Future Habits Future Wellbeing

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice

What To Expect?

In today’s article, 5 easy ways to control your inner voice. The discussion will be about the power the inner voice has over us and how we can best use it. We all have an inner voice whether it’s a loud voice or a silent voice. Both can affect us the same way. By taking control of this inner voice we will find true power in life over our decision making.

What Is An Inner Voice?

An inner voice, self-talk or an internal monologue. However, you like to call it.

Is stated online as a “person’s inner voice which provides a running verbal monologue of thoughts while they are conscious. It is usually tied to a person’s sense of self”.

For sure this is true for the majority of people. For some their inner voice is not a verbal monologue but of silent thoughts that don’t pop up like a Morgan Freeman monologue. More studies need to be done on the effects this has on peoples motivation.

Until recently I only found out myself that people have an inner monologue like in films whereas I only have silent thoughts more based on feelings than dialogue.

How It Affects The Mind

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

An inner voice can effectively affect how you feel. If your inner voice is self-critical this will affect your overall self-esteem and your overall decision making. The inner voice can turn a high performing person into a shadow of their former self. When the inner voice creates a vacuum of negativity and doubt. Performance, mental health and thought patterns will change.

On the other hand, if your inner voice is supporting, encouraging and confident then performance, mental health and thought patterns will be enhanced to a positive outlook.

We know within ourselves these two inner voices and how it makes us feel and how life changes because of it. Unfortunately, no one within the education system in western culture to my knowledge is teaching this and how to control our inner voice to benefit our lives.

That’s why we need to teach ourselves and the people we teach, mentor and guide through life. The effects our inner voice has on our life.

Be Wary Of The Inner Bitch Lurking

If you don’t already know. I’m a massive fan of David Goggins. His mindset is a breath of fresh air. In one of his Instagram posts. He talks about being wary of the inner bitch lurking in all of us. His inner bitch is the 300-pound former self who always lurking ready to tempt him to eat the unhealthy option, to have a day off when it gets hard.

I think this is spot on. No matter how much we improve there is always going to be an inner voice within us that wants to revert back to our comfortable self. By understanding this and knowing what part of your life your inner voice is trying to lure you back to. This is self-awareness working in action. This is how you learn when it comes out, where it’s lurking and this help you have control over your inner voice that can benefit you. But remember the inner bitch will always be lurking.

5 Easy Ways To Control Your Inner Voice

1. Exercise

A quick way to get hold of that negative inner voice is by exercising. When we exercise it releases amazing chemicals that change the way we feel and think. The lazy inner voice wants you to stay on the couch and do nothing but by just exercising straight away that inner voice will be replaced by a winning one.

2. Understand When It Comes Alive

By being self-aware it allows us to understand ourselfes we wouldn’t normally recognise. When it comes to our inner voice. There will be certain times when it comes alive more than it normally does. Is it when there’s a challenge or when trying something new. Whatever it is, knowing when it happens allows you to quieten the negative inner voice with a conscious positive inner voice that moves you forward instead of holding you back.

3. Writing

Writing is a great way to change a negative inner voice. What writing can do is put thoughts to paper and you can see whether what your thinking is true or not. Plus the writing is like muscle training for the brain. When we write we naturally become positive and our inner voice realigns into a positive inner voice.

4. Have A Performance Coach

If you find it hard to change your inner voice. Having your own performance coach can help change the way your inner voice responds. There are countless professional athletes and people running their own business who have performance coach and the reason why it allows them to their best selves all the time. Even if you’re not a sports star or CEO of a company. You can still find affordable methods to have your own performance coach with who you can touch base weekly.

5. Let It Speak Then Tell It To F**k Off

A great tip from the book The Willpower Instinct. Is that any negative thoughts you have? Don’t fight it. Just let it pass through and then tell it to move along and change the thoughts to what you want to do. This brings an improvement in self-control and the overcoming of negative thoughts. By understanding, they don’t have control over me but I do them.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 easy ways to control your inner voice.

We all have an inner voice. But some use it to their advantage and others just let it happen to them.

Make it a habit to be in charge of your inner voice and be the guide for your future self.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing

5 Amazing Tips On How To Live A Happier Life Today

What To Expect?

In today’s article, 5 amazing tips on how to live a happier life today I will discuss the importance of why happiness is crucial to living a great life. No one in their right mind wants to be unhappy but I do understand the different challenges we all go through that can make happiness seem far away.

So I have come up with my own 5 favourite tips that have helped me become happier when times are difficult in my life. I hope my tips help you to live a happier life today.

Why Your Happiness Is Important?

5 Amazing Tips On How To Live A Happier Life Today
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Happiness is something we all want. Some people are definitely happier than others. The question is why you should ask.

