Future Wellbeing Mindset Toolkit

Mindset Toolkit: Why Learning To Forgive Has To Be Part Of Your Self-Care Routine

Mindset Toolkit – Forgiveness

Why Learning To Forgive Has To Be Part Of Your Self-Care Routine
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

The foundation of having a mindset that can benefit your life is built on forgiveness. When we learn to forgive as a practice. This is when we can let go of the anchors of the past that hold us back in life.

We all have times when we have let our-self down or others we have relied on have to. When we hold onto the negative emotions of wrongdoings. It creates bitterness, an invisible weight that can get heavier and heavier to carry as time goes on.

I’ve seen and experienced this first hand. It’s not pretty to watch or feel. The unseen destruction it can do to your mental health that reflects your overall health is clear. The way it latches on like a leech sucking your mental health dry is a weight too hard to carry.

For all the pain of when we don’t practice forgiveness of others and self-forgiveness. There is hope if we learn to forgive.
I too myself have had a mindset awakening when I took on the practice of forgiveness. It changed my life.

There Are Levels Of Forgiveness

There are countless stories told about forgiveness. The most famous one I can think of is the story of Jesus dying on the cross to forgive the sins of all mankind. In modern times there are stories of parents forgiving the murderers of their child which can be seen as level 10 forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a personal experience and cannot be forced upon. It’s a path you have to walk alone and will take courage to find your way out.

In my own life, I have battled against my mistakes and failures. Holding myself to account for standards that are unwarranted. This has led to days, weeks and months of negative feelings because I couldn’t forgive myself for being human. This is known as a fixed mindset. Where pain and suffering occur from a lack of a growth mindset.

You will too have your own stories of pain in your life. Some simple to forgive and others it will take more effort to come to terms with. A good article I read on 5 different levels of forgiveness can be of some help.

When you can find it within yourself to forgive. Only then will you have a release from the torment of the mind.

How To Practice Self-Forgiveness

Practising self-forgiveness to make it a habit has to be performed on a daily or weekly basis depending on your lifestyle. Before you get to that point there has to be a beginning. This journey is somewhat similar to an Australian Aboriginal walkabout. Where you find yourself.

This has to be done alone with no distraction. This will be a time where you can write down, video or record your life experiences that need forgiving. You need to look back in the memory bank as far back as you can. Here you will find the invincible weight that has been weighing you down in life.

I personally forgive myself for being abandoned by my biological father and I forgave myself for not revising for my failed exams. When you’re going through your life’s memories some will harder to deal with than others. If you start crying you’re doing something right. Your starting to let go of your pain. This exercise could take an hour or it could take days. By the end of it, you feel light as a feather and free at last of the pasts pain.

To maintain this you have to practice self-forgiveness regularly to combat any unforeseen negative feelings that can hold you back.

This is an exercise that has changed my mental approach to life. Where now I care less about mistakes and failures. But care more about trying it again with a different approach. I face my fears more without worry about failing. It’s a refreshing approach to life that has led to my own mental health has become happier and a feeling of freedom.

How To Learn To Forgive Others

Forgiving others can be hard sometimes depending on what they have done to you. But holding long-term grudges over people does no good for your mental health. When it comes to forgiving others you have to become selfish. This is a purely selfish act for your benefit not there’s.

If you get into an argument with someone and after you have cooled down. You should look to find ways to forgive that person whether it be they don’t know any better, having a bad day or it was a breakdown in communication. Whatever it is find it because when you do you can move on.

There is a story of a mum and a son. They have two completely different points of view on life and yet again they came to an almighty argument where they never spoke to each other for years. Months after the argument. The son set his boundaries between himself and his mum but learned to forgive his mother for all her actions against him. On the other hand, his mum didn’t forgive or reach out to her son. This led to years of pain for the mom where her mental health was heavily affected by this event.

Over the course of the 4 years the person who chose to forgive led a happier life compared to the person who did not forgive.

The moral of the story is that no matter what happens to you in your life where forgiveness seems impossible. You have to be selfish in your endeavour to find it because if you do not you put your health at risk.


Has this helped you today? Are you more inclined to focus on forgiveness. I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with forgiveness. Always remember your not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Why Learning To Forgive Has To Be Part Of Your Self-Care Routine. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Self Help Book Reviews

Book Review: 3 Remarkable Lessons I Learnt From The Willpower Instinct

My aim is to read at least one book a month as a goal. The month of February was Dr Kelly McGonigal’s The Willpower Instinct. I hope you enjoy the 3 remarkable lessons I learnt from The Willpower Instinct.

