Future Habits Future Wellbeing

The Important Habit Of Starting Your Day The Right Way

What To Expect?

In today’s article, The Important Habit Of Starting Your Day The Right Way. It will be about a discussion of the benefits having a morning routine can have on your mental health. I will discuss how to make a morning routine a winning habit and how it can change your life not only mentally speaking but overall productivity throughout the day.

What Is The Best Way To Start Your Day Off Positively?

The Important Habit Of Starting Your Day The Right Way
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

This is the question I asked myself as I needed to find a way to jump-start my day.

I researched as many successful people I could find on their morning habits and every one of them had something different. Of course, there were similarities with a high percentage of waking up early and exercising. But they had their own personal touch to their morning routine.

The answer I found from all my research was to design a morning routine that suits your needs for mental stimulation and focus. Alongside this moving your body and feeding your body what it needs to unlock lasting energy. Will allow for best morning success.

Whatever you chose to do to start your day. It has to benefit you mentally and physically as well as helping you propel yourself into your day’s challenges.

If this is achieved you will feel amazing and more importantly feel the benefits throughout your whole day.

The Mental Benefits Of A Morning Routine

The important habit of starting your day the right way comes when your morning routine fits your needs. The mental benefits you will receive is all you need to carry on the morning routine forever.

For me, I felt energised, mentally clear, focussed, happy, more understanding, inspired. As I’m writing this the list could go on and on of how a morning routine benefits my mind.

Research has proven time and time again the importance of routine has on humans mental and physical health that benefits the individual. There is research on why hitting the snooze button isn’t good for us in the long term or picking up your phone straight away can affect our eyes and mental health if we look at negative stimuli first thing.

There is a reason why high performing individuals focus on having a morning routine. It’s because it works. We have all morning where we did all the things we hear we shouldn’t do in the morning and you always feel like crap for the rest of the day. Having a morning routine helps you become a better version of yourself.

Wouldn’t you want to see that best version of you every day?

How The Night Before Has A Big Impact On Your Morning

Before we start our day there is always something in-between that we are not conscious of and that’s of course sleep. When we wake up we need our brain to be ready to help us get up without distraction to start our day. This is the first win or loss of the day. Making sure we get this part right is of importance.

This decision doesn’t come from the moment you wake up. It comes from preparation. It comes from preparing the night before.

Setting out your intention for the day ahead, having a morning plan, goals, to-do list and a schedule. Allows you to sleep with a purpose. A purpose that you want to accomplish and while your asleep your brain will be subconsciously plotting to help you achieve that goal.

Whenever I need to wake up at a certain time of the day I’m excited to experience it. I always wake up with intention without fail unless for one thing.

Sleep Is Important

That’s the amount of sleep I’m having. For you start your morning without fail. Comes from the amount of sleep we get. Going to bed at 1 am and expecting to wake up at 6 am or fresh and ready to go will be battle. Some days you will win and some days you will hit the snooze and roll back over.

A successful morning routine comes from the amount of sleep your mind and body needs. When I was in my teens I needed 8 hours of sleep but now at 31, I need only 6 hours. Finding out how much sleep you need is vital.

Whatever time you want to start your day make sure to plan to go sleep 6 to 8 hours beforehand with an extra hour to wind down in bed. You will thank yourself the next day.

How To Make It A Habit

The Important Habit Of Starting Your Day The Right Way
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
  1. You have to want to do it
  2. Make it fun and easy to do
  3. Make it reflect your personality
  4. Try out different routines
  5. Have a goal tracker
  6. Praise yourself
  7. Forgive yourself for any mistakes

To form a successful new habit. First, you have to want to make it a habit. You make the first choice in the morning to start your day the right way and the choices that follow I solely down to you to want to do it.

From there you want to make your new morning routine fun and easy to attain.

No one wants to wake up having to do a 3-hour marathon unless your David Goggins. So if you want to change your whole morning routine which is great and go for it if you know you can do it.

But I would recommend is day by day add the habits you want so it can be easier for you to apply.

Also, play around with your morning habits some will work and some won’t. I tried doing my gratitude journal in the morning and it didn’t work for me instead I did it in my evening review.

