Building A Positive Mindset Thoughts

How Taking Pride In What You Do Vastly Changes Your Mindset

What Is Pride?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle described pride as the “crown of the virtues“. It’s of course a feeling we get when we have achieved something great but also when we are in support of a loved one, team or nation.

The opposite of pride is shame. A feeling no one wants to feel but can be less aggrieved on an individual basis when we make better decisions in our life

Very much like the DC Comics character Two-Face.There is a double-sided coin to pride. On one side too much pride can hinder progress, relationship and enjoyment of life. The other side of the coin can allow feelings of accomplishment. Of course, we are going to focus on the positive side of pride and how it can help transform your identity for the better.

Within the religious text, pride gets a bad reputation as being one of the deadly sins. I can agree to this if you use it in a negative way but there is also a way to use it for benefit of you and others.

I will try my best to explain why…

Why Is Pride Important

Taking pride in your life can boost your self-esteem. People who take pride in their life may be confident in their own abilities to provide value to others.

Through pride, an increase in productivity, purpose, self-respect and mood will help provide a more meaningful life.

That’s why pride has to match your values as a person. When you know your values you can create the life you want and pride in what you do will soon follow.

Create An Identity Of Pride

Life is too short to focus on things we don’t enjoy. The feeling of pride in our work or relationships will never come alive if we are doing things we hate. That’s why it’s important to follow a path of finding an identity that we can be proud of.

In an ideal world this of course sounds like an easy choice to make. But over time we can create a life that offers up opportunities to feel pride in what we do. It could be creating an identity of cleaning up after yourself, an identity of dressing to impress or an identity of being charitable.

The little things in life can make a big difference. Feeling pride in the right areas of life makes you achieve what you’re trying to accomplish to a higher standard.

The Pschgology Of Pride

The limited research that has been done on pride. This has resulted in two definitions of what pride is. Either hubristic pride and authentic pride.

They’ve tried to pit pride as either or good or bad which other studies have expressed this being too simplistic.

In my opinion like anything, there is a fine line. I have been prideful where it has led to arrogance in my own ability but life has a way of teaching you life lessons and brings you down to earth sooner or later.

Like we have mentioned earlier for pride to be used and word in your favour it has to match positive life choices and the values of a person have e of good intentions.

For example, being emphatic where you don’t look down on people and of wanting help people are great values that offset or the bad intention that pride can unlock. Because when you use pride for good the attention to detail and progress that can be unlocked can change your life and the life of others.

Being a parent can be the most prideful experience you can have. When you teach a child to take pride in their appearance their work and themselves. The parent is teaching them how to use pride for good and inturn on life events of the child will repay the parent back in part thanks to the parent’s sacrifice, hard work and love for the child.

How Taking Pride In What You Do Vastly Changes Your Mindset

How To Best Utlise Pride

Hopefully, now you have a better understanding of the benefits pride can have on your life. To be able to best utilise its benefits I would first start with writing down and developing what your values are as a person. Reviewing them and making sure they’re of good intentions. We are all conditioned by our environment so make sure to double-check judging people based on their class, race or performance isn’t one of them.

Once the foundation of values is set. With your life now focus on what little things could you become prideful in. Could it make sure your home is always clean and tidy or take pride in how you communicate with your loved ones in a positive way? These small steps will make a huge difference in your well-being of the mind and life itself. Even something you hate as the job you have can be made more bearable by finding things to take pride in.

Now the big one, start to create the life that you can be proud of. It could find a new career path, new relationships, starting a new hobby that helps people. Whatever it is do what you enjoy.

To wrap it up;

  • Create values of a good person
  • Reveiw your life and find small areas where you can add pride
  • Create a life that you enjoy

I hope this helped you to understand pride but also how to use It to your advantage.

Please don’t forget to like, share and comment It means a lot to know if this has resonated with you.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How Taking Pride In What You Do Vastly Changes Your Mindset. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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How To Silence Your Limiting Beliefs: Block Out The Noise

The Effect Limiting Beliefs Have On The Mind

Limiting beliefs comes from the mind. It could be an internal voice in your head or it could be from external sources influencing your beliefs and the view of yourself in the world.

