Future Wellbeing

What’s Imposter Syndrome and 8 Ways To Overcome it

What To Expect

Within today’s article, what’s imposter syndrome and 8 ways to overcome it. We will discuss everything about imposter syndrome what it is and how to overcome it within your daily life.

My own experience with imposter syndrome has held me back in certain areas of my life. I find that most people are struck by imposter syndrome and it affects us all in different ways. Remember if you’re dealing with this you are not alone and there is a way out. Let’s overcome this together.

What Is Imposter Syndrome

What's Imposter Syndrome and 8 Ways To Overcome it

Imposter syndrome is a psychological condition where your mind makes you doubt your ability’s, accomplishments and overall self-worth. It’s not based on facts but a feeling we make our mind feel when we compare the lives of others around us.

This can lead to a host of mental health issues like depression, anxiety and a lack of self-worth. It mostly occurs when having a lack of confidence which opens the door to self-doubt and our own perceived incompetence or fraudulent appearance, which are all fabricated in our own mind. Whereas in reality you could be perceived as being successful and amazing and deserving at what you do.

There is a way to prevent and overcome imposter syndrome. Below is a detailed list of 8 ways to overcome imposter syndrome within your daily life. I hope it helps!

8 Ways To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

1. The Victory List

I first heard about a victory list when I read Jack Canfield book, The Success Principles. When people are suffering from imposter syndrome they forget about all their past success to only have a narrow view of focussing on their circumstances now.

What really helps to prevent and overcome imposter syndrome is creating your own victory list of all your accomplishment in your life and I mean everything you can think of.

The reason why it’s important to do this. Is because when you won a cross country event or achieved top marks in an exam you can always look back and say I did it before why can’t I do it again.

I do this by separating my accomplishments into decades and then subheadings of years. I look at it every day and when I’m feeling a lack of self-doubt, I whip out my Evernote and reassure myself I am worth it.

It creates belief in what I have to do.

2. Separate Feelings From Fact

Imposter syndrome is always from the negative way we feel. This is always subjective and can provide us with a reality that’s not true.

My own experience of seeing students who have done well in education their whole life. To then be resorted to imposter syndrome where they believe that they’re not going to pass their exams or they’re not smart enough. To then get top marks they were expected in their exams. I witnessed this at school and university and was always surprised they felt that way.

As powerful and useful feelings are. When it comes to preventing imposter syndrome it’s important to recognise the facts.

For instance, the student should look at past results, how much effort has gone into studying and what’s their expected grade. This should provide them with the confidence to know they can and will achieve their intended target. This will diminish stress and anxiety in the lead up to their results.

You can do this strategy with anything by looking for what’s real and what’s not. By looking for the facts you can help keep imposter syndrome in the dark.

3. Remember We Are All Human

Always reminding yourself that you’re human like everyone else, helps to keep you from doubting yourself of your ability and status.

By realising you have the same potential as everyone else to succeed and that everyone else around is going through the same mental challenges each day. Helps you feel you’re not alone in what whatever you’re going through.

Also listening to and reading stories of people you admire who doubt themselves will also help you to overcome imposter syndrome. Especially when it’s from people you perceive to be untouchable when it comes to imposter syndrome.

Most famously you have the best tennis player the women’s game has ever seen in Serena Williams and Arianna Huffington who created The Huffington Post which is valued at around a billion dollars.

This just goes to show that no matter how successful the outside world deems you to be. On the inside, you are just as fragile and human as the rest of us.

4. Find Ways To Be positive

By setting out your day with the intention to be positive can go along way to preventing imposter syndrome.

What imposter syndrome thrives off is the negativity of all kinds to create a negative world around you.

But with a purpose to try your best to see the good in everything without being naïve can show you that life can be a lot easier and fulfilling with a positive mindset than a negative one.

It will not come naturally, It has to be acted upon every day for the rest of your life.

When it becomes a habit it will run seamlessly throughout your life.

5. Develop A Healthy Response To Failure And Mistake Making

Understanding that failure and mistakes are a normal and good thing in life. Will go a long way to preventing imposter syndrome from taking over your life.

It’s a normal human reaction to be disappointed by failure and when we make a mistake it never feels great.

But we can change the way we think about failure and mistake-making as a good thing when it comes to progressing.

When you look back at childhood, what we learn from learning to walk, ride a bike and swimming. We learned this through failure and mistakes. They are part of the process for developing skills we take the granted every day.

