Future Wellbeing

10 Ways To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

Mental well-being at home

In this article today we will discuss 10 ways to focus on your mental well-being at home. 2020 and now into 2021 have been a challenging time for us all and the world. Having to spend more time at home can have its challenges with lack of social interaction, homeschooling and the lack of freedom to just do what we want.

For our household it’s being a challenge as well with an extroverted household having to stay inside is a struggle but with a focus on mental well-being at home becoming a top priority. We have managed to cope positively, even with a few challenges along the way

These 10 ways below have helped our household greatly. Take a look and apply at least one below to boost your mental well-being at home. Good Luck!

1. Journaling To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

With your own time-limited to yourself. You can be forgiven for wanting some space to gather your sanity, especially from wanting children. Journaling has been an amazing go-to for mental well-being at home. Just putting down my thoughts helps gain your calm centre and gain control back against the stressors of the day.

How I write in my journal currently is I think of 3 things from the day with the following headings below,

  • Forgiveness
  • Achievements
  • I’m grateful for
  • To-do list for the next day

This helps me gain focus and purpose and has led to more productivity and well-being for everyone at home.

2. Board Games To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

With technology taking our attention away from spending time with each other. Old school board games have been a revelation in coming closer together as a family. Our favourites have been monopoly and scrabble. Just spending time being slightly competitive or in our case ultra has brought our family closer.

3. Quality Time With Loved Ones

10 ways to focus on your mental well-being at home
Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

Being less specific now but just spending quality time with loved ones goes a long way for your mental well-being at home. With less social interactions outside. Having time to interact on a human level helps. I mean all of your attention so no phones allowed I’m afraid.

4. Morning Alone Time To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

Mental well-being at home comes from you having time in your day to yourself. With kids especially, this is important because as much as we love them. They can be very demanding of our energy and time. My favourite time is the morning where the world is silence before the madness resumes again. Find your time and meditate, do art or whatever you want to do on your own for that specific time in your day.

5. Work On A Passion Project

Spending more time at home can also deliver you more focus on your passion project. Mental well-being comes from doing something you love. For me, it has been growing my own business. Making time for your passion will make you happy and this could lead to you following this path when life resumes back to normal. Take time today to think about what is your passion and how you could achieve success at home by pursuing it.

6. Balance Your Screen Time

There is so much now that can take us away from what we are meant to do in our day. Our mental well-being can be affected at home with too much screen time. I don’t know about you but after a while of constant watching films, tv etc. I don’t feel great about myself in some strange way compared to following my purpose. Screen time should be a bonus mode when all of our goals for the day have been completed because watching your favourite film or playing the game you love is important for mental well-being but too much of a good thing can backfire.

How we control our screen time

  • Hit all of our daily targets first
  • Have a time limit of scrolling endlessly on social media
  • Ask yourself the question is this what I want to do? After 10 minutes if it is, then do it

Just doing these 3 things has allowed us to control our procrastination better and our willpower to focus on what benefits us in the future rather than now.

7. Get Your Body Into Shape

With travelling to work, meetings abroad or any job for that matter. Having time to work on your body can be the last thing you want to do when you get home. Now especially being at home there is no excuse anymore for not working on your physical health.

Firstly it makes you feel great which helps with mood and willpower

Secondly, you can get your body to a standard where you are or maintaining your health targets.

Thirdly this is one of the best ways to combat health complications that can put us at risk now and in the future.

Focussing on our health at home or outside will combat our response to the coronavirus pandemic we face at the moment. Being over your recommended weight put you at risk and from my own lack of activity during the first lockdown opened up my own eyes of what I needed to do.

This, along with the food we eat should be the guidance from every government around the world for a great way of making us physically prepared for any virus that comes our way.

It’s as easy as just putting on YouTube and finding your level and getting started. Make this a priority in your life and your future self will thank you.

8. Read To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

What’s amazing about reading, is it can take your imagination to places you never thought possible and this is defiantly good for your mental well-being. Taking ourselves away from all the bad news they try to ram down our throats on the daily is also much needed. By taking 30 to 60 minutes out of your day to read a fantasy novel or personal help book can take your mind places where it can prosper. After reading my mind feels amazing like a mental workout. Top tip read early in the day where you can be focused.

9. Meditation To Focus On Your Mental Well-Being At Home

Taking up meditation is a must for mental well-being. Backed up by science University of Waterloo has shown how meditating for at least 15 minutes can have positive effects on decreasing stress and anxiety and unlocking calm and focus. There are amazing apps like Calm and Headspace where you find your inner peace. With so many things that are out of our control. Being one with our self is something we can control

10. Create A Schedule And A To-do list

Out in the world, we have plenty of things we have to get done to achieve goals at work or for our own business. Usually, when we get home our mental well-being is just relaxing with whatever we like to do. Well, when you have to work from home. The normality of relaxing is going to hold you back and bring down your mental well-being in the long run. As lack of action has been proven to increase anxiety and depression if done too much.

