Future Mindset Future Performance Future Wellbeing

Why Talking And Prioritising Your Mental Health Is So Important

Simone Biles is the goat (Greatest Of all Time) of gymnastics, Adam Peaty is the goat of breaststroke and Naomi Osaka is one of the best current tennis players on the planet. What do they all have in common? They’re starting to talk about and prioritise their mental health.

There has been a stigma on prioritising your mental health for a long time. Where you would rarely hear anyone talk about it. The old traditional sayings of “stop being weak” and “just push through it” are starting to become a thing of the past.

The need for more education on mental health is of importance. The reason why people have a negative viewpoint on mental health issues is because of a lack of understanding. Peoples viewpoints tend not to be from Science backed research on mental health but from passed down traditions that are nonsense.

When humans don’t understand we have a track record of going to the negative and fearful side first. Remember when we used to burn so-called witches for using science.

A study from the BMC Health Services Research proved the stigma against people with mental illness is a major barrier to help-seeking in young people for mental health problems. Their findings suggest the hypothesis that help-seeking by mentally ill young people may be improved by interventions that address both their lack of factual information about mental illness, and those which reduce their strong negative emotional reactions towards people with mental illness.

This clearly highlights the improvement we need within our educational system and overall world view of better understanding and factual teaching on mental health.

Lets Start Talking About Mental Health

Why Talking And Prioritising Your Mental Health Is So Important

Year on year science is leading the way with breakthroughs on the brain. There are amazing doctors and coaches inspiring the next generation to understand and talk about mental health. I try my best with The Future Mindset to broadcast this message.

To be able to talk about our mental health without ridicule we have to create systems within our society where we can talk openly about how we feel. To fast track this we need influencers from all backgrounds to openly speak about their experiences with mental health and the solutions that their fans can implement. If influencers can represent brands that people buy why can’t they spread positives of mental health.

The second option is we need local communities to offer places where people can go to receive help and guidance and lastly on a large scale we need governments to take the lead on this. I don’t have all the answers but targeting schools and creating free online support where people can get help would be a great start.

Talking about mental health is courageous and shouldn’t be mistaken for weakness. We are brought up on King Arthur, Superman and strong stoic types. Having these characteristics is definitely a good thing but it’s not based on reality. All men and women feel emotion and pain. Speaking openly when we are not ok and when we need time to rest is exactly what your mind needs and it is the remedy to creating a healthy and strong mind.

My Own Struggle

I too as a man struggle to talk about my own feelings. But I’m better than I was and I will continue to get better. No matter what age you are get talking about mental health and create a safe space for your children, family and friends where they can talk about it too.

I think most people want to talk and find solutions to improve their mental health. We just need to create a safe space for people to talk about it.

The Benefit Of Prioritising Your Mental Health

Countless studies have shown prioritising your mental health has huge benefits to your personal wellbeing. Through my own journey, I am a testament to that. Some of the main benefits you will get are;

  • Reduction in anxiety.
  • Improved moods.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • A greater sense of calm or inner peace.
  • Increased self-esteem.
  • Reduced risk of depression.
  • Improvements in relationships.

When you don’t prioritise your mental health your life will quickly get out of control. Your mind needs help but instead of doing the techniques that work. People can be led to drug use, suicide and life destruction mode.

Not knowing how to deal with their problems or being able to even speak about them. Creates a swelling that will only get bigger and more painful if it’s not looked after. The mind will suffer, your overall health will be weakened and everything around you will start falling apart. You see it all the time with celebrities and sports athletes.

The good news is that sports teams are promoting mental health more than ever and helping their players to receive the best help possible. What’s accessible for them may not be accessible for you but there are now proven techniques from studies and books that can help anyone prioritise their mental health and gain amazing results.

Prioritise your mental health and you are guaranteed to see the results that will change your life.

What Steps To Take Next To Improve Mental Health

  • Journal your thoughts daily.
  • Find a safe space where you can talk about your mental health.
  • Create a safe space for others where you be a good listener.
  • Have time to recharge your mind. (Alone time, in nature etc)
  • Exercise. (Free happiness drug)
  • Build your self care routine


Has this helped you today? I would love to hear your thoughts. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Why Talking And Prioritising Your Mental Health Is So Important. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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