Self Help Book Reviews

Book Review: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Review Of The Success Principles By Adam Smith

In today’s article, we will Book Review: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. This was a fantastic read with clear and actionable strategies that can change your life. Your mindset will be forever improved by applying just a few of the principles written by Jack Canfield. I hope you enjoy my review!

Book Review: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

What’s It All About

The book review of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Is a book about 67 personal development techniques that the author has learned and practised throughout his adult life. He has become famous for being a successful coach who offers training and trains others to coach just like him. He breaks the book down into 6 chapters

  1. The Fundamental of Success
  2. Transform yourself for success
  3. Build your success team
  4. Create successful relationships
  5. Success and money
  6. Success in the digital age

All these chapters offer different life skills you can apply in every aspect of your life from personal to professional. Within the book, he antidotes from many different examples who back up his success principles working in their life too.

Why did I love it

It took me 67 days to read this book as I wanted to apply and take action on all the principles that he spoke about in his book. Some I already practised and it allowed me to improve even more with techniques like speed gratitude.

Others were brand new and now have become parts of my daily habits like visualising my goals as they have already happened. I have to say this is one of the best books I’ve read for an in-depth step by step guide to improving yourself. It even adds value to better your finance and how to build successful relationships.

An added chapter to the book is successful in the digital age. This offers tips on how crowdfunding is a great option for building your business. I love this book because every success principle works. One by one it can develop yourself into a better version of yourself.

My 3 Favourite Parts Of The Book

This was a hard decision and I probably could change them all to something else. There’s that many but the ones here are very valuable to me.

1. Take 100% responsibility for your life

This was the first principle and it hooked me in from the start. I think we can all say we have placed the blame game on somebody else or something within your environment. I suppose it’s an easy option to make when things go wrong. For me taking responsibility for my action is important but this chapter takes it to another level.

He says “If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life. This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your feelings – everything!”

Jack Canfield

It allowed me to look deeper into parts of my life that I’m being held back in where I blame someone else for my failures. There was a major one when my business was going through a rocky patch and instead of taking 100% responsibility for it I just blamed my environment for the reason, it was failing.

This opened my eyes to take responsibility for everything in my life. It taught me we are the ones in control of it. You have to give up the blame game and understand everything you experience today is the outcome of a decision you have made in the past and deal with it.

2. Believe in yourself

Principle 5 is something that has been a constant battle within my adult life and what I like about this chapter is believing in yourself is a choice that you can control and it’s just another part of attitude. This allowed me to understand that this is something I can take charge of and not care what others have said or will say as it has no relevance to what I think about myself. From this, I now believe in myself a lot more. I choose to.

3. See what you want, get what you see

Principle 11 delves into the visualisation techniques that allow you to achieve your goals. Before this, I heard about it but never went out of my way to practice it as a habit. He goes on to use many examples and techniques of how it works and how it helps you to recall back to your own experiences.

Without consciously knowing it I have visualised in sport and business outcomes I’ve wanted and they have come true. I know that sports people do this all the time with great success especially a formula 1 driver when they visualise themselves racing around a circuit.

Since I’ve applied this technique I have achieved many of my short term goals and has allowed me to see further into the future of what I want in my life. The power of visualisation is an underutilised skill he says and I agree with that statement too.

Why You Should Buy It

When writing the Book review of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield I could write about every chapter in the depth of how it’s helped me in some way.

For me, this book has defiantly made a major impact on my life in such a short time and I would highly recommend buying this book for anyone open-minded to develop themselves into a better version of being a friend, spouse, parent, college or boss. They will see the benefits and these success principles if applied will change their life too.

Thank you, Jack Canfield, for writing this book I’m indebted to you and grateful for this continued experience.

If you have read this book I would love to know what you think about it? What was your favourite principle is?

Future Habits

How To Make A Daily Schedule That Wins Your Day

By Adam Smith

how to make a daily schedule that wins your day
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

The Importance Of A Daily Schedule

When growing up you probably noticed a major difference between mornings on a school day compared to a weekend. For instance, the school day was more regimented with a daily schedule. It was breakfast, get ready, brush teeth etc. The weekend was a lot more relaxed and watched a lot of Saturday morning children’s TV. As an adult, I look back and understand now the importance of what I was being taught and how a routine could allow me to take control and win my day.

