Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone challenges your mind to create new neural pathways that unlock the most amazing experiences you can have.
I have countless memories of fondness that have come from being out of my comfort zone.
- Is it challenging? Yes
- Is it uncomfortable? Yes
- Is it worth it? 100%
Challenging myself regularly to experience new experiences that face my fears has changed my life and being an extra for TV production is just that.
Since a young boy, I have had a love for film and TV and I could talk about it all day long. I have always wanted to have some part in a film or TV production but I never pursued it.
So as part of my creating discomfort journey, I signed up for extra work in the UK.
Months passed by then I got an email to be a part of big TV production for Amazon Studios. Without hesitation I accepted.
I would like to share with you why being an extra can challenge your mindset to improve as a person.
What I Learned About Being An Extra.
Making A Good First Impression Count A Lot
On my first day as an extra. My instincts of being an introvert were firing like you wouldn’t believe but I had to go against it on this occasion. Making a great first impression counts a lot. By introducing myself, formalising chit chat conversation and of course smiling and being open. Allowed me to quickly forge friendships.
I noticed others were like me introverts and chose the easier path and on the second day of shooting, I could see they were still alone. This could have been me if I listened to my fears. Luckily for them, I choose to go out of my way to build friendships with them. By the end of the week, they defiantly had a better experience.
Putting Yourself Forward Earns Respect
It could have been easy to put myself into the background and wait to be asked to do something. As this was an experience I wanted to remember I put myself forward and this allowed me to do fight scenes, be in the shots next to the actors and even get a chance to speak and ask questions to the lead actors. I was even asked to come back for further shoots because I stood out.
Now in the past, I have definitely shied away but when you face your fear of being uncomfortable amazing experiences can happen.
Being Open To Meeting All Types Of People
I think we all have friends we feel comfortable with and the chances of meeting new people can be hard. On an extra set, I interacted with all types of backgrounds and was enjoyable to learn about different cultures, peoples experiences and their personalities. It can be easy to just keep your social bubble small but opening it up to new faces can be the start of new and amazing friendships.
You Have To Practice Patience
On set, there is a lot of waiting around and learning the art of being patient is a crucial skill to learn. Refraining from moaning to stay positive throughout is a challenge. But being comfortable to be in your own head and staying positive is a skill well learned.
You Have To Be Adaptable
When you’re extra you could be doing something completely different or having to be put with people you don’t know. That’s why like in life you plan for change to happen. By being mentally prepared for change allows you to adapt quickly and lets the fear subside and not be as powerful as it could.
This is what I learned on set being an extra. I’m so glad I went out of my comfort zone by creating discomfort in my life.
I think I might just do it again or maybe next time be a production assistant or an assistant director.
Do you want to read more about my creating discomfort challenges? Click here to read more.
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