What To Expect?
In today’s article, 5 effective ways to guide your child to independence I will discuss how important it is to guide children into becoming an independent adult. As well as discussing the changes in the modern world that can affect our parental guidance. This will be followed by 5 tips that can help you gain the trust of the child to trust in your guildence.
How To Guild A Child To Independence In The Modern World
learning to guide your child to independence is an important aspect of parenting. Whereas forcing the child like they’re owned property can have a damaging effect on mental health and maturity as they get older. The role of an adult as been an important role for every child. Now parents have a much harder job building their children to independence more than ever.
The modern world is very different from what it was 100 years ago. The ever-changing decades have changed so much as we have never seen before. The influences children have now are keeping them immature for much longer from their role model in the celebrity or online world and more peer orientation who take the role of a parent which can damaging effects on children into adulthood.
To help with the process of keeping the child engaged your wisdom and guidance. Here are 5 effective way to guide your child to independence.
5 Effective Ways To Guide Your Child To Independence

1. Let Them Become What They Want To Be
How does anyone feel when they’re forced to do anything. It normally comes with resistance and a strong defence. You see this a lot with a teenager who is trying to discover who they are.
What makes this stage of growth worst is when we force upon them things they clearly do not enjoy or want to do. We just have to look at cultures in Asia where children I groomed to be doctors and lawyers.
Of course these I worthy profession to go into for many reasons but they shouldn’t be at the expense of a persons mental health who clearly hates it.
As parents, we must realise there are many ways to be successful in the modern world. Also reminding ourselves that our children are not us, they’re their own person with their own interests. Some will, of course, be similar but some will be different.
The role of a parent should be to help prepare them to want to do in life by focussing on their foundations, not their end goal. This will keep them close to you instead of pushing away and causing more mental pain into adulthood.
This will allow them to become a confident independent adult who knows they can become anything they want to be.
2. Have Strong Attachment
Having been proven in studies. Having a close attachment to your child allows them to grow into independent adults. You can provide their attachment needs they will follow your guidance whereas if you do not have an attachment with your child they will quickly find it elsewhere. It’s their natural instinct. They will form peer attachment where they will resist you and follow the guidance of other immature peers and the path to mature independent adults will be a long-drawn-out process. Focussing on keeping your attachment with your child will help them in the long run.
3. Let Them Makes Mistakes
Parent has a natural instinct to protect their children from danger. It’s a fine line though when try and protect them from everything. It’s normal for children to make mistakes whether it’s falling over or making the wrong decision. Childhood is all trial and error and the more you can allow your child to live without fear and pushing them into new areas where they can learn more about themselves and the mistakes they make. Will prepare them for independence a lot quicker than you protecting them from everything the world has to teach them.
4. I Do, We Do, You Do
Sometimes it can easy to expect a child to just get the thing you know. Especially when you find them easy or have them on autopilot. We should think of children as blank canvas who need to be showed something not once but maybe multiple times.
That’s why the process of I do, we do, you do work so effectively.
You can use this strategy when earning how to deal with emotions, how to wash your clothes or open their own bank account. Children need our guidance and the more we can keep them attached to us the easier it will be to guide them into independence.
5. Have Adult Role Models
What can make a child become a strong independent person is having multiple role models in their life. Of course you as parents but having grandparents, uncle, aunties, teachers, coaches, sensei. The more positive role models a child has can make them a well-rounded person. This helps the child to see how to act and have the values and responsibilities needed to be an independent person. This guidance is important for future growth.
What Do You Think?
I hope you enjoyed today article, 5 effective ways to guide your child to independence
Parenting is a challenging role to undertake. When we guide our children instead of forcing them and keeping them close to us. We can help them reach independence a lot quicker when they’re ready.
I hope this has helped.
Would love to hear any comments on this below.