back in history to see this from women’s right to vote to the end of the rule of monarchies across Europe. So find out today if your story is pushing you forward or holding you back from the story you want.

2. Examine your habits

After evaluating your story, you should next examine your habits. Here you will find a lot of the problems that stop you from growing.

Is your habit of staying up late stopping you from being energised every day or making you late for work, that stops you from progressing in your career? By examining your habits you will quickly see what’s holding you back.

Your habits are mostly subconscious on autopilot. Formed many moons ago. Challenging your habits to see if they hold up for the story you want is vitally important. A habit of eating at night isn’t going to help to change your story to the body image you desire. Blaming others for everything that goes wrong in your life isn’t going to help you be the person who finds solutions to grow in your life.

Today sit down and write down all the habits you can think of, good or bad. Then examine them one by one then shift the habits into positive change.

If a habit of picking up groceries after work leads to impulse buying. Instead, do a weekly shop on a full stomach every Sunday. These little changes can change your bank balance, mindset and how you achieve your life goals.

We At Future Mindset Expect Great Things From You

If you don’t think that anyone expects great things from you, then I’m here to tell you that I do.

I want nothing more than for our community to be filled with people who are setting their sights on goals that matter, battling to raise the bar, and enjoying the life that they are creating for themselves.

We don’t care where you’re starting from. We don’t care how far you think you are from the unreasonable goals you have for yourself.

If you’re a member of this community, then it doesn’t matter where you’re coming from because you’re not staying there. You’re becoming something better.

If you want to take your life to the next level we have life-changing mindset coaching that offers one on one support with the problems you face. Click the link below to get in touch with one of our coaches.

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