Habits Leadership & Team Mindset

Create A Winning Environment Where You Can Own Up To Your Mistakes

An Environment Of Fear

Every leader’s dream is to create a winning environment. On the other hand. Having an environment based on fear is one of the most uncomfortable places you can be. In the short term, you might get a spike in results but over the long term, you will see your business suffer. Having targets is great but being ridiculed for not hitting them is not. Making mistakes while your learning is normal but being shouted at inappropriately goes too far. In the end, the people who work within the company will start to resent what they do and the best people will soon leave.

This approach is indicative of an industrial tyrant approach of getting the best out of people. We know through studies and our own experiences that this approach does not work. It stifles all creativity and it stops everyone from working to their full potential because somewhere in their mind they’re fearful.

Fear is a powerful tool that many in leadership positions have used to benefit their agenda but the effect it has on the mind can be damaging similar to having an abusive parent or partner. They make you feel that you’re the problem and that you need them more than they need you. This environment should be avoided at all costs.

An Environment Of A Zone Of Safety

The opposite to an environment of fear is an environment of safety where you can make mistakes, you can think freely and come up with new ideas. The leaders who lead with fear will say that this way makes weak people and a loss in production but actually, it has the opposite effect.

Creating a safe environment for people to work brings out their best. Most people want to do well, want to work hard and unlocking that part of their mind will repay you back tenfold in the long run.

You can take Google for example where they allow their team to have a slotted time to work on their own projects. This has been widely talked about and has produced Gmail and Google Earth. If google was solely run on fear to hit targets there would never have been room to create.

My Take

I have used both strategies and I can honestly say that creating an environment where others are in fear of their jobs in an environment that’s toxic, mistrusting and will always bite you in the back. You can see it readily played out with countries around the world with different leadership styles.

When I created an environment of safety. People had smiles on their faces, results steadily increased and it was easier for people to own up to their mistakes and find solutions.

The question I ask you as a leader. What legacy do you want to leave behind? To be remembered as a tyrant or remembered as something great.

3 Ways To Create A Winning Environment

Create A Winning Environment Where You Can Own Up To Your Mistakes

1. It’s OK To Make A Mistake But Make Sure You Learn From It

Creating an environment where you can own up to your mistakes is an environment that will flourish. With any type of learning or making advancements with anything. Is matched with mistakes and failure. When the environment is fearful of mistakes everyone will stay comfortable to do the minimum required. The getting by approach keeps them in a job but the business will stagnate.

The same goes for parenting too. When a child is fearful of every mistake will get them into trouble. Soon the parent will find that they will never come to them with their problems and the parent will soon lose connection with the child.

When people create an environment of fear the people creating it seem to forget that they make mistakes and fail too. Having empathy for others based on your own shortcomings will go a long way to understanding how winning environments can be created.

Now it’s all good allowing for mistakes to occur but there should also be accountability within the environment. Where everyone must learn from their mistakes as well. To take pride in finding solutions and improving as an individual.

This is where you create the best version of someone. Where they are willing to push them selfs but also learn from their shortcomings too.

2. Create A Learning Enviroment

Creating an environment of constant learning will help everyone involved. When we learn we feel alive and we are moving forward. This learning environment will create a reflection of what’s gone right and wrong but also a better understanding of what needs to be done. Creating this environment comes from being open to mentors, having up to date information and having a feedback loop to learn from mistakes made.

3. Forgive People For Their Mistakes

Holding grudges in the workplace or at home can be damaging if not solved. To create a winning environment. Being able to forgive people and see it from each others point of view is crucial. A happy workplace is a productive workplace. Any workplace where politics and resentment are allowed to grow. You will see the business start to spiral downward.

Creating an environment where we forgive people for their mistakes helps everyone move forward.

How Will This Benefit Your Leadership

For anyone in a leadership position. Creating an environment where people can make mistakes will benefit you greatly. No one wants to be led by anyone who’s always on their back for every little mistake. Whereas a leader can show empathy and become more of a guide rather than the enemy. Will get the best out of the people they’re leading.

For any leader having people actually listen to you with purpose is a great sign that your leadership style is working.

This comes from creating an environment where people can flourish. Where they’ve been praised for their efforts but are supported with their mistakes and failures.

