Multiracial senior women having fun together after sport workout outdoor - Main focus on african female face
I’m writing this article in the month of December where traditionally we head home to see and spend time with loved ones we haven’t had much chance to see over the year.
Combining that with the celebration of Christmas. It can conjure up a great feeling of nostalgia.
Connecting with people is a powerful energy. It can unlock a host of positive emotions that we all need in our life.
I would like to share the 3 benefits I have found to argue the compelling case to reconnect. This is also an article for anyone who is feeling lonely and why it’s important to connect.
Let’s head straight in.
3 Benefits Of Reconnecting With Friends And Loved Ones
You feel alive. When you have a connection with someone over a long period there are countless experiences you have had together. Whenever I meet old friends these stories come to life with laughter and joy. The stories we have are personal and connecting. These bond friends can have with each other is in fact like no other. Finding time weekly or monthly to meet up with friends and loved ones is important for everyone’s mental health.
Give you a sense of belonging. Loneliness is a horrible feeling. We are built to connect. I’m an introvert at heart and love my alone time. But belonging to a tribe is within us all for safety. When you meet with friends and loved ones you should feel safe to express the real you, discuss one another problems and be there for one another without judgement. Everyone needs a tribe of close people they can trust. Without it, loneliness will seep through and the damages it can do to a persons mind and body can be deadly.
Important for your overall health. When I have been on holiday in the Meditteranean where life expectancy is very high. I have noticed that their sense of community is high. Family and friendships are of high importance. Whenever I am in Italy or Malta I can see it clearly. For yourself reconnecting is important but also thinking of anyone you know who might be lonely themselves you could reach out to. Studies have also backed this up with social connections leading to a 50% increased chance of longevity.
So when you’re creating your self-care and exercise plans make sure to include friendship and loved ones plans too because they offer great importance for your health.
A Final Word
Whenever you reconnect do it with people that will bring you joy. Don’t give your energy out to anyone who will stomp on it. Look to reconnect with friends and loved ones who want to create amazing moments together and you can be your true self around.
I have been doing this myself reconnecting. It has brought me great joy and I hope if not already can bring you joy and happiness too.
Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my Mindset Monday email newsletter. Each week, I share amazing content that will develop your mindset into the best version you can be. Let’s build an amazing community Enter your email now and join us.
As a young boy going on adventures was a daily activity. The world around you is all new to see and just going off exploring with your friends can create amazing memories. The modern man however lives a different life.
I believe there is something inside every man that seeks adventure and the only reason they don’t act upon it. Is that they feel trapped in a life they feel they can’t escape from.
Having bills to pay, family, responsibilities, finances and fears can be just some of the causes that stop adventures happening in adulthood.
But inside every man, there is a young boy full of adventure waiting to be awoken. This part of you will bring happiness and challenges that will create amazing moments to experience and look back on with fondness.
This is a wake-up call to every man reading. That creating an adventure mindset in your life is needed!
I hope this inspires you to action.
Men Need A Positive Release
Whether it’s a demanding job, being a father, a husband or anything that causes stress in your life. A release of negative energy is a must. The modern man has found this release in sports, alcohol, drugs, violence and saddest of all suicide.
The negative releases of stress are all too apparent in modern society with stress amongst men especially highest in city life. It’s like carrying boulders on the mind that is just too heavy to carry anymore.
There has to be a way out and luckily there is.
Adventure is just one of them and it can be the most fulling of them all. All your senses will be tested and you will find your inner boy with open eyes and the biggest of smiles.
Every stressful feeling you have in life either needs to be expelled or balanced out.
Men can’t get away from the responsibilities they have and nor should they but understanding that men are still human. By finding ways to balance our negative emotions is important. So important in fact is that our wellbeing and life depend on it.
There Are Great Examples To Follow
Humans have been exploring since we could walk on two legs. From the plains of East Africa to every continent on Earth and now the new adventure that lies ahead of planetary travel.
For now, Earth is our playground and we have an abundance of men who seek the thrill of adventure and live their best life. We can read books and learn from famous adventures to Antarctica, and the climbing of Everest. The adventures of Marco Polo to Charles Darwin unlock the imagination of what’s possible. Now presently we have Bear Grylls and Nirmal Purja.
Learning about inspiring people and their stories can show you why adventure in your life is needed.
I was inspired to climb the 3 highest mountains in the UK. Nothing anywhere near the scale of climbing the 7 peaks. But it was an adventure nonetheless that was exhilarating. I was also inspired by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boreman’s long way round and a long way up adventures in my teens. This led to me wanting to travel around the world.
The point is that comfortability is contagious and we are living the most comfortable life in human history. As good as this sometimes feels there’s always something missing and that’s the adventurer inside of you wanting to seek challenges. I call it chasing discomfort.
Of all the examples of male adventurers out there they’re showing you, it can be done. This can be part of your life too.
Why Should Men Have Adventure In Their Life
The modern man can easily get sucked into the revolving door of the 9-5, being a parent and living just above the bread line. These stressors can play havoc on your overall health. Life isn’t just about this life is to be explored and lived.
Here are some reasons why every modern man should seek adventure.
Find out who you really are
When you go into the unknown you are faced with challenges. Challenges that will test your mindset. Everyday life can be very comfortable for most and you can easily mask over the cracks. But when you are in a foreign country alone not being able to speak the native language or facing the challenge of wanting to give up whist doing an ultramarathon. Here is where you find out who you really are as a person. Here is where you can find untapped energy to feed off. These experiences make you a better man and give you the confidence to be who you are. A winner.
A great way to unwind
Life can be full of stress. Finding ways to unwind is important for every man. If not the constant stress will lead to major complications on the mind and the health of the body. When you are out in nature or facing challenges. The chemical released lowers stress and aids you in balancing your busy life with adventure.
Bond with other men
It’s so easy for boys to bond with their male counterparts. But into adulthood loneliness within the male population is on the rise. Communities and friendships are broken apart by seeking work and creating their own families elsewhere. Male companionship is needed in every man’s life. The bonds that are forged is like no other. I challenge you to seek old friendships for adventures to go on or create new friendships by reaching out to like-minded people. Creating memories together will last a lifetime.
Seeking Challenge
A life of happiness is the holy grail we all seek. How we get there is by seeking challenges that leads us on the pathway to finding happiness. The emotion that comes from facing adversity, finding a way to overcome and improving ourselves creates happiness in abundance. Going on adventures is a great way to seek challenges.
Find your freedom
The modern man can feel trapped in the conventional pathway. But being able to explore who you are, see new wonders and be free to make your own choices. Is so important for a man’s mind. No one wants to feel stuck or trapped and unfortunately, a lot of men feel this way. By seeking adventure you can unlock yourself to finding freedom in areas of life you didn’t think was possible.
Create The Adventure Mindset
For a life worth living creating an adventure mindset is something all men need. There are many great explorers past and present and you just have recount their stories of the pride and happiness in their adventures. You need to look no further than your own life when you have been on adventures and the feeling it gave you.
The adventures you will create have to be personal too. Not everyone wants to travel the world or visit Mars. That’s why you have to create adventures that you want to do or what’s the point An adventure could be learning a new skill or changing your career.
Whatever it is find it and live it with passion.
The lasting question I will leave you with. What’s your next adventure?
Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my Mindset Monday email newsletter. Each week, I share amazing content that will develop your mindset into the best version you can be. Let’s build an amazing community Enter your email now and join us.