The Future Mindset

The Bubble Door Rule: How To Increase self-Awareness Of Your Thoughts

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Where Did The Bubble Door Rule Come From?

How To Increase self-awareness of your thoughts
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From the brain of a 7-year-old boy. The term bubble door was formed. It all started when I wanted my son to practice stillness and self-awareness of his thoughts. As you know with most children getting them to sit down and focus without getting distracted can be a major challenge.

So I re-activated my Headspace account and we started our first meditation session of 5 minutes. For me personally, it helps calm me and feel present again. I never gave it too much thought but enjoyed the benefits of meditation.

Once the 5 minutes was up. You could see clearly a change in my son’s aurora and he felt it too. When I asked him to describe his experience. He explained it in a wonderful way which formed the bubble door rule.

What He Learned

He explained in his mind he had loads of differing thoughts and it was like having two doors. One door the thoughts come in from and another door they come out from. He enjoyed just letting his thoughts in the meditation practice. To pass through the door without having to explain them or feel them.

I thought this was extraordinary how he explained it and was literally what books such as The Willpower Instinct would explain about how to build willpower.

From his first meditation session. It taught him that thoughts of wanting extra treats or self-deprecating thoughts don’t have to be brought to life. They can just pass through the door.

Now we have the doors. Now for the bubbles.

In the second meditation session, he evolved his understanding of his thoughts and understood some negative thoughts can find it harder to fit or go through the door quickly. This can be when you feel anger or sadness. He then went on to explain when he sees these kinds of thoughts they are in bubbles. Then the thoughts he doesn’t like he just pops them.

I was amazed at the creativity and detail of his understanding. Understanding your mind in such a way gives you great benefits of controlling your mind’s thoughts. We all know this can be difficult and it’s more a lucky dip than an actual strategy.

So after two sessions of meditation the bubble door rule was formed.

How To Increase Self-Awareness Of Thoughts 

Self-awareness has long been seen by practitioners and researchers as both a primary means of alleviating psychological distress and the path of self-development for psychologically healthy individuals.

When it comes to the Bubble Door rule. Essentially what this rule teaches a child about the mind. Is that their thoughts are in their control if they want it to be. A lot of the time our brain is wondrously working on autopilot. Unless the habits are formed in a positive way your thoughts can get you into trouble.

So by teaching children and adults that self-awareness is crucial to their success and happiness. It can go a long way making great changes with mental health.

The best way to increase your own self-awareness of your thoughts is through meditation. As it allows you to become present. The very centre of your life where you can decide what thoughts will pass on or be brought to life.

Measure Your Self-Awareness Progress

When it comes to measuring your progress with self-awareness. It can be tricky to have a black and white answer of how well your progressing. But you can measure it on your own through insight, reflection, rumination and mindfulness.

Keeping a journal where you can write daily about your progress. It will show if your well-being is increasing and how you speak to yourself has changed. You will see progress with your mindfulness and how you think on a day to day.

By meditating more you will see the level of control change when it comes to your thoughts. If you used to blurt out everything that came to your mind. This will start to reduce. If you always think the worse. This will start depleting too. By being mindful you can see your progress at hand if your practice strategies such as the Bubble Door Rule.

Two Steps to Motivation

1. Meditation with Headspace

Sometimes meditation can be difficult and you won’t always see the benefits straight away. But long term meditation can offer great benefits to your life. By using apps such as headspace. It takes away or the thinking of what to do and you can just sit comfortably to listen to the suggestions.

2. Use The Bubble Door Rule

By using this theory you will take back control of your thoughts. Being self-aware is an amazing skill to have. it not only boost wellbeing and mental health. But studies have shown it boost performance, day to day functioning and interpersonal difficulties 

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, The bubble door rule: How To Increase self-awareness of thoughts. Any thoughts about what you read are welcomed in the comments section below. If you could share this article on your social media platforms it would help tremendously to get the message out to improve self-awareness. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

If you’re struggling with dealing with mastering your own mindset. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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