Emotions Resilience & Grit

The 3 Benefits Of Reconnecting With Friends And Loved Ones Has On The Mind

The 3 Benefits Of Reconnecting With Friends And Loved Ones Has On The Mind

I’m writing this article in the month of December where traditionally we head home to see and spend time with loved ones we haven’t had much chance to see over the year.

Combining that with the celebration of Christmas. It can conjure up a great feeling of nostalgia.

Connecting with people is a powerful energy. It can unlock a host of positive emotions that we all need in our life.

I would like to share the 3 benefits I have found to argue the compelling case to reconnect. This is also an article for anyone who is feeling lonely and why it’s important to connect.

Let’s head straight in.

3 Benefits Of Reconnecting With Friends And Loved Ones

You feel alive. When you have a connection with someone over a long period there are countless experiences you have had together. Whenever I meet old friends these stories come to life with laughter and joy. The stories we have are personal and connecting. These bond friends can have with each other is in fact like no other. Finding time weekly or monthly to meet up with friends and loved ones is important for everyone’s mental health.

Give you a sense of belonging. Loneliness is a horrible feeling. We are built to connect. I’m an introvert at heart and love my alone time. But belonging to a tribe is within us all for safety. When you meet with friends and loved ones you should feel safe to express the real you, discuss one another problems and be there for one another without judgement. Everyone needs a tribe of close people they can trust. Without it, loneliness will seep through and the damages it can do to a persons mind and body can be deadly.

Important for your overall health. When I have been on holiday in the Meditteranean where life expectancy is very high. I have noticed that their sense of community is high. Family and friendships are of high importance. Whenever I am in Italy or Malta I can see it clearly. For yourself reconnecting is important but also thinking of anyone you know who might be lonely themselves you could reach out to. Studies have also backed this up with social connections leading to a 50% increased chance of longevity.

So when you’re creating your self-care and exercise plans make sure to include friendship and loved ones plans too because they offer great importance for your health.

A Final Word

Whenever you reconnect do it with people that will bring you joy. Don’t give your energy out to anyone who will stomp on it. Look to reconnect with friends and loved ones who want to create amazing moments together and you can be your true self around.

I have been doing this myself reconnecting. It has brought me great joy and I hope if not already can bring you joy and happiness too.

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Emotions Future Parenting Mindfulness & Self-Awareness

How No TV And Junk Food Has Changed My Child’s Mindset

How No TV And Junk Food Has Changed My Child's Mindset

We live in a world now full of distractions and junk food all around us. The pull TV and film have on us is unprecedented in human history. There are still people alive who grew up as children who never had these dopamine heavy hitters pulling on them.

I have noticed in my children how TV and junk food has a spell over their actions where the need to have them is similar to an addict craving their next hit.

The art of being bored is becoming lost with every generation and as an adult, I can see the challenges in this let alone a child dealing with these new impulses.

Wanting the best for our children’s health. We made a parenting decision to ban all junk food and reduce TV time to just 20 minutes a day.

Here’s what I found. The results are amazing.

How No TV And Junk Food

1. We Talk More

Without distractions from TV, I have noticed we defiantly talk more as a family. It’s so easy to have Netflix streaming all their favourite programs to give a parent rest bite or so they can focus on their work. But the only person that’s benefiting is you. Building a strong relationship with your child is the bedrock of a healthy child. The bond between parent and child is one of the strongest relationships there is. Nurturing this through quality one on one time without distraction is important.

2. Creativity Is Unlocked

Our first child never watched much TV when he was little. The creativity of a child is wonderous and the amazing things he created always impressed me. Since we reduced TV time he’s creativity has gone through the roof. Now he’s building his lego and creating playful games with his imagination. Creativity plays a major role in someone’s life and developing it in childhood is a great place to start. Without TV pulling him away from creativity, it’s now unlocked a part of his mind he can utilise more easily.

3. Become Calmer

The effects of sugar on a child’s brain are apparent and the need for a child to watch their TV shows. We started to notice a demand for sugar and tv that was making them emotionally unbalanced. After the second day, we noticed a profound calmness in our children that was amazing. They still asked for sweets and extra TV time. But when we said no it was more understood and overall their energy became less erratic and much calmer.

4. Mealtime Is Relaxed

Getting any child to eat their greens is a chore. We found it difficult getting our children to eat food with TV distracting them and eating healthy food when they have had sugar throughout the day. Now without TV, the food is eaten without having to tell them to eat. The tastebuds are changing to like healthier options more. Overall mealtime has become a resounding hit. Where we eat food without distraction building stronger connections with our children.

5. More Time For Learning

Every parent wants the best for their children and we are no different. But getting our child to do extra work at home was always met with sighs. In his mind, all he wanted to do was watch TV or play his games all day. This became a too and throw battle every time it was brought up and became tiring for both of us. Since TV time has been reduced it has become a lot easier to focus on his education at home. We have seen an improvement in his Maths and English writing and now he even looks forward to doing it.

6. Time Alone With Their Thoughts

Being happy to spend alone time with yourself is so important for everyone’s mental health. It always saddened me when my child hated to spend time alone and the need to be distracted compelled him. I’m happy to say this has now changed and the skill of being able to spend time with his thoughts happily is here. Now he’s developing his ideas and wants in life. He’s also becoming more independent and wanting responsibilities. Lastly, he is happy to spend time on his working on his projects happily. Without distraction, there is more time for mindful thoughts.

The Results

I’m so happy with the decision we made as parents. With the pull of TV, junk food, games and social media on children. It’s ever-important we educate ourselves on the danger this could have on a child’s upbringing.

When listening to people who have created these platforms they don’t even let their children use them. Steve Jobs created the iPad but refused to let his child use it, knowing its addiction fully existed. The same goes for social media developers who have come forward to state the dangers these platforms have and their children will never go on it until they are 18.

Deep down we all know the impact technology and the food we eat has on ourselves and our children. It’s just waking up our minds to action. To put the rights structures in place and to not let them control your thoughts. Balance Is everything and creating that for your child is so important.

These are my findings and I hope they help you with your parenting in any way.

Want more on parenting tips? Read our articles on becoming a better parent.

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