Future Wellbeing

How To Automate Your New Habits So You Don’t Fail

What To Expect?

In today’s article, how to automate your new habits so you don’t fail. I will discuss the benefits automation has on succeeding with new habits. Also understanding why we fail with new habits along with 4 simple steps you can apply today to automate your new habits so they last.

Why Do We Fail With Succeeding With New Habits

Starting new habits is always an exciting prospect. After the excitement of preparation, the first day of the new habit is full of energy. You never feel like your going to stop this new habit forever.

Then it could be a day later or 1 month later and the newness and excitement of the habit will wear off. This is the point where new habits revert back to old habits and all the initial hard work goes back to square one.

One reason why we fail with new habits. Is that we haven’t automated the habit so we don’t have to think about doing it.

For example, when we have control of paying our bills. There is a higher chance they won’t be paid on time. When they’re automated via a direct debit that’s set up in advance. The likelihood of the habit of succeeding increases.

So instead of allowing ourselves to makes excuses, procrastinate or get distracted. Learning to automate habits helps lock them in for the long term.

Why You Should Automate Your Habits

The reason why habits should be automated is so they get done. We all want our new habits to work for us. It only leaves regret and a feeling of failure if we don’t prosper with our new habits. Focussing on finding ways how we can make our habits easier to complete. Is a must that allows the habit to develop. When habits are difficult to start it can take a lot of mental effort each day. That becomes draining and a chore to do.

How To Automate Your New Habits With 4 Simple Steps

how to automate your new habits so you don't fail
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

1. One Time Actions

Finding ways to automate the new habit with one time actions is a great way to make a habit stick. For example, if you want to watch less time watching television. You can either cancel your subscriptions or remove the TV. You can use this example with any of your habits to help you stay the course.

2. Take The Easy Road To Starting New Habits

Making the new habit always easy to start allows the habit not to take up mental energy in performing.

Easy is automation best friend.

For example when I exercise I focus on a 5-minute warm-up, not the new exercise habit I want to do. When it’s writing I focus on just writing the introduction, not the whole article. This is a simple trick to always get you started.

3. Utilise Technology To Help New Habits Stick

If your new habits are to do with finance. Utilising technology is a great tool to help you with your spending habits. You can automate your expenses, set caps on spending and set up index funds that you don’t have to worry about. Whatever habit you have that can use technology to help you. Do it! As long as it doesn’t hold you back from other habits.

4. Have Accountability Partners

By working together with someone on a new habit allows the accountability of performing the habit to increase. You just have to make sure the person you are performing the habit with is reliable. If your new habit is taking up exercise or a new sport. This can be great when you are tired then the other person can hold you accountable to your new goal. Imagine David Goggin’s as your accountability partner your habits will be automated without a doubt.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today article, how to automate your new habits so you don’t fail.

Creating all your new habits to be automated. Will allow you to always succeed by continuing to take action with your habits.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

4 replies on “How To Automate Your New Habits So You Don’t Fail”

Great tips! I love the taking the easy road step. I heard the example of getting in the habit of just flossing one tooth. After you start instinctively flossing your one tooth, it will be easier to incorporate into your routine. It works!

I agree that automatic habits are the way to get things done. I realized years ago that the hardest part of exercising was choosing to do it. So I decided that I’m a person who excises every day. Then all I have to worry about is when to do it and what I’ll do. Worked great. For the past decade, there have only been a few days a year that I don’t exercise as opposed to the few days a week of earlier in my life. I love the idea of only concentrating on the beginning. Once you are in motion, it’s easier to continue.

This is amazing how you have implemented this habit into your life. Always having to choose will always be at conflict to how we feel in that moment. I had the same problem myself with exercise too. Untill I made it an everyday process. The results like yours definitely paid off. Thanks for reading and your support Amy!

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