Future Parenting

Parent Mindset: How To Teach Your Child To Forgive In The Modern World

Mindful Parent Series Week 1 – Forgiveness

Within this article how to teach your child to forgive in the modern world we will delve into the importance of teaching forgiveness to your child. Through First-hand experience and research. It has proven how a child’s mental health can be helped with the forgiveness technique and how it can future strengthen their mind, into adulthood

I have two children aged 7 and 2. This will be part of a weekly series released every Sunday. Discussing what I have learned and applied to raise my children. One of the most important parts of life. Is giving your child all the skills they need to prosper in all parts of their life. Learning forgiveness is one of them.

I hope this helps!

Why Has Forgiveness Become Important In The Modern World

The modern world today has many pitfalls for our mental health. Children especially have to deal with all different pressures based on their circumstances. It could be never-ending exams and extensive pressure to do well at school. It could be child poverty, social pressures online or overbearing parents too.

With a rise amongst teenagers with anxiety and depression. There are many challenges children are going through that as adults and parents we can defiantly help with.

With such a competitive world we live in. Any shortcoming or mistakes can be seen as a massive failure in a child’s eyes if we let it.

My Own Parenting Experiences

how to teach your child to forgive in the modern world

I have personally made sure my 7-year-old is fully prepared with his education Also making sure he lives up to our adult expectations from morning routines to how to act at a dinner table.

These high expectations have of course led to him making mistakes. It can be anything from forgetting to brush his teeth upon awakening. To being worried if he gets an answer wrong with his work.

Of course, as parents, we should push our children to be the best they can be. This will help prepare them for the modern world but not at the expense of their mental health. I too throughout my own life have put many demands and expectations on myself. When I haven’t delivered the mental toll has been damaging.

Forgiveness of a mistake was not even thought of. It was seen as a personal weakness on my part with a sense of failure. This is something I do not want for my children.

Why Forgiveness For Themselves Is Important

Upon reading The Willpower instinct by Kelly McGonigal she details that “self-criticism is consistently associated with less motivation and worse self-control. It is also one of the single biggest predictors of depression. Whereas self-compassion – being supportive or kind to yourself, especially in the face of stress and failure – is associated with more motivation and better self-control.”

This shows brilliantly the importance of teaching forgiveness to children at a young age. So they can get into good mental health habits to benefit them for the future.

She further goes on to say that forgiveness helps people recover from mistakes because it takes away any shame and pain of thinking about what happened.

Forgiveness definitely helps you get back on track from what studies have shown. Here are some techniques you can apply with your children to get them back on track after a setback.

  1. Ask what are they feeling?
  2. Making sure they understand there human, like everyone else?
  3. What would you say to a friend if they were self-critical?

How To Explain Forgiveness To A Child

There are two types of forgiveness, inner forgiveness and outer forgiveness of others. We explained to our 7-year old that forgiveness is like a weight on our back. The more we don’t forgive the heavier the weight will get where over time the weight will be too much to carry.

We also explained to him that forgiveness can not be forced upon you to do. The decision has to be fully yours and on your terms. This allows the child to take control of their emotions and what they want to do with them. This is powerful and will lead to a better understanding of themselves and how to deal with their emotion.

We then went on to say forgiveness of others does not have to be straight away when you are highly emotional or forgiving someone should never be forgetting what someone else has done as we don’t want to be scorned twice. But it’s letting go of any negative emotion when you’re ready to move on with your life.

When it came to forgiving himself. We told him that every human is imperfect. Full of mistakes after mistakes which you will always get when you are learning and growing. It’s just part of life. And by understanding we are in imperfect human beings forgiving ourselves for making mistakes is important to grow faster and to be at peace with who we are.

Letting a child know this can take a huge weight off their shoulders and that it’s normal to make mistakes and it will allow them not to dwell but seek the advancement of themselves on their own terms, not ours.

Activities For Children To Practice Forgiveness

How To Teach Your Child To Forgive In The Modern World can come from the activities we teach our children. Here are a few that have helped us with our son.

  • Having a personal journal
  • Roleplay Forgiveness
  • Naikan Therapy
  • Online worksheets

What We Learned As Parents About Forgiveness

From educating ourselves on the power of forgiveness and applying activities to help him deal with his emotions. It has allowed to an improvement within himself and of course his own mental health. His preparation for the modern world will be definitely benefited from using this technique.

Something that can hold us all back in some way can be utilised for us as parents too.

As parents, we can be very self-critical of ourselves and what we could and should have done. The same principle applies to parenting we must forgive ourselves for our own mistakes as we are multi-facet parents who have to take on many different roles and can never be perfect all the time.

Also, we must forgive our children as well for all the mistakes they make and give them the power to make mistakes through their learning of themselves and the modern world they live in. Be by their side at every turn to pick them back up again.

“The more we learn to forgive ourselves as a child the fewer things we have to worry about as an adult”

Adam Smith

Over To You Parents

I hope you enjoyed the start of this week’s Mindful Parent Series opener on how to teach your child to forgive in the modern world.

