Future Men Future Wellbeing

The Epidemic Of Male Loneliness And How To Solve It

The Epidemic Of Male Loneliness And How To Solve It
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

In the not too distant past. Humans were part of tight-nit communities that hunted together, raised children together and defended their lands together. Loneliness must have been alien.

Even as recently as half a century ago. Living in a village or town where you would work and live with your childhood friends was commonplace. A sense of community and brotherhood were the norm.

Today however the rise of huge metropolitan cities where opportunities to further your career outside of your home town is commonplace. Surrounded by millions of people you would think loneliness was impossible but in fact, it is all too apparent in today’s world.

Studies have found there is a serious problem within the male population that needs to be addressed promptly or face an epidemic of huge proportions. This is the very reason for this article to help you on your pathway out of loneliness.

The Feeling Of Lonilness

Whether we like it or not. Humans are wired for community and a sense of belonging. From a biological standpoint, a community offers safety, comfort and reproduction. Something we can easily take for granted from friendships forged in childhood.

In Men’s health, I read an article that described loneliness as being the same as hunger. A perfect outlook on the effect loneliness can have on an individual. You can imagine when you’re hungry/thirsty for food or water how horrible and uncomfortable it can be. The reason we feel this is because it’s a must to survive. That’s why treating loneliness, in the same way, is vital to understanding and finding ways to overcome loneliness at all costs.

To back up the notion that overcoming loneliness is important. Studies researched the patients who were seriously ill in hospital and the effects of their family being beside them compared to the patient having no family. The results showed unanimously that having a family with you saves lives. This is majorly concerning with covid pandemic that family members can not be by the side of their loved one’s recovery.

My Account Of Loneliness

I too have experienced loneliness. The memories that come to mind was my first semester at university. Away from home for the first time, zero friends and alone. The second time I felt this strongly again was upon leaving university and with no home to go back to. I was officially on my own, uni friends have all gone home and an end of tenancy looming. This was an incredibly lonely time with not much support insight.

But the most lonely I have ever felt was in 2018 in a business I didn’t want to be in, in serious debt and my family living hundreds of miles away. The feeling of being alone was unbearable and when it’s mixed with other factors it can feel like there’s not much point carrying on.

But there is hope. Because with every feeling it can come and go. It’s not finite but changeable and I’m grateful to say I had people in my life that came to the rescue, to save me from my loneliness.

That’s why friendships and relationships are important parts of our lives and should be cherished and sought after. Without people in our life to share and experience the good and the bad of life. What’s the point. I cherish my children with all my heart and set an oath that no matter where they are in life or the world I will be there in one way or another being by their side. I would never want my children to ever feel loneliness like I felt as it truly is a horrible feeling.

The Male Condition

Men, in particular, are suffering from loneliness and is on a far larger scale compared to our female counterparts. The reason being is that men are not as open about how they feel. The very idea of men have to be strong is installed into every male boy and adolescent as they grow up.

But what does being strong actually mean?

For me, it meant keeping my feelings inside and keeping all my problems for me to deal with. I have grown to understand what poor advice this was and how when it comes to loneliness majorly affects the building of new relationships.

Men, therefore, tend not to open up to new people as readily and the idea of expressing their deep feelings will be kept inside in case of ridicule.

This way of thinking has to be in the past. If we compared men from today with men after WW2 then I would say we are more open-minded in expressing our feelings. But we are nowhere near the point where we can say expressing your feeling to another man is normal. With the male stereotypes still being ever-present and the lack of support in social change is still very much needed.

We Need Change

That’s why men need to come together and understand we aren’t that different from females. We have feelings too and they need to be expressed. Maybe not in the way females do it but in a new way that is acceptable. Below I will try and discuss ways in which we can solve this problem as a male population but also on an individual basis as well.

This is important because the rate of male suicides is on the rise, the rise of men suffering from depression is on the rise. This has to stop and solving the male loneliness epidemic is a great place to start.

How To Solve Male Lonilness

First and foremost if you are suffering from loneliness you must understand that this isn’t just you. In fact, you are not alone in how your feeling or weird for doing so. Unfortunately millions of people around the world are feeling the exact same as you.

