Future Mindset Future Wellbeing

How To Update, Protect And Clean Your Mind For Future Success

What To Expect!

In today’s article, how to update, protect and clean your mind for future success. I will show the comparison our brain has with any supercomputer on the planet. We might not be able to run at the same speed consciously as a computer but we have many of the same traits that effectively can help strengthen our mind. I want to show you by updating, protecting and cleaning your mind. You can achieve well-being and focus in your daily life.

3 Reasons Your Mind Is A Supercomputer

how to update, protect and clean the mind for future success

The comparison between a human brain and a computer are very similar. The brain uses chemicals to transmit information; the computer uses electricity. Even though electrical signals travel at high speeds in the nervous system, they travel even faster through the wires in a computer.

A supercomputer also needs to be constantly updated to fight off stagnation. Of course, we can’t replace the brain like your latest phone but it defiantly can be updated through books, podcasts and new experiences and this will help update the mind for future success

A second reason your mind is like a supercomputer is that it needs protecting. A computer needs protecting from viruses or overheating. The brain is the same as it needs the correct amount of sleep to function, connect with nature and protecting from toxic people and technology overload.

The third reason your mind is a supercomputer is that you have to clean your drive. On your computer you can delete apps and pictures you don’t want and you can do the same in your mind by meditating, journaling and forgiving. Allowing the mind to let go of the past and refocus on the present and future. It will allow you to clean the mind for future success.

The mind is a powerful muscle and when looked after, it can repay you tenfold. When used wrongly it can cause mental health problems.

In most cases, it can be effectively treated by looking after your mind. I hope thinking about your brain in a different way will allow you to look after your mind in a better way. As you would do your phone and computer but more.

Building mindset strength matters and when you update, protect and clean the mind for future success.

Update Its Software

Update The Mind With Books

When growing up I didn’t take much notice of books. I never trained the muscle of reading to learn. My knowledge came from who was around me and before the internet really took off. I was limited to my knowledge. Opening the mind to books from my 20s onwards has updated my mind without question. I now have extensive knowledge of leadership, finances, psychology and self-care. Without reading books, my mind would never have got the update it needed.

Every successful person you hear about or know reads daily. There is a simple reason for it. It works for attaining knowledge and unlocking the brain to new ideas and ways of thinking. That can literally change your life personally and financially.

So update your mind every month my reading one book minimum to unlock new knowledge and understanding in your life.

Update The Mind With Podcasts

Podcasts have only been around for short while but they have grown extensively over the years. Where now you can learn anything and everything from experts you wouldn’t otherwise have listened to. On the self-development front podcasts like The School Of Greatness and So Money has taught me so much. It has increased my wealth and mindset to new levels.

Interestingly podcasts like Joe Rogan and Russell Brands Under The Skin have opened my mind to new ways of thinking from the varied range of guests on different topics.

Podcasts are wonderful for updating your mind for future success. When you’re in the car or cooking put on a podcast of choice where you can expand your mind to new possibilities.

Update The Mind With Experiences

Living the same day. Day in day out can have negative effects on the mind. I saw first-hand these habits taking place and shaping their mind to a negative state. It’s not pleasant to be around and definitely not pleasant to live it. That’s why you have to create discomfort in your life by challenging your fears and comfortability to new experiences. Travel more, find a job you love, find a partner that makes you happy.

Whatever your shortcoming is in your life. Face them head-on. It will be uncomfortable, the mind will doubt you and create fantasies that are that fantasies. It’s ok to let those thoughts pass through the mind like two doors. Once you let these emotions pass through. It’s time to update the mind with new experiences to unlock your inner happiness and create memories you can be proud of looking back.

By creating discomfort in your life you create a better future.

Protect Its Battery

Protect The Mind With 6-8 Hours Of Sleep

Countless studies have shown the importance sleep has on the mind. The days are gone where it’s macho to get 2 hours of sleep and still get all your work done. This is a downright stupid mentality to have. I have lived it myself and yes you get through it but definitely don’t produce your best work. The long term protection of the mind is important and getting the right amount of sleep will allow you to function at your best and fend off illness in the future.

There are many apps you can download now to make sure your sleep is prioritised. I personally use my Fitbit watch. It wakes me up at the best possible time and I can set it to wake me after 6 hours which is my perfect amount of sleep. This protects my mind every day.

Protect The Mind By Connecting With Nature

Studies have shown the positive effects nature has on the human mind. I know how I feel whenever I’m in any kind of nature. It feels like a connection. A connection I’m meant to be in. With the modern world becoming a concrete jungle. It’s important more than ever to find time to connect with nature and protect our minds from too much of the modern world.

Cities like Singapore are taking the lead by including nature within their blueprints of new buildings been made. A must for anyone to visit.

Of course, living by the sea and countryside is a great option but not always accessible for many. So finding time to go on adventures in nature, visit local parks and nature reserves. As well having a section in your home for nature can go a long way to protecting your mind from a drained mind.

What can you do today too add more nature into your life?

Protect The Mind With A Tech Detox

Technology is still fairly new to human society. Social media has only been around for just over a decade. Yet the addiction and reliance on it are real. People could never imagine not having their phones apart from them. As good as new tech is. It can have a damaging effect on mental health and a drain on the mind. Where anxiety, self-loathing and depression can be heightened.

Like anything setting boundaries can help you take control back. And protect the mind from a drain on mental health.

Check out the article 5 Proven Mental Benefits Of Detox From Social Media for ideas on how to tech detox from social media.