When limiting beliefs are in control of your mind your performance, success and overall wellbeing are greatly affected. If there is no change it will literally destroy your life and rob you of a life of full potential.

The worse thing of all. Your limiting beliefs can be hidden from you. Acted out in the subconscious mind without you even noticing the effects it has on your life. That’s the scary part. This will affect your financial wealth, relationships, career progression and overall happiness.

I too had limiting beliefs around many things growing up. It’s kind of luck of the draw who your parents are, what school you go to and what country you live in. These major factors in your life can hugely determine what you will become. If you are in an environment where everyone thinks all millionaires are bad people or all people from the other village are the enemies. The chances of a child who then grows up into adulthood who still believe this is unfortunately high.

That’s why what you allow into your mind, who you hang around with and where you live is of importance for dispelling limiting thoughts.

The Three Limiting Beliefs

1. Limiting Beliefs From Your Own Mind

The most important of all limiting beliefs is how you think personally of yourself. If you believe you are not enough, won’t win at anything or be in a happy relationship. Those thoughts will create a reality you have to live with. Our very thoughts dictate what will become or close to. The power thoughts have over our lives is the difference between someone living a life of purpose or someone living a life they hate.

2. Limiting Beliefs From Others Around You

We all grow up with adults who influence our lives for good or bad. The effects of this can stay with you for a lifetime. Luckily we live in a world now where you can travel easily, gather knowledge with a click of a finger and this can hugely change your viewpoints.

I too had limiting beliefs from others growing up about many things that now I don’t believe any more thanks to new experiences and being around positive people.

You hear it all the time when adolescents are leaving school and they have a job councillor who advises them on future career paths. The career councillor who hasn’t achieved anything in their own life telling children what they can and can’t become.

Some will use it as motivation but far too many will believe this person viewpoint and consequently, will limit that person from succeeding.

Who you are around and take advice from can impact your life. Blocking out the noice of the naysayers will help you greatly in dispelling your limiting beliefs.

3. Limiting Beliefs From Society

We are inundated with constant feedback from the world around us. It’s harder than ever to distinguish what is true and what’s not. The news will have you believe that a certain race of people is bad and another is good based on their own political agender.

But limiting beliefs can affect you on a more personal level based on your race, religion and class. Overcoming these preconceived notions is crucial for your own success.

I come from a working-class background in Birmingham. If I believed what society thought my career path should be or my role in society. I would be in a completely different position from what I am today.

Societies influence can play a major role in your limiting beliefs. With our keen ability to fit in. Fitting into the wrong belief system can dramatically affect your life.

How To Silence Your Limiting Beliefs : Block Out The Noise

How To Block Out The Noice

  1. Be careful who and what you listen to
  2. Question everything about your own beliefs system
  3. You can choose where you live and who you live with
  4. Spend time with positive and open minded people
  5. Remember you are in control of your thoughts and what you believe in

Create An Identity That Delivers

James Clear explains the importance of creating an identity. If you write, create an identity that you are a writer, if you play the guitar in your spare time create an identity that you are a musician. Creating an identity he explains is of importance when changing your belief system.

What you believe is what you will become and the habit of creating a belief system that helps you deliver the life you want is of major importance.

If you believe you are not smart enough. Create an identity of being a reader, an academic.

If you believe you can’t do something. Create an identity of a confident can-do person.

There is no surprise that many children grow up to do similar things to what their parents do, or copy what they see on TV or what teachers they have in their life.

You are not born with an identity it’s created for you from an early age. The best thing about being an adult is that you can create any identity you want. It will be challenging and uncomfortable but with time and effort, you can dispel any limiting belief for a new identity that delivers self-belief in abundance.

What’s Next For You

Learning to block out the noise of your own limiting thoughts, limiting thoughts of others and limiting thoughts of society is the first step to taking control back of your thought process. We can never control everything but being more self-aware, forging an identity and a life that easily creates self-belief. You will be on track to build your mental strength.


Where do you think your limiting beliefs come from? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How To Silence Your Limiting Beliefs: Block Out The Noise I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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