There you will find the habits they act upon every day that allows them to live that happy life. I used to believe when I was younger that happiness comes from great wealth, a supercar or being famous.

As I’ve grown older I know this is not to be the case. Of course, these things are great and can give you short term happiness but not the deep happiness we are discussing today. The very fact we see celebrities that have everything but lead unhappy lives has been a testament to that.

Internal vs External Happiness

We need to understand that happiness is not an external materialistic feeling. It’s something internal that we all crave for. The reason why it’s important? It’s because it fosters great mental health where it reduces stress, negative thoughts and negative outcomes.

We should aspire to live a life of happiness but it has to be on our terms of what we want not what society tells us we should want. There you find the happiness you deserve.

Some of the happiest people in the world can be seen living in nature away from the modern-day world which shows that going back to nature can be a major benefit in creating an environment that also makes us happy.

So I hope the tips below can help you take that step towards your internal happiness because no one can take that away from you. That’s yours to control and once you know that then all the external stuff you come in contact with can be enjoyed even more.

5 Amazing Tips On How To Live A Happier Life Today

1. Love Yourself

What leads to a happier life is loving yourself unconditionally. Because before we even think of loving someone else we need to love ourselves and be happy with the person we are today.

Growing up I was always hard on myself nitpicking every fault as being not good enough and comparing my achievements to others who were on different paths to myself.

This leads to unhappiness and took a lot out of my mental health along the way. When I realised this is not productive I changed to loving myself for who I am and what I have achieved. It was like a dark cloud that was lifted and the sunniest day you can imagine was welcomed.

Too many of us are hard on ourselves when we don’t have to be. Try loving yourself today.

2. Always Look For The Positives

I was once told an example of how the mind works. That has always stuck with me.

I was in a room where I was told to look at everything I could see. Then I was told to close my eyes. Upon opening my eyes, I had to focus on all the red objects in the room. Then close my eyes and remember as many objects as I could. I was then told the same thing again but this time it was finding everything blue. It was amazing that both times all I could see in a room full of all different colours were the colours I was told to look for.

This was a great example of how the brain works and what it focuses on is what it delivers.

This is the same for positivity and negativity. If we are always looking out for negatives in general newspapers, faults in people or our failures then we are going to lead a very unhappy life. Whereas if we do the opposite and find good news, the best in people and what we did well at and how we can improve. We are going to live a more fulfilled and happy life.

So I challenge you today to focus on positives in yourself and others and make sure you’re self-aware of what’s coming into your mind via external sources.

3. Be Grateful For Everything You Have

Wanting more out of life. Is something every human wants. We can though, get lost in always wanting the next thing in our life. Which can be a detriment to our happiness.

The constant of wanting the next big thing is a drain and it makes us feel like failures if we can’t attain it. But when you change that mindset to gratefulness the game completely changes.

Being grateful is a well-known strategy that has been spoken about in great length but it’s still an underrated tool that many people don’t apply each day. When we are grateful for what we have today it can actually help us move forward for a better tomorrow.

The major difference is our happiness and mental health is exactly where they should be. So today sit down and forget about the future and focus on the present of today of what you do have. For me I took for granted, running tap water, a home that keeps us safe and the oxygen that keeps me alive.

We have so much to be grateful for in our life we just have to make that the launchpad that propels us to progress and overall happiness.

4. Forgive Your Past

Forgiving yourself and others are crucial for happiness. When we don’t forgive we resent and this lives within us weighing us down. The longer we leave it the weight gets heavier and heavier. That’s why we need to find it within ourselves to forgive others for what they have done to us, not for them but for ourselves.

More importantly, we should forgive ourselves for any past failure mistakes we have made. It’s not worth it holding on to the past as it only destroys our present and future.

Today to unlock your happiness. Sit down and write everything you can think of about yourself and others that you haven’t forgiven and one by one start forgiving.

Release that negative emotion, cry, shout, speak to that person. whatever you need to do. Once done happiness will flow throughout you. I did this myself and it was literally like a weight off my back.

5. Surround Yourself With Happiness

What stops anyone from being happy is the environment we surround ourselves in. We have people who bring us down or we live somewhere where we don’t feel safe. This can affect your happiness greatly.

That’s why it’s your duty to have people in your life that make you happy and lift you up. Live in a home you love and live in an area you feel safe in.

Make it your duty today to write down a list of what makes you unhappy about the external forces in your life. Then right next to it a solution to change it. Now go all in to have a life where you are surrounded by happiness.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 amazing tips on how to live a happier life today.

I enjoyed writing this article and has given me great happiness passing this on to you.

If you feel someone in your life needs this. Please share anyway you can and pass on happiness.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.