This approach matters. When you hit this sweet spot you will see that you’ve been listened to by the people you are leading. From there the person you are leading will start to perform to their highest standard.

The famous saying goes ” People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”


Has this helped you today? How would you create a winning environment? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with a negative mindset. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Create A Winning Environment Where You Can Own Up To Your Mistakes.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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Emotions Mindfulness & Self-Awareness

The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You’re A High-Intensity Person

Living A High-Intensity Lifestyle

To get ahead in life it’s going to take a huge amount of effort each day. Taking time to recharge the brain will be on the bottom of your to-do list. If you’re an employee on the fast track your employer will demand every ounce of time and energy from you. If you’re a parent your child will be doing the exact same thing.

Having a purpose in life is meaningful. It can offer so much in the long term whether that’s satisfaction, financial benefits or a legacy to leave behind.

But none of this is worth it if your performance drops, you become mentally drained or you start to hate the thing you once loved.

When the mind is fatigued what you are trying to achieve will be hard. You will start wanting to sleep in, you will be annoyed all the time and your creativity will feel like there’s is a blockage.

The reason for this is a lack of mental rest.

The main causes are

  • lack of sleep
  • 12 plus hour days
  • no hobbies
  • no holidays
  • lack of familiy time
  • Finanial pressure
  • too many repsonsiblities

What Happens When You Don’t Recharge The Brain

Decline In Health

When the brain does not get the rest it needs. The negative effects are off the charts. Health starts to decline and the brain will actually start to wither away with memory and knowledge storage being affected.

You could look at the brain as a plant. Without living in the right condition it will eventually start to die quickly. This is the same for anyone who wants to live a life with a lack of sleep and a lack of prolonged downtime. They will be haunted by it as they grow old.

Poor Wellbeing

What’s also affected is the well-being of the individual. No one wants to work work work. There comes a point where you want to enjoy your life and working non stop all year round isn’t going to help your wellbeing.

Gary Vee for example work non stop but takes 100 days off a year to spend with his family and to recharge his mind.

A Drop In Performance & Productivity

Lastly, you will be affected by your performance and productivity. Have you ever tried to perform when your mind is tired? It’s really difficult to give your best. That’s from a mindset point of view but if you are an athlete you have the problem of ending your body to be in perfect condition. Without rest, you will cause injuries that will affect participation.

So health, wellbeing, productivity and performance are just 4 major factors of the brain that is not rested.

The evidence is clear and having a clear strategy of how to recharge the brain is crucial for all the factors we discussed that would be affected if you don’t rest.

Follow below the 5 ways to recharge the brain.

5 Ways to Recharge The Brain

The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You're A High-Intensity Person

The solution to fatigue is rest. This is what everyone should pride themselves on. The is a stigma that rest is for the weak or rest is for the lazy. This is scientifically far from the truth. There is a huge difference between someone choosing to be lazy and unproductive compared to someone recharging their mind to go again. When it comes to physical rest it’s deemed a good thing especially when it comes to athletes.

Choosing to rest by getting enough sleep, having alone time or having a family holiday. Is all part of your self-care plan, building mindset strength and being a better parent, employee or employer.

Below are the best 5 practices that I have incorporated into my own life that helps me recharge my brain.

  1. Getting all my thoughts on paper then meditating in the now
  2. Make sleep a prioerty
  3. Have designated alone time
  4. Make time to discover and travel
  5. Learn a new skill or take up a hobby

How To Make It Part Of Your Daily Schedule

To make recharging your brain part of your daily schedule you’re going to have to make it a habit.

Setting out a daily checklist that you can tick off throughout the day is a sure-fire way to make the habit stick. With a focus on resting and the reward of achieving it gives you that boost to do it. Also setting alarms of when to prepare for bed or reviewing your day. Marking in your calendar when you can have time alone, family holidays or adventures in nature will help to plan for your recharge days and weeks.

The main thing you should do is make it a priority in your life. When it means something to you. You can easily plan for it and create a schedule and systems that allow you to recharge your mind. Plus it’s fun and you are in charge of what resting means to you.


Has this helped you today? How are you going to take the rest you derseve?

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article The Importance Of Brain Recharge When You’re A High-Intensity Person. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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