The difference is that on a weekday I was productive and on the weekend I was less. This showed when I apply a daily schedule I achieve a lot more compared to days that I don’t.

If you have goals, a mission or a purpose you want to achieve. Having a daily schedule is a priority.

What Is Scheduling And Why It’s Needed

Scheduling the night before, every week and month can help organise your life. More importantly, it helps your brain for what’s to come. The more prepared you are the easier it is to execute your goals with little effort on thinking what to do next.

This is true if your building your own business where you have so many moving parts you have to deal with. It’s also the case for a manager, leader or a parent which is just as stressful as running a company.

Having a schedule gets things done and is the difference between executing and not. Just imagine your favourites sports team going out on the pitch without a plan. They would surely lose compared to someone who does if they are similar in their ability.

Is scheduling glamorous? NO! Of course, we all love days when we are free to do what we want when we want without responsibility. So schedule those days in and call them free days where you can anything you want. Sometimes we need that.

To move forward faster and execute all of your desires. Knowing what they are and when to apply them matters. You’re going to have to create a schedule to help you out. Treat it like a friend who holds you accountable for your life.

Benefits Of Scheduling

Your Never Be Late Again

What’s great about a schedule you know where you are in life and where you need to be and at what time you need to be there. How annoying is it when you forget to be somewhere or you miss that zoom call because your mind was busy on other tasks that went on for way to long. That’s why knowing beforehand and setting yourself an alarm reminder can make sure you don’t miss or be late for anything again. Also, it gives your subconscious a heads up and 8/10 times it will let you know.

You Become The Productivity King

With a schedule say bye-bye to lazy days of doing nothing and say hello to achieving your life purpose. When you have a plan of action, you act and when you act on something the law of motion takes over and momentum builds from there.

At times I never quite realise how far I have come in life. However when I look back on my week or month. I’m just amazed at the amount of stuff I have got done. That’s all down to planning and preparing my month and week ahead of schedule.

You Become A Person People Can Count On

When you know what you’re doing and act on those plans with success. People around you will take note. You will be a person who follows through on what they say and therefore become a person they can trust. On the other hand, somebody who doesn’t know what there doing in life and always say they are going do this and that but never acts upon it. Are people you can’t depend on.

If you want to be a person people can rely on. You need to plan and act on everything you set out to do. The return you will get from it will change your life with relationships, friendships and further opportunities.

Keeps You Focused And Engaged

What stops anything happening to a high standard is the focus you put into a task. When my 6-year-old son focusses, the things he achieves are incredible. When we take away a schedule from him where he can do whatever he wants to do. Just watch the chaos unfold. It can have it’s benefits and is just a great way to unwind.

Although compared to what he learns and accomplishes there’s a big difference. By him knowing his schedule that he creates himself. He stays on topic and focuses on what he has to do. A Skill that is crucial for adulthood with even more moving parts.

It Holds You Accountable

When you have a schedule and you tell people about it. It’s like glue, you’re stuck to completing it now. If your a person of integrity it acts as a motivational tool to put into action what you have set out. Make sure you tell people close to you or communities of like-minded people of what you wish to achieve. It can have some great effects.

The Tools To Set You Up For Success

Write It Down

This is a no brainier. When designing my schedule. First I write down my agenda and next to it I put a small square box. So when I achieve that intended goal. I can just tick it off. It allows me to have a sense of achievement for completing it and helps motivate me to do more.

Also, there are many apps out there that help you prepare your schedules on the move. I use Notebook to transfer my schedule onto my phone so I can have it everywhere. This helps to remind me and set me back on course

Get The Big Stuff Done

With every schedule, there are easy, hard, quick and time-consuming things to do. I always work best when I can start with the heavy stuff first with the hardest goal on your list.

Throughout the day your energy will diminish and no one wants to leave the hardest challenge to the end of the day. For instance writing, I always write in the morning because I need a fully engaged brain whilst doing it. Whereas later in the day, I do the easy stuff like networking, researching and reading.

To Conclude

Hopefully, there’s enough in this post today that inspires you to take on scheduling today. I guarantee the benefits you will gain from it will be life-changing. Just find out a strategy that works best for you and just go for it.

I would love to hear your tips and strategies of getting more out of your day. Do you agree with scheduling? Are you an avid scheduler yourself?

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