What To Expect?
Have you ever wanted to write more consistently? In today’s article, how I improved during my 19 days writing challenge. Is one of my many challenges I set myself each month. I will explain how I got on with the challenge, what I learnt and anything that can help you with improving your writing skills.
What I learned

I’ve been writing on and off with my blog post for over a year. My goal is to be disciplined with my output of the blog post so I don’t feel overwhelmed. With this in my mind, I decided that I wanted to be 2 months ahead of schedule with my writing. So I set myself a challenge of writing a blog post a day over 19 days.
This is a great system to have so that you are prepared in case of any emergency. I learned through this writing challenge that I have the capacity to write every day.
I also learned that writing isn’t a difficult task when planned the previous day. By preparing the main title, subheadings, keywords and research in advance. Made the whole writing experience enjoyable but also free-flowing.
I also enjoyed the whole experience. The joy of writing every day helped transform my mood and focus throughout the rest of the day.
What Challenges I faced
The challenge of writing every day came more towards the end. Around the 13th day where it became more of an effort to get started. Like any other habit, you’re trying to implement. There will come a point where the new exciting feeling wears off. That’s when you need to be disciplined with your routine.
Once I got started the enjoyment came immediately back.
Another challenge I faced was the lack of time I had to prepare for scientific research to back up my writing. This led to speedier research which was ok but lacked a full depth in what I could find.
Overall the challenges I faced was minimal and was a breeze to accomplish. (Very surprised)
How I Improved
Amazingly I felt my ability to write a full blog post a day became an easier proposition. Being able to write over thousand words felt too easy towards the 8th day. I had to hold myself back from writing more. I also noticed when I was checking through Grammarly and on my Yoest SE0. My level of writing went from an average of 76 to 84 by the end of the 19-day challenge.
Naturally, I improved my writing without much conscious thought. Subconsciously my mind must have been improving to be able to achieve that outcome.
How Writing Can Benefit Your Life
From achieving this writing challenge I would say there are many benefits writing can give you. Below are just a few of how I felt during and after the experience.
- A focus that led me to a state of flow
- An improvement in creativity and ideas
- A feeling of happiness and positivity
- A better understanding of what you think
Over To You
I hope you enjoyed today’s article, how I improved during my 19 days writing challenge.
This was a great challenge to do. I thought it was going to be more difficult than expected. What really helped was the preparation beforehand of preparing the main title, subheadings and what keywords to use. Without this, the ability to just sit down and write would be more challenging.
For anyone who wants to make it a habit to write daily, improve their writing skills or get ahead with your writing schedule. I highly recommended the 19-day writing challenge for you.
A Final Word From The Future Mindset
When it comes to building mental strength. Challenging yourself is an important part of showing what you are capable of. Creating discomfort every day in life will always push you forward. It can be hard and challenging to do it alone. If you need help with consistently writing or creating discomfort in your own life contact me on adam@thefuturemindset