There’s always so much to learn when it comes to parenting and I hope you can apply any of the tips above to good use.

We would love to hear your own stories of mindful parenting and any topics you would like to read.

Happy Parenting = Happy Child


Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I am a father of two beautiful children and the goal is for them to grow up with a healthy mindset. I’ve coached for over 10 years on the importance of mindset within sports and business. I want to transfer this into parenting and give valuable tips on how we can all parent better for the betterment of our children.

Future Wellbeing

How To Bounce Back With Job Loss

By Adam Smith

This Is A New Opportunity

Losing a job can be hard for anyone. Being in a place where you are comfortable and knowing you can pay all your expenses each month with the pay you receive. When that’s gone you can feel out of your comfort zone. I’ve been in this position once and my first few days I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of change. This is a normal feeling when things in your life become different but what humans are great at is adapting. The mindset should be of a new opportunity, not a lost one. This will help you to move forward into a direction that inspires you or makes you happier.

Short Term Solution

With expenses and a family or yourself to provide for. Waiting too long to plan your next career move can be unfeasible within your life. When you leave your previous occupation. Make sure you work out your finances for what your expenses are to live. The reason for this is because finding your dream career might not come straight away but paying your expenses is a must. With the number, you have calculated you should defiantly find a job that covers all your expenses with anything higher being a bonus. This will keep you in control of your finances and less stressed to make better decisions on your career going forward. The mindset to have here is humble. Lose the pride and the ego and do whatever you have to do ethically to support yourself and your family.

Longer-Term Thinking

This is the fun part. The world is your oyster and it’s time to think about what you want to do next. Is it earning more money doing what you already know or could it be applying for a job you have no experience in but would love to do? This is the strategy I looked at when I left my career path. For me, I wanted more freedom in my life with control of my destiny. Creating my own business allowed me to fulfil those desires. You have to sit down with your favourite drink in a nice quiet place in your home and think about what will make you happy and purposeful in your next career path.

Spruce Up Your C.V

The last time you looked at your CV was probably the last time you applied for your job. I know mine was. Before you start sending a CV out make sure you have updated every part. You are defiantly more experienced and a better asset for a company now so don’t forget to show this. Also getting it double-checked by a professional or someone you trust can go a long way to making sure your CV sounds great and also stands out from the rest of the crowd. Also have two copies of your CV, one for more genric jobs and one where you can update it specifically to stand out for a company you want to join. This allows you to speak to the company for what they want whereas your generic CV might not resituate with them.

Update Your Social Media

This is ever important now compared to let’s say 10 years ago. Depending on what job you’re going for. Companies now do a background check on individuals they are hiring and if they see you in a bad light on social media this could be a major set back if a company was deciding to accept you over someone whose social media presence was flawless. Make sure your social media account are either updated to look professional or hidden to family, friends and no prying eyes of anyone who you don’t want to see it.

Build Something For Yourself

If you have left your job and have an idea to create and own something for yourself. You 100% should pursue this. Understand this will be hard work and may even not work out. It could even take years to make a profit as getting rich quick is super rare. Don’t let this put you off but you have to be smart about it. Make it a project you do around your new job until you can sustain your self with your business income. This will allow you to start stress-free about money and concentrate on your product or service you have to offer.

Don’t Be Embarrassed To Ask For Help

When leaving a job it can be a shock on your finances really quick. Maybe finding a job won’t come fast enough to pay your next months expenses. That’s OK. In the UK we have universal credit which you can apply for to help cover your costs until you find a job. It’s not a perfect system but it’s better to have the help rather than not. Whichever country your from seek help from your government to help you short term. Try your best to stay away from loans with high interest and negotiate with the people you owe money to, to give a bit of leeway based on your current situations. Most of the time they can be very accommodating

Learn A New Skill You Have Always Wanted To Do

Learning new skills can be greatly motivating. This is the perfect opportunity to try this out after you have left a job you know like the back of your hand. Think about a skill that you would love to do to either build a stronger foundation on what you already do or go for something completely new. Your motivation will skyrocket and be stimulated in the process.

Enter Back Into Education

If you haven’t already entered into higher education. This could be a great opportunity to increase your chances of getting further up the ladder in your profession or helping you enter a career path your passionate about. When your young it can be hard to know what to do for a career but later in life it can become more apparent. There’s plenty of stories of people going back to university in their 40s and learning to become a lawyer for example and changing their whole life because of it. It’s never too late to change direction. University, for example, is not just for young people wanting a good time. It’s there for anyone who wants to become an expert in a certain field that allows them to practice those skills earning an income they desire in a job they love. That’s the best-case scenario I suppose and it is possible.

Final Thoughts

Leaving a job can be a stressful time but if we look at it as a new and exciting opportunity you can level up and do something even better. I hope this helps you or someone else you care for in any way. I think we all go through it at some point and in times of hardship now is the time to create something new for yourself. A life that you have always wanted but didn’t have the chance to do. When losing a job, this is the time to take control back of your life. Any questions or support don’t hesitate to message below. Look forward to seeing on the next post.