Future Mindset Future Performance

How To Train The Mind For Failure To Succeed

Prepare The Mind To Fail

In the world of personal development, there is an emphasis on positivity towards visualisation of your future and a focus on everything positive. The problem with this mindset is that it sounds amazing in the preparation stage, but when real life happens, failure is inevitable.

What kills peoples confidence and dreams is a lack of preparation for failure. I have too been focused on all the positives that will happen and ending up a week later confidence shot and wanting to quit. Your expectation vs reality is crucial for your success and expecting failure and planning for all possible problems is of importance.

Training the mind to prepare for failure is actually a positive mindset. It’s very different to expecting yourself to lose because one is your attitude you can control and the other is your environment and being a flawed human which you have little control over.

So when you are sitting down to plan your world domination. Prepare the mind to fail at some stage. This will mentally prepare you to overcome this challenge and not set you back by giving up at the first hurdle.

Prepare For The Plan To Go Wrong

Once you have prepared the mind of all the potential failures that might arise. You also have to prepare the mind that your plan and the strategy that you have created will fail at some point.

I have personally spent hours detailing plans for myself and my team’s success. Always when I set them I expect them to go to plan even though I know that something out of the blue will happen that I didn’t plan for.

That’s why with every plan you should do all the best practices to planning but always have space and flexibility for it to change. When planning now I have a part that says.

“What will I do when it all goes wrong.”

Then I write.

“I will remain calm and be excited to find new solutions to solve my problems.”

This very sentence allows me to be ok with failure and not let it trap me. Instead, it allows me to move forward and re-enter back on the correct path.

The best analogy I can think of is the yellow brick road. The plan is the route and the goal is the wizard at the end of the path. The deviations of the lion, tinman and scarecrow are the parts that are failure and problems that have occurred and when you solve these problems only then can you get back on your path to your goal.

Make Failure Your Friend

Failure for many of us is painful. It’s that painful you can even train the brain to be so comfortable it does anything it can to avoid failure. Failure is seen too much within society as a bad thing but this is not true in reality.

How many famous inventors failed before they invented something everyone needed. You must know artists paintings that have failed to then years later to be loved. How many actors failed audition after audition to become movie stars and how many business owners failed to then to become the richest men and women alive. You can probably think of one for each category.

Failure is important as it allows you to understand where you went wrong.

Train your mind to make failure your friend will be the most important decision you could ever make. When you don’t train your mind for failure, it will destroy you mentally, but it will guide you to success when you do train your mind for failure.

Failure was once my enemy and now it’s my friend.

How To Train The Mind For Failure To Succeed

Best Practices To Train The Mind For Failure

  • Expect it will happen
  • Treat it as a challnege
  • Plan for it to happen
  • Take time to understand your failure
  • When you fail understand your headed to the right destination just on the wrong path


Has this helped you today? Does failing seem a little less scary now?

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How To Train The Mind For Failure To Succeed. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Future Mindset

How To Strengthen The Mind By Being Your Very Own Artist

Creating Your Masterpiece

How To Strengthen The Mind By Being Your Very Own Artist

When you hear masterpiece what springs to mind? Is it, Beethoven or Van Gough? Whoever it is, they all have one thing in common: the mindset to want to create. Without creation, there is no masterpiece and without action, there is no creation. To create a masterpiece within the mind you first have to strengthen the mind.

A masterpiece doesn’t just lie in paintings and music. It can be anywhere in life that needs creativity. It can be in sport with the likes of Lionel Messi with the ball at his feet or it could be an architect designing Burj Khalifa.

The point of this article is to discover how you can make your mind a masterpiece. Something that you can be truly proud of and to be shown for the world to see. The most famous person I can think of who has sculpted their mind to a level to be marvelled at is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. A person who has transformed himself from a wrestling superstar to an action movie star, successful business owner and overall good person. This didn’t just magically come to be. This has taken years of sculpting that’s still in development today.

This is the mindset we should all strive for. And to sculpture our own mind in an image we can be proud to show the world and ourselves. We should look at the mind like a canvas or clay mould where we can sculpture our very desires and habits to benefit our life.

Visulise The Mind You Would Love To Have

Like anything, before you can create you must plan. And visualising the life you want is a good start. When you have a clear picture of the person you want to become. Now is the time to put that into action.

Whatever life you would love to have you must analyse what areas of the mind you need to strengthen as a priority. There is a clear difference between someones life goal to be an adventurer compared to being an artist. Plus we all have strengths and weaknesses based on our personality that only we will know.

Areas Of Your Mind/Life You Can Sculpture

The areas of your mind and life you can develop is a long list. I wrote down as many areas I could think of that I would like to develop. From being calm under pressure, taking action against my fears and creating habits that would boost my self-belief and focus.

What everyone should strive for is a life where you are happy and successful at what you do. Sculpting your mind to develop parts of it that reflect this is a good start.

From your list pick your top 5 areas you want to strengthen the mind and work on this for a year. Yes, I said year. Making something truly part of your life will take a prolonged time of continuous habit and fine-tuning. For example, practising the art of gratitude is completely different from when I first attempted it where I didn’t like or benefit from it. Where now due to fine-tuning I have something that works seamlessly in my life and do benefit from.

You Are A Few Edges Away From Your Best Self

Without knowing you have been developing your masterpiece mind since the day you was born. Some masterpieces are easy to create and some are hard. But understand that you’re just a few edges away from creating your best self. Wherever you are in life. The best thing about it, it’s yours to sculpt.

Some masterpieces are not truly appreciated until long after the creator dies and some masterpieces are not created until later in life. For you to be your best self it can start today no matter if you are 20, 40 or 60 years of age.

All it takes is a mindset change, one more strength that makes the difference or an article that inspire you into action. Just like the famous picture of the digger hunting for gold giving up at the last moment. Don’t be that person and believe you can create the mind that changes your life.

Action List

  1. Visulise the life you want to have.
  2. Focus on 5 areas of the mind that can help you attain your goal.
  3. After 1 year maintain and focus on next 5 areas of focus.
  4. Always remember you are a few edges from your best self.


Has this helped you today? What’s your first five mindset habits you going to create? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with a negative mindset. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How To Strengthen The Mind By Being Your Very Own Artist. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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