So having a daily home schedule is important to give you a sense of purpose for your day and creating a to-do list for work, home or passion projects allow you to have the mental focus to achieve something you’re proud of every day.

I’ve never been proud to watch a film but I have been proud to produce an article that has helped someone.

Every night set out your day with intention and watch your mental well-being benefit greatly from this.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed today’s article – 10 ways to focus on your mental well-being at home.

I believe sooner rather than later that normality will come back again but in the meantime focussing on our mental well-being at home has to become our top priority for ourselves and for the people who live with us at home.

When a national lockdown is distance past just for historians to look back on. Having these techniques to do when you’re at home. Can give you the purpose we all crave to keep us mentally strong.

Stay safe!

Which one are you going to apply today?

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Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing

How an alter ego can bring out the best in you

In this article, we will learn How an alter ego can bring out the best in you.

It’s all about the alter ego

Throughout different parts of my life, I have become different personalities when needed. From my super competitiveness when it comes to sports or when I’m teaching I become a much more confident person. We all have different personalities we can call upon, more so subconsciously than intentional.

But what if we can become more intentional with how to unlock the best sides of our personalities and also from others too.

What is an alter ego?

An alter ego is an alternative personality that you can summon to boost confidence or unlock a trait that helps you with a task. Most famously in DC comics. Clark Kent alter ego is Superman and Bruce Wayne is Batman. Both have differing alter ego but allows them to unlock a different side of their personality to take action.

Examples of alter ego working in action

In real life, we see the alter ego bring out the best in Popstars like Beyoncé who when on stage performing she is called Sasha Fierce. The reason why she created this alter ego was Just before she would enter on stage nerves would kick in. With the creation of her alter ego it allowed her to become bold and super confident with her performance. In wrestling this ever more present. Most famously Dwayne Johnson created The Rock as his alter ego to great effect and the rest is history. (“Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?!”)

This is how my alter ego helped me

For good or bad I’m no superstar on the world stage but in my own life intentional and unintentional. I have created alter egos that have brought out the best in me.

Normally I’m introverted person but when I enter into sports mode I become a completely different animal. I have no official name for my alter ego as a celebrity would call it. But it brings out my super competitiveness, vocalism and focus.

Same can be said when I’m public speaking in front of people. My day to day personality doesn’t want anything to do with speaking in front of large audiences. But when I have to go on stage, immediately my alter ego takes over and performs. Sometimes it feels like I’m watching it work its magic.

What the science says

An article by Jeff Haden digs deep into the science of how an alter ego can bring out the best in you. He finds many great examples you should also check out. 

This is what he found from the science journals he discovered.

A 2018 study published in Emotion They split participants up into two groups. One group was told to think about an important upcoming test as if they were “immersed” in the situation, or to think of themselves as participants. The other group was told to picture observing the test from a distance or to think of themselves as spectators

The “distanced” group reported feeling much less nervous and anxious about the test – and also felt they would be much more likely to do well on the test.”

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, participants gave a public speech. Some were instructed to work through their emotions by using the third person. (Instead of thinking, “I feel nervous… ” I would say to myself, “Jeff feels nervous… “)

The goal was to help participants see the situation from an outsider, rather than “immersed,” perspective.

The result? Participants reported feeling less stressed and anxious. Their heart rates and blood pressure levels confirmed that impression. Plus, since confidence typically improves performance, independent observers rated their performances as better than those of participants who did not adopt an outside perspective.

Like the actor pretending to be an actor appearing on a talk show, self-distancing can help you overcome emotions and see things more objectively.

How an alter ego can bring out the best in you 

Without knowing we all have a side to our personality that when unlocked can bring out the best in us. When we are all in this positive state of alter ego we can achieve anything. This can be seen as the difference between people succeeding in their craft. While others do not.

Search for yours by looking back at your own experience where an alter ego brought out the best in you. Give it a name and tap into when you need it. It doesn’t have to be limited to yourself either. You can call upon someone you look up to during a specific task to help guide you through.

For instance, when it comes to anything work ethic or exercise, I call upon David Goggins and have his voice guiding me through the pain or more like shouting at me to get going.

When I’m coaching to help me be less direct and softer. I have Jurgen Klopp speaking to me again guiding me to make better decisions.

We all have this ourselves without knowing. We have our parents, teachers or mentors who have made massive impacts on us growing up. Subconsciously guiding us with our choices.

But imagine you can tap into your alter ego when you need to work harder, be kinder, be more confident or determined. These positive traits are within us all and by allowing your alter ego to bring out the best in you. That’s when you can shine your brightest light.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have the power now to unlock your best self from today’s article – How an alter ego can bring out the best in you.

When you do find it give it a name and become the superhero of your life. Creating the mindset you deserve to achieve your goals.

Peace out and see on the next article.

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.