If we have that same mentality as a child to adulthood nothing will ever stop us from trying and pursuing new skills to learn.

6. When Comparing Understand Their Journey

What creates imposter syndrome is when we compare ourselves to others to where they are now.

How many time do we look at sports stars, actor and actresses and only see their life now when they’re successful. They have the income we want, the house we want, the car we want. When we compare ourselves to this, it only brings misery.

Any kind of comparison where someone is living the life we wished for will always make us feel bad.

Instead, we should not compare our own life to there’s but we should look at their journey of how they got there.

Here you will see the hard work, the setbacks and the mindset they had to get there. This is where you can learn and relate to and feel good knowing we are the same but you just took action or dealt with setbacks better.

Understanding this can help prevent you from feeling imposter syndrome making you feel worthless.

7. Develop A New Script

What contributes to imposter syndrome is a negative and mostly false narrative we tell ourselves. The best remedy to this is when you notice any self-doubt forming create a new script to how you want it to work out.

For example, when you say you’re not good enough to succeed in life, change it to I am going to succeed in life.

Another example is if you say I’m not a good enough writer to be a journalist, blogger or to write a book, Instead say I’m going to learn to be the best writer I can be to become a journalist or author.

This change in narrative is vital for stopping imposter syndrome from taking form and it also creates the pathway to success and you will be happier for it.

8. Visualize Success

Visualising your future self is a great way to prevent imposter syndrome from forming. By picturing yourself in a positive light you can show your mind and yourself that you are worth everything you want to do and be.

Similar to creating a new narrative from your speech. Visualising is a pre-emptive measure that constructs a reality that benefits you. Rather than you unknowingly constructing negative outcomes for yourself.

Once you control what you want your life to be, only then can go into any situation knowing you are meant to do anything you desire and be the person you want to be.

Over To You

I hope you gained great insight in today’s article what’s imposter syndrome and 8 ways to overcome it.

By strengthening and taking control of your mind. It will allow you to prevent and overcome imposter syndrome.

If you have any other strategies please share in the comments below!


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing Self Help Book Reviews

Book Review: 5 Valuable Thoughts From Think Like A Monk

My aim is to read at least one book a month as a goal. The month of January was Jay Shetty’s Think Like A Monk. I hope you enjoy my 5 valuable thoughts from Think Like A Monk.

Think Like A Monk Summary

Think Like A Monk is an international best selling book by Jay Shetty. The aim of Think Like A Monk is to reflect on his past experiences as a monk and how you the reader can live like a monk in the modern world. Think Like A Monk is broken down into three parts. 1. Let go 2. Grow 3. Give. Every chapter digs deeper to learn how to master your mind by fighting off negativity, finding purpose and giving service to others to name a few. Jay Shetty amazingly applies lessons of a monk that anyone can benefit from within their lives without having to become a monk themselves.

5 Valuable Thoughts From Think Like A Monk

1. Finding Purpose

Monks call purpose, DHARMA.

One goal monks have is to find their dharma.

Everyone has natural affinities to what they enjoy and are good at. The best way to find out what your dharma is. Is to try different skills to find out which ones you like and dislike. Only then will you truly know what your dharma is.

Jay Shetty has a formula that helped him discover his dharma, PASSION + EXPERTISE +USEFULNESS + DHARMA.

An interesting thought is that our dharma is inside all of us waiting to be discovered. That’s why it’s essential not to follow someone else’s purpose or have a purpose put on you by a parent, teacher or society. You have to find it within yourself. Whether that takes a day, a month or years. Finding your dharma is unique to you. Keeping open-minded and curious, there’s no doubt you will find it.

The optimal purpose is to find something your skilful and passionate about doing. Sometimes in life, we can find ourselves in a job we are skilful at but are not passionate about doing. That’s OK, don’t quit your profession straight away. Keep searching and when you find something, you are skillfully and passionate about. Grab it with both hands as long as it can support you financially unless it’s a hobby.

So it’s down to us all to take on the responsibility of finding our own dharma.

A well-written ending to the purpose chapter was,

“Dharma isn’t just passion and skills. Dharma is a passion in the service of others. Your passion is for you and your purpose is for others. Your passion becomes a passion when you use it to serve others”.

2. Letting Go Of Fear

One of the opening lines of this chapter really hit home. “We have so much to offer the world, but fear and anxiety disconnect us from our abilities”. This is so true and unfortunately fear can get in the way of all our greatness if we let it. Whether that be changing a career to find our passion or even asking the person you like to go on a date. Fear can effect all of us in different ways.