Clean The Minds Hard Drive

Clean The Mind For Future Success By Meditating

With our attention being dragged in every direction more than ever. There is a time where we need to wrestle back our time and focus. Meditation can do just that. The app headspace has helped me to become more centred and focussed within my mind. Cleaning all the baggage of life and being just present with you and your thoughts. After every meditation practice, I came away feeling calm.

Check out the article to get the mind focussed again

Clean The Mind For Future Success By Journal

Journaling is an amazing tool to clean the mind of self-doubt, negative thoughts and imposter syndrome. Journaling brings clarity to your mind. It allows you to rid your mind of the waste and lies the mind tries to inflict on your mindset.

Check out the article for the benefits of journaling

Clean The Mind For Future Success With Positive Self talk

How you speak to yourself is important. If your inner voice is always negative and you give power by listening to that inner voice. Then life within the mind is going to be painful and your external life will be severely affected.

Daily practice of evaluating your thoughts can help you clean out the negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations. It will be tough and you will have to make this a habit for life. But cleaning the mind of negativity on a daily basis brings the mind to peace and happiness.

Clean The Mind For Future Success Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness is powerful. It allows the mind to let go of the past. The past can hold amazing memories but it can also hold thoughts that can hold you back in the present. By practising the act of forgiveness. It’s your first step to cleaning the mind of the old so you can bring in the new.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, how to update, protect and clean your mind for future success.

If you’re struggling with dealing with mastering your own mindset or being able to clean the mind for future success. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Habits

5 Things You Must Not Do In Life That Stops Success

What To Expect?

In today’s article, 5 things you must not do in life that stops success.

I will explain the preventive measures we need to apply to move our life forward. We should look at all the things we must stop that holds us back. Looking at it as anchors that weigh us down so much that it stops us from succeeding. Only then can you find solutions to move forward.

I hope this article opens your mind to self-awareness and a change you have been searching for.

What Prevents Success?

For me, this is a simple question to answer. The answer is YOU! There’s always obstacles and different challenges we all have to face in different ways. What gets in the way the most is ourselves. Whether it’s doubt, fear or a lack of self-confidence. It’s our own mind that needs to change to be a success.

I think we all deal with this. But the people who do succeed are the one’s who don’t let it control them and find ways to prevent it from surfacing or find ways to push through it.

The human brain will always let you know when it perceives something as being dangerous but you always have the choice to listen to it or ignore it and do it anyway. In some cases this is good but when it comes to overcoming our fears we silence that voice. For example, the brain can only see you jumping out of the plane as danger whereas your human part knows that you are skydiving.

Working together with your brain to understand your life by knowing the difference between danger and progress can help you achieve a lot more success.

To make sure our mind doesn’t hold us back. There are 5 things you must not do in life that stops success that I will discuss below. Once we get out of our own way. Then we can enjoy all the successes we have envisioned.

5 Things You Must Not Do In Life That Stops Success

1. Don’t Live With Regret

One of the most painful things the older generation say is they regret the things they didn’t do or regret not being happier. No one wants to get old and have major regrets. That’s why you have to look at it every day as if this was the last day on earth.

This thinking will unlock a feeling of urgency and purpose. Because when you don’t think like this you can use good old procrastination and say to yourself I will do it tomorrow. This mentality does not understand we only have a short time on Earth.

That’s why you should make it your life purpose to take more risks, to do the things you love to do, spend it with the people you love and travel to the places you have always wanted to visit.

Get out of your own way and make this happen. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

2. Don’t Live With Fear

Fear can affect us all in different ways. It can be great when sensing real danger like spider-sense but it’s not too good at switching off when we need to overcome our fears to progress.

That’s why we can’t always listen to fear, we must rationalise for the world we live in today not the one we lived in thousands of years ago. Living with fear holds people back so much from pursuing their goals and wants in life.

That’s why we need to chase our discomforts because on the other side of fear you experience a whole range of different emotions, like happiness and proudness.

So get out of your own head and do the things you want to do and when fear pops up again let it flow through you and do it anyway.

3. Don’t Live With Too Much Comfort

We live life these days like never before in human history. The kings and queens of the past might even be jealous. But one thing successes hates is comfort because nothing of progress comes from a mindset of comfort. Why? Because you will never push your self into a position where you might fail or make mistakes.

That’s why you should seek and chase discomfort as your life depends on it. Basic comfort needs are great but you need to find ways to condition yourself to not let this become everything you are. Just watch Rocky 4.

Comfort breeds complacency you just have to look at sports stars who let their comforts change them into different people. Whereas what got them to the top was the discomfort. Don’t let comfort suck you in or else you will be trapped and lead an unfulfilled life.

4. Don’t Live With A Mindset Of What Always Was

Living in the past can seriously hold you back if you let it. Just like the anchor analogy. Being anchored to the past stops any progress in the present and future. You have to learn to go to the past for good feelings.

The world changes, people change and the ability to adapt to the changing times is crucial to keeping ahead of the game of life. If you just keep doing what you did in the past then watch your business crumble.

We see it all the time with retail giants having to sell up because they didn’t go online. Instead of having a mindset, this has always been the way you should have what could be a new way.

5. Don’t People Please

Deep down we all know what we want to do with our life. But sometimes our attachment to our family’s wants can hold us back. If we people please too much we will surely affect our mental health and become unhappy with the person we are becoming that’s not who we are. So don’t people please. Look out for you and what you want from your life.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today article, 5 things you must not do in life that stops success

These are my 5 five don’ts. What are yours?


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.