The Future Mindset

10 Reasons Why Moving Out Of Your Hometown In Your 20s Shapes Your Mindset

Moving Out Of Your Hometown In Your 20s Shapes Your Mindset

Looking back in my 20s. One of the best decisions I made was moving out of my hometown. It helped me see and understand different cultures and opened my mind to more possibilities.

I want to share with you why everyone in their 20s should get out of their comfort zone and experience a new place to live.

After much thought, I have come up with 10 reasons why moving out of your hometown should be a move for you.

But first I will explain my journey and how it shaped my mindset.

My Journey To Moving Out Of My Hometown

I grew up in a small town in England. My life consisted of school then home with the odd holiday in Wales. With my mother being petrified of flying. Travelling abroad was an experience I never had until my 20s.

Thankfully life was comfortable but looking back the bigger picture mindset was nowhere to be seen. It felt like I was trapped somewhat like the dome in the Simpsons movie.

But something inside me always wanted to get out and explore. I know I needed to act upon it.

Moving away to university was my first step and got to meet like-minded people from all around the UK and abroad. During this experience, I learned a lot about myself, how others lived and my independence grew massively.

Entering My 20s

Once university finally finished, most people returned back to their hometowns. I on the other hand had no such luck. With a growing little brother needing his own room. My childhood room was transferred over. I felt like an academy player getting released from their club.

It was scary but looking back it was the best outcome I could possibly have had.

In my 20s I travelled all over the UK visiting every city, I got to live in Reading, Newcastle and Manchester and even started my world travel journey adventure.

Of course, it had its challenges but my worldview of what’s around me has grown so much.

It has definitely shaped who I am today and when I ever go back to my hometown. I see nothing has changed, unhappy faces and an understanding of the world they just don’t get.

I know the internet has brought everyone a lot closer but it’s not the same as experiencing it in real life.

Below I hope to inspire you to take up moving out of your hometown. Even if you are over 30 there is still time to do it.

10 Reasons Why Moving Out Of Your Hometown In Your 20s Shapes Your Mindset

1.You Find Out Everyone Is The Same

Staying in your hometown can lead to prejudices forming of others. These are formed from fear and lies that are told about groups of people. On my travels, I have noticed that deep down we are all the same. We need to eat, drink, breathe and want to be loved. The differences may be a colour of skin, a difference in food or religious practices. But that’s what makes it exciting that people are different but at their core, they are just the same as you.

2.You Become Independent

Without a doubt, leaving your hometown naturally pushes you to become independent. No longer will you rely on parents to cook, clean and pay the bills. This responsibility is all yours and it feels brilliant to have the power over your own destiny. Becoming self-reliant and responsible for yourself is a skill worth learning and puts you solely in the driver’s seat.

3.You, Will, Expand Your Comfort Zone

Being uncomfortable becomes the norm when you move out of your hometown. The comfortable routines you have built up are no longer around. It can be scary at first but over time you will build confidence to keep expanding your comfort zone. This is super healthy for anyone’s development of the mind and continues the growth of your potential. Whereas staying in your hometown will stifle your growth.

4.Mastering The Art Of Problem Solving

There’s one thing I have learnt since leaving my hometown and that’s problem-solving. I have built confidence knowing there is a solution to any problem, I just have to be patient to find it. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles with getting a flat to rent or managing finances. You are forced into situations that are uncomfortable but teaches you to ask questions, seek answers and overcome problems.

5.Your Knowledge Will Be Expanded

By leaving your hometown you put yourself in a position to learn about yourself but also of the world around you. You will learn about new cultures, slight differences in people and new ways of thinking to name a few. When you stay in your bubble you only know what’s in that bubble but when you expand the bubble with other bubbles you expand your knowledge.

6.An Increase In-Network

A pretty obvious success of leaving your hometown. Will lead you to come into contact with new people. New friends, relationships and contacts can be formed for the betterment of your life. My life would be completely different if I didn’t meet my wife, friends and business partners.

7.Facing Your Fears Will Be The norm

Since leaving my hometown I have been put in many situations where I had to overcome my fears. I have learned on the other side of fear there is something great. Living a life of comfortability is not a life worth living. But expanding my worldview allowed me to find out a lot about what my fears were and find ways to overcome them. I’m now definitely a stronger and happier person because of it.

8.Thankful For Your Loved Ones

You can definitely take loved ones for granted when you are always around them. But when you leave your hometown you definitely appreciate the sacrifices your parents made for you, the love of your grandparents and the brotherhood of your childhood friends. When I do go back home it makes me cherish the moments more and make the most of the time I have with them.

9.Learn New Skills

Inevitably when you leave your hometown you are pushed into a situation where you have to learn new skills. This could be DIY, negotiation, budgeting, self-care plus a host of new possibilities that come your way from new interactions you make with people.

10.Find Out Who You Truly Are

When your life is in the shadow of someone else you will never truly find out who you are. But when I left my hometown I soon found and developed the person I wanted to be. You definitely find out more about yourself due to the challenges you have to overcome.

11.Understand A Different Way To Live

Living in your hometown. Everyone lives in a similar way. But when you move away you soon find that there is another way to live life. Living in London for a short while was a culture shock. Seeing shops open on a Sunday till late and seeing people dress so differently. It allows you to pick and choose what you like and add it to your living standards

12.Become Comfortable With Change

I used to hate change but when you move out of your hometown. Change is inevitable. Now I am more adaptable to things going wrong and find myself much calmer to change. It’s definitely a positive and keeps it exciting.

I would love to hear if you are planning to leave your home town and if you already have what’s your experience of doing so?

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