He states the problem people have with fear is influences growing up where we are made to feel embarrassed around fear. Whereas all fear intends express , is a warning to the mind that what’s about happen doesn’t look good or danger is upon us.

Fear is a great tool to have to warn us but if it’s used to stop us in our tracks. We are using it all wrong. When used properly fear can help us know that we need to find solutions to go forward. Whether that’s running away from danger or solving a problem.

Looking further into his own fears he found that there was more to his fear than he first thought. For example, he had a fear of exams but when he looked deeper into the fear. He found there was fear of not making his parents happy. Discovering the root of fears can help us overcome the problem. As painful a search this may be. It’s crucial to take control back of fear.

As the chapter goes on he comes up with a lot of fantastic solutions for anyone to overcome their fear.

My favourite quote from this chapter is,

“Our real problem is that we fear the wrong things. What we should really fear is that we will miss the opportunities that fear offers”.

This is powerful and no one wants to look back on their life and have regrets that fear stopped them from doing all they wanted to do.

3. Controlling The Ego

The chapter starts off by discussing that there are two egos. 1. The real ego 2. The false ego. The real ego makes us aware of reality whereas the false ego is crafted to preserve our sense of being the most or the best at something.

Jay Setty uses an analogy “When you trust the false ego to protect you, it’s like wearing armour that you thought was made of steel but is actually made of paper”.

There are so many people you come in contact with who seem to know everything or they perceive themselves as being the most important person in the room. This is not a trait that people like and the fastest way to alienate people because no-one like to feel belittled. You can look at the ego as a mask that can hide our true nature. With people liaing about who they are as a prime example. Deep down we know who we are but when people put on a mask full of false ego it can do more long term damage than we realise.

To counter the false ego Jay Shetty states we should focus on humility that can protect us from our own vanity. Being humble allows you to stay level headed and people like this more than a big head know it all. These people are destined to fail at some point and the fall can be a huge drop depending on how much your false ego has propped you up.

But a humble person does not need to worry about this as he is level headed. The goal is keeping your ego in check and not letting yourself get too big for its boots.

4. Having Intention Within Your Life

Jay Shetty states there are 4 roots of all in intentions. Fear, desire, duty and love. To distinguish which one of these intentions is good for you to follow, he says you have dig deep to the root to find out why you want this. By doing so you will have an answer to follow the intention you set out.

Once you know the intention you want to achieve it can do good for your life. It’s important to take action on this to plant the seeds for future growth.

Finally, he really opened my eyes to improving when I set goals or do a to-do list. He says you should also set a to be a list that will help live up to the intention you desire. This has helped me to pursue the goal knowing what actions like being more calm or disciplined to fulfil the goal. Creating more clarity to achieve the outcome I desire.

5. Getting Rid Of Negativity

This chapter has helped a tremendous amount in my own life. Not because I am an overly negative person but the tool he taught me about forgiveness which helps you overcome all negativity. It has brought peace of mind to my past and present. It’s now incorporated into my daily journal where I forgive myself and others from the day. This has led to a boost in mental health where I feel happier and less worried about life’s problems.

We all know there’s negativity all around us and that’s not going to change. But what we can control is who we spend time with, how we speak to ourselves and how we respond to negativity.

This important technique of forgiveness I never really thought about with much effort. But now it’s an important part of my shield against negativity.

Think Like A Monk Review

Think Like A Monk was highly recommended to me.

His first published book Think Like A Monk did not fail. In fact, it has helped me develop even further on skills I was already proficient in. The chapters of Think Like A Monk of being a monk are fascinating and his honesty is refreshing. Think Like A Monk is a must for anyone wanting to develop their mind to become mentally tough to internal and external forces. I have even caught myself when dealing with stress, especially parenting. What would a monk do? This has helped a lot in calming my mind.

With all the little techniques he sprays across every chapter you are definitely going to improve as a person. It’s one of those classics like Think And Grow Rich. Where you can easily see yourself reading it more than once springing up loads of aha moments to help you on your mindful journey.

I highly recommended this book to anyone wanting to develop their mental strength.

5 valuable thoughts from Think like a monk

If you are inspired by the review of Think Like A Monk. Head over to my page what do I read for an easy way to get the book yourself.

What Do You Think?

Did you enjoy today’s article – 5 valuable thoughts from Think Like A Monk

Well, I hope this inspires you to buy Think Like A Monk. You will not be disappointed.


I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.