Future Habits Future Wellbeing

Who Wants To Be Negative Anyway?

In today’s article, we discuss who wants to be negative anyway?

Negativity is all around us and within us. It can be a battle keep it away and replace it with positive surrounding and positive thoughts.

We discuss today how to overcome negativity by understanding our environment and our self more. With some self-guided tips to apply.

I hope you enjoy and let’s create positivity.

Overcoming Negativity

Negativity comes in all shapes and sizes. From id-al gossip to being constantly inundated with the problems of the world via the news. Now I don’t know about you but negativity brings my energy down.

It has contributed to some damaging effects on certain parts of my life. For instance, I had a boss where every mistake I made, I had an overblown telling off. With every success brushed under the carpet. At a low point, all I wanted was some praise. I even confronted him and told him about my perceived success. All I got in return was you have achieved nothing. (That kind of hurt at the time)

Shortly after I left that company and as the months of mist blown away from my clouded judgement. I realised I was in a negative environment.

Too many people are in these environments. It could be work, friends, relationships, family or even media. The problem is when you’re in a negative environment. It can be hard to notice or see that there is a problem.

What I have learned is through self-awareness, this is how you get out.

Understanding My Environments

What I have learnt to do now is in any environment I’m in. Is mentally in the moment tally up the positives and the negatives of my environments. This could be a conversation you have where you can decide between the rate of praise and criticism you receive. If it swings constantly in the later. You know this isn’t an environment you want to be in for much longer.

First and foremost you have to think about your happiness and success. Thinking of what’s stopping you from excelling in these areas. When you figure this out that’s when your life can speed in the direction you want.

As we have stated that it’s hard to notice when you’re in a negative environment. It can be even harder to notice when we have dragged ourselves into it. This can especially be the case when others lure you into gossip. Especially when you start a new job it can be even more tempting to try and fit in.

Who Wants To Be Negative Anyway Science?

A study showed how agreeable we are to others. They had 15 actors who had differentiating points of few some true some false. An astonishing 75% of the people who participated were agreeable to false statements. The ability to fit in is very much part of what makes us human.

Maybe this is a survival trait left over to keep us safe within the group. We have to learn to be self-aware of this within us because if left untrained we can be lured into negative outcomes that do us no favours.

Who Wants To Be Negative Anyway History?

History is a great teacher and we don’t have to look too far back to how the German people responded to their fears being heightened to fascist viewpoints from Hitler and his Nazi party. It resulted in millions of needless deaths from the agreeableness of others even if these values was not theirs, to begin with.

That’s why it’s important to know your values of yourself and when entering conversations with people you know who to keep and who to let go of.

Who Wants To Be Negative Anyway Gossip?

Anyone luring you into gossip about others. If you don’t want to entertain this person just act like you know nothing and change the subject to something more positive. When you’re in control of your thoughts you can fight back against negativity that brings nothing but pain to your life.

You might respond “well I love gossiping.”

The negative consequences of these actions have been proven to create a lot of negative outcomes for yourself.

For instance, mistrust in you as a person from others, you enter into more selfish tendencies and it creates more fear within yourself about others.

It can even lead to an increase in anger responses. There should be no place in your life for negative gossiping of others. For the age-old saying treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. Plus no-one would ever like to be gossiped about.

How To Gain Peace Of Mind From Negativity

What I think we all love is when our mind is at peace and this is very true when we live in line with our values. A vast majority of us want to live outlives positively and not be drawn into any negativity but we need to understand this is not life.

Unfortunately, negativity is all around us. Humans are not perfect and will make mistakes accordingly but learning self-awareness of what’s around us can go a long way to fighting back against negativity.

In some cases, we might be subjected to unsolicited advice or it’s a good deal gone wrong that has left you financially in arrears. Whatever it is we can control whether we live in it or move away from it.

First, we have to recognise it, then understand it, then stop it and finally move into a new positive direction.

Peace of mind comes from us dealing with our negativity and our problems head-on. If we don’t they will not go away they will live within us or in front of us until we can take the courage to deal with it.

Self-guided tips to try

  • Become self-aware of your environment you’re in and find out is it helping you succeed or making you negative.
  • Be self-aware of your actions and write down how you can improve and get to work on it immediately

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed today’s article – who wants to be negative anyway?

Knowing and understanding what your values are can help maintain a positive direction without getting swayed to someone else’s values you don’t agree with.

So write down what your values are as a person and what are the people around values are. And see if they match up. I will leave the final decsion with you.

Have a great day and check out another similar article below.

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing

Easy Ways To Improve Your Self-Belief Over Time

By Adam Smith

What To Expect

Today’s article easy ways to improve your self-belief over time. Will discuss and understand what self belief is and how to implement it within our life today.

