Future Parenting

Parents Mindset: The Importance Of Teaching Your Child Life Lessons At The Right Age

What To Expect? 

Have you ever told your child something to regret it later? In today’s article, the importance of teaching your child life lessons at the right age. I will discuss my own experiences on why teaching children based on their age and levels of understanding is so important for their mindset. I hope my mistakes can help you with your parenting journey for a mentally happy child. 

What Parents Can Teach Their Children

Children have many influences on their life from teachers, coaches, peers and even celebrity culture. But the biggest influence on a child’s life comes from their parents. The influence and attachment we have with our children can help shape them into mentally healthy adults with the world at their feet. Parenting isn’t just one sector. It’s teaching our children a full range of different topics all jumbled amongst the chaos that is raising a child.

A major question I asked myself on numerous occasions though was should I have said that now when giving out my wisdom.

The Importance Of Life Lessons

As parents, we have x amount of years of experience compared to our children. With knowledge upon knowledge waiting to be pulled out of our minds and into theirs. The life lessons we teach our children are invaluable and not only shape their future but also help them avoid certain pitfalls in life. But there has to be a time and place to teach children certain topics. Like a 4-year-old doesn’t need to know about the history of WW2 or a 9-year-old doesn’t need to know about tax returns. All common sense stuff but there is a fine line between certain topics we teach our children when they’re not ready or needed.

The Importance Of Teaching Your Child Life Lessons At The Right Age

That’s why it’s important to understand your child more than ever of their mental development and capacity to take in information. Age is a great indicator but every child is different and what a child from Syria would need to know will be different from what a child in England needs to know.

It’s important to keep our children, being children for as long as we can. Rushing their development can hinder their mental wellbeing.

We also shouldn’t hide them from certain topics that matter like racism or global warming as this affects their lives now. But being conscious that some topics can be left for adults to deal with where a child doesn’t have to concern themselves with.

What Happens If You Get It Wrong?

This is a question I asked about upon becoming a father. I have learned that being a parent I will get many things wrong as I am learning too. But as long as you have good intentions and your child’s best interest at heart. Everything will be ok in the end.

Create An Age Chart

To help you have an attainable goal to understand what to teach your child at what age. You should create a chart of age from 1 to 16. Underneath each collum write down what your child needs to know at a given age. This will give you a clearer understanding of what they need and when they need it.

Over To You

 I hope you enjoyed today’s article, the importance of teaching your child life lessons at the right age.

It’s a topic I haven’t heard being discussed before. I have just noticed it in myself of trying to treat my child as an adult too soon.

Children are very smart and have wonderous creative minds. Why fill their heads full of needless things they can find out later in life at no harm to their progress.

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.