The Willpower Instinct Summary

The Willpower Instinct is a book that was recommended to me by Matt Dajer of Yes Theory. Kelly McGonigal who is an award-winning psychology instructor at Stanford University.

She expertly explains what willpower is from a scientific point of view as well as having clear strategies for the reader to improve their self-control, better their habits and overall have more control over their mind to make improved choices. It’s broken down into 10 chapters with every chapter offering insight into human behaviour and why we do the things we do.

With so many distractions and temptations pulling us towards procrastination and an unhealthy lifestyle. The Willpower Instinct allows you to take back control of your life rather than being controlled by external forces.

3 Remarkable Lessons I Learnt From The Willpower Instinct

3 remarkable lessons I learnt from the Willpower instinct

1. Becoming self-aware = self-control

Becoming self-aware of what you think about, how you respond to any giving situation and what daily habits you do. Have been proven to help aid you in having an increased level of self-control.

Research shows that people who practice this mindful eating exercise (An overeater slows down and really experiences the food that triggers binge eating, they realise that the food looks and smells better than it tastes) develop greater self-control around food and have fewer episodes of binge eating. Over time they lose weight but experience less stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you want to improve your own self-control and become more self-aware, the followng 2 bullet points can help.

  • Meditation where you get great at becoming more present with your self.
  • Understanding what your doing while your doing it and comprehend why your doing it

2. Train Self-Control By Thinking Of It As A Muscle

Every day we come up against temptations. It could be sugary food that stops you from developing the body you desire or you could be tempted by sales online that take you away from saving for your first home. A little temptation doesn’t seem that bad. But if left untrained this can lead to obesity, debt or cheating on your other half.

How to help you build the self-control muscle is by using her strategy she discuses in chapter 1. She describes willpower as having 3 powers, I will, I won’t and I want.

So how you could overcome getting into debt is by saying to yourself, I will put away x amount of money, I won’t do any online shopping and I want to save up for the house I’ve always wanted.

Becoming more self-aware can help strengthen the self-control muscle especially when your willpower battery is drained due to use throughout the day.

3. Forgiveness when we fail

Whenever we feel bad, have you ever noticed some of the habits you do to make yourself feel better? Is it turning to comfort food, an ex or drinking excessively?

It makes perfect sense whenever we feel down or sad we turn to short term fixes of the promise of released dopamine to make us happy. Unfortunately, this has been proven to have a double negative effect in the long term. The feeling people felt most was guilt. If this pattern isn’t stopped then addictions and new negative habits can be formed.

To gain self-control back whenever we have a setback or a feeling of sadness. The strategy we should all use is self-forgiveness.

An experiment by two psychologists invited weight-watching young women to eat doughnuts and candy. The psychologist had a theory that if guilt makes you lose self-control maybe the opposite would strengthen it. So they made half of the young women feel better about giving in by sending them a special message to make them feel better about any bad choices they make.

The result was the special message group ate only 28 grams of candy, compared with almost 70 grams by women who were not encouraged to forgive themselves.

She states that “We may think that guilt motivates us to correct our mistakes, but it’s just one more way that feeling bad leads to giving in”.

Everybody makes mistakes and has setbacks. Being kinder to ourselves will help us learn more and feel good to move forward rather than make the problem worse.

The 3 perspectives to help the mind avoid a downward spiral are,

  • What are you feeling?
  • You are only human
  • What would a friend do?

Try practising self-forgiveness today on any mistake or setback you have.

The Willpower Instinct Review

The Willpower instinct was a complete eye-opener to the science behind how our mind deals with self-control. Every chapter has amazing stories, studies and tips on how to strengthen your own self-control. I think everyone suffers from their own willpower making their life that evermore difficult than it should be.

By reading The Willpower Instinct you will finally be able to practically get to work to strengthen your self-control muscle.

Being able to forgive myself when I’ve made a mistake has helped transform my productivity. Also not saying no to things like eating chocolate as an example but let the emotion flow through to then be self-aware enough to say I would like to eat it but not today. Has helped me to be fully aware of how my impulses work.

This is a must-read by an expert you know what she’s talking about.

3 remarkable lessons I learnt from the Willpower instinct

If you are inspired by the review of The Willpower Instinct. Head over to my page what do I read for an easy way to get the book yourself.

What Do You Think?

Did you enjoy today’s article – 3 remarkable lessons I learnt from the Willpower instinct

Well, I hope this inspires you to buy The Willpower Instinct. You will build your self-control muscle in no time.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.