A Discussion About Self-Belief

Easy ways to improve your self-belief over time

Today’s article Easy ways to improve your self-belief over time. Will discuss and understand what self-belief is and how to implement it within our lives today.

Many people, myself included would love to have endless amounts of self-belief. Even when at times I can be the most confident person in the room. Other times my confidence can go hiding in a far forgotten place. From every success story, you have heard there is some sort of self-belief that has helped someone push through challenges. For them to come out the other side victorious.

It’s all great and wonderful hearing about these people but the question is. How can we acquire self-belief to a level where we can achieve our own success in life?

By uncovering this we can all overcome the obstacles in our own way. For all the talent that all of us have at something. The limitation of our own mind can hold us back from our greatest self. So I am here to discuss more why self-belief is an important part of what we achieve in life and why it’s important to practice developing it every single day.

Why Is Self-Belief Important?

The importance of self-belief can not be underestimated as the importance of it determines our success. A great way to learn and find out how much you believe in yourself can come from sports especially individual sports like MMA or Tennis where it’s you vs your opponent. Here you will find someone may be similar in age and ability but what can really set yourself apart is your mental strength to beat your opponent.

There’s a reason why some people are in the top 10 of their chosen sports and that is down to mental strength or what I like to call self-belief in ones own ability and destiny. When a mindset at this level is achieved it’s so easy to take this into your marriage, business, or passing it on to your children. Success breeds success and when you believe in yourself anything can seem possible and because you believe it. It will become possible over time.

This can be true for people who have become amputees. What a change to your life to go from able-bodied to then being unable to do the same things you took for granted your whole life. With amazing physiotherapy sessions and new technology, people can get back to being fully functional in amazing ways now. But the real struggle is not the technology its overcoming the mental barriers. When they start to believe in themselves and how their life can go forward rather than be a burden. This is when change happens and this can be the biggest hurdle. But self-belief can play a big part in overcoming this setback.

What We All Know About Self-Belief

I think we all know deep down from our own personal experiences of the major impact self-belief can have on our outcomes. For me, one of the best memories I have of my own experience is when I was pursuing a goal of reaching management level within a company when I was in my early 20s. I was at a sticking point where I was progressing at the rate they expected me too and I was told I should probably go look for something else to do. But deep down I believed I was good enough for the role and wanted it more than anything at the time.

Then fast forward 8 months and I finally achieved the goal of achieving management status. We should look back at these experiences we have where self-belief helped us overcome a challenge. This should give us great confidence when achieving any of our goals. Knowing that with the right mindset you can achieve the goals you have.

The Science Behind Self-Belief

The best thing is that if anyone is dealing with low self-belief. Don’t worry this does not have to be a forever thing. With amazing research within neuropsychology, they uncovered neuroplasticity where neural networks in the brain change through growth and reorganization. These changes range from individual neurons making new connections, to systematic adjustments like cortical remapping. In lamen terms when you decide to change your brain will change. This is why how you think about yourself and who you hang around with is super important.

A study by the University College London had 40 healthy participants who did a social evaluation task while in an MRI scanner. After uploading a profile to an online database. They received feedback, ostensibly given by 184 strangers (actually an algorithm), in the form of a thumbs-up (like) or thumbs-down (dislike). The ‘strangers’ were in different groups so that participants learned to expect positive feedback from some groups of raters, and negative feedback from other groups. After every 2-3 trials, participants reported on their self-esteem at that moment.

Participants expected to be liked by ‘strangers’ in the groups that mostly gave positive feedback, so when they received a thumbs-down from a person in that group, their self-esteem took a hit. These social prediction errors – the difference between expected and received feedback – were key to determining self-esteem.

The Round-Up

This study shows the effect our self-belief can be affected by others if we let it. It’s true when someone says discouraging words or treats you differently. It can have an effect on all of us.

That’s why for example sports stars like Anthony Joshua has a team around him that he trusts, offers him confidence and produces great mental preparation for his training and fights.

Imagine if it was the opposite and no one in his camp liked him or believed in him. With such small margins in boxing, this could have a major impact on the performance of the outcome.

Practical Steps To Practice

  • Seek people and activities that boost self-belief
  • No matter how low you feel you can change through neuroplasticity
  • Look back on your past experiences where you have shown great self-belief to help you in the present
  • It’s an ever-changing process so it has to be worked on every day to see its full benefits

Final Thoughts From The Future Mindset

From my own experience and scientific research, it has shown the power self-belief can have on our life’s. Its the reason why many people succeed in their chose fields of expertise and why another fall short. How you view yourself is so important for the future you want and who you spend time with can reflect where you end up in life.

I hope this helps you to understand that you are in control of how you feel and don’t worry if you are not always at your best. Just remember there’s always a new day where you can change the outcome.

I would love any feedback on this post Easy ways to improve your self-belief over time. I really hope it helps. See you on the next post!