This is your morning routine. It has to work for you not what others do.

Making The Habit Stick

To make it stick unlock the competitor and winner inside you. How I do this is I only focus internally on my own development and block out any noise from the outside.

I have a goal tracker where I can tick off every day I have completed my morning routine. This helps me focus on doing it but also praising myself for achieving what I have done.

Praising yourself for any little thing will help the habit to stick. What breaks the habit is when we are too hard on ourselves whether that be we woke up late on one day or we forgot to do a certain routine.

WHO CARES! Forgive yourself and do better the next day. What’s done is done, learn from it and put more energy into the area you need to work on.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, The Important Habit Of Starting Your Day The Right Way

My morning routine has transformed my mental health and my overall productivity throughout the day.

Design your own morning routine today!

Make it a habit and build that mental strength in the process.


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing

Setting A Deadline Can Quickly Boost Productivity In Your Life

What To Expect?

In today’s article, setting a deadline can quickly boost productivity in your life. I will be explaining to you the benefits of deadline setting. By showing why you might not be achieving your goals and how you can apply the deadline strategy into your own life.

One Reason Why Your Not Achieving Your Goals Quickly

You have probably guessed the answer already. Of course, it’s not setting a deadline.

When there is no deadline, it’s like your floating in space towards your goal. What a deadline provides is a target to attain. A purpose with a set of easy guideline of when you have to achieve something.

In my own life, when I’m told to do something without a deadline it never gets done in a hurry. There’s just no urgency behind it and it either gets forgotten or until I’m prompted to complete it by a certain date that it gets done.

You can see everywhere in life.

With the covid epidemic just look at how fast vaccines have been discovered in record time. Of course, you can be sceptical but these labs that have created vaccines have been focusing on vaccination for a long time. With a global emergency scientist from all around the world have had the deadline of it needs to be solved immediately and this has led to the creation of the vaccinations we see today.

Look at your own life when you have a deadline and when you haven’t. What’s the difference?

The Carrot And The Stick

A deadline can work two ways. You can either set a deadline for yourself or someone will set one for you. The foremost is more enjoyable because it’s within your control parameters. It’s a great way to boost the productivity level that gives you the push to achieve your goals.

When someone sets a deadline for you. You either crumble under the pressure or you find something inside that powers you through. I have been set deadlines in my life with my job security at stake and I have seen myself produce some of my best work. It has forced me into the best version that has lead to a winning mindset.

It’s all within us to work well towards a deadline. When humans were first roaming the plains of Africa we had a deadline for food, water, shelter, warmth, and safety. These deadlines gave us a purpose to survive. When our life and security are on the line it’s the most powerful deadline we all have to respond to. The saying is the survival of the fitness but it’s also the survival of achieving your deadline too.

What Are The Benefits Of Deadlines

The benefits of a deadline are that it gives us focus and an urgency to move forward whether that’s survival or achieving our best work. Setting deadlines make us productive and create a habit that allows us to find within us the best version of ourselves. Either your setting deadline or deadline is being set for you but either way, you will find your true potential of what you’re capable of within that given time limit.

How Can You Apply Deadlines To Work For You

When creating your own deadlines. Making the deadline a priority will help you focus your mind on caring for the goal to be achieved.

Once it’s a priority then you must plan and keep track of your progress as this will allow you to know the path you need to take to complete the deadline. Without it, you will be aimless and give up.

When setting a deadline. Make sure it’s doable for your skillset. If you have never been skiing before don’t expect to be a master at it in a week. With this in my mind make sure you set a deadline that is reasonable to complete where it’s doable but challenging. For example, by learning a language you could set yourself a deadline of 3 months to complete.

Overall when setting your own deadline you have to want to do it. No matter how many deadlines you set yourself. If it doesn’t mean anything to you you won’t do it unless it forced upon you.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, setting a deadline can quickly boost productivity in your life.

Deadlines are never a great thing to talk about. But once you understand the power it can have on your life and the productivity you can attain from it. There is no doubt it has to be used to find the best version of yourself.

What deadline are you going to set today to change your life!?


Hi, I'm Adam
Hi, I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.