The way out of loneliness is being honest with yourself and finding actual solutions that can help find meaningful connections again.

Through research and personal experience below are ways in which you can overcome loneliness.

Open Space To Talk About How You Feel

When it comes to discussing feelings as a man this can be challenging. Especially as it goes against the male stereotype. But finding open spaces where you can speak freely is important for your mental health. This can be in a 1-1 session with relationship coaches or therapists. It can even be

Male Time

Having quality male time is a great help for helping with feelings of loneliness. When men are together they can be playful, speak a common language and have a sense of camaraderie. Due to family commitments and moving around. Spending time with my male friends has been difficult. But my arranging meetups, adventure weekends or

Having male time not only helps with loneliness but acts as stress relief and a brain booster (must be all the banter). Studies have proved and show the importance male actually has on our personal wellbeing.

So arrange to meet up with male friends weekly, monthly or at a special time in the year when you can all get together.

Create A Safe Space For Other Men

As we touched on earlier that talking about our deeper feelings can be tricky amongst other men. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. As men, we can have a stone wall up for this kind of thing. But like every stone wall in can be knocked down. That person to dit could be you by creating a safe space when other men can talk about their feeling with ridicule.

This will take courage on your part by being the first but deep down when taking away all the layers of protective armour. We are all human and having a safe space to talking about loneliness and or deeper feelings in the right setting can be a great thing.

There Is Someone Waiting For You

Whether you’re alone because of a lack of relationship or you just moved to New York on your own and haven’t made friends for weeks. This does not mean that you will be alone for long. When you feel lonely the pain of it can make you feel like this will last forever but it won’t unless you want it to. That’s why you should put yourself out there to interact with others whether that be accepting the offer to go for drinks or go on Tinder/dating apps to find mutual companionship. (I actually know a couple who are happily married from Tinder)

Remember there is always someone out there who is lonely too who is seeking friendship and love. You just have to go and seek it.

Allow Yourself To Reach Out

I have developed a habit from childhood that reaching out to express my emotions is not a thing a man does. The risk of being vulnerable is a place men tend not to lean into. But this place is the very location we should look to enter. Here we will find solutions. It will of course be painful sometimes but showing vulnerability is courage and strength. t shows your willingness to change and improve. On the whole, when I have been honest with how I feel to others I have created strong deep connections that feeling loneliness is a distant entity.

Create Amazing Moments

Who doesn’t like creating amazing moments in their life? The answer should be zero. Doing things one can definitely have its place but when we connect with people something magical happens. That’s why organising amazing moments in your life with others is crucial for overcoming loneliness. This can backpacking holidays wine tasting in France or skydiving in Eygpt gazing down towards the pryamids in freefall.

Reach out to friends/family or find groups you can join to meet likeminded people, for example, there is an organisation called remote site where if you normally work from home you can go to a location in the world and work and adventure activities in your spare time with a group of 6 people.

Don’t Let Marriage Get In The Way

Even in a loving marriage, you can still feel lonely. Studies have shown 35% of men in marriages feel lonely. This is because diue to wrok commitment sand family commitmnets. They have lost touch with their male friends This is a real shame and is clearly a mssing peace of the jigsaw when it comes to loneiness in marriage. So make sure if this is you. To find time to recoonnect with friends and go goof around and have fun.

Sports Can Hold The Answer

There is something magical when men who are complete strangers play sport together. Something amazing happens when bonds are formed instantly and the next thing you down the pub like you’ve been friends forever.

I strongly believe that combatting male loneliness can lie with sports whether it’s playing five aside football or having a round of golf. Sports can bring out all the best qualities in relationship building. By creating a five side weekly tournament with friends or joining a club to practice MMA. You build strong connections combatting the effects of loneliness.

Join A Community

I’m a huge fan of Yes Theory. They have created an amazing community on their facebook group where people can connect. I have seen countless people who are lonely that have connected through this group and met outside and even got married. This goes to show that building quality relationships doesn’t just have to be in an areal life setting. It can be fostered online where you will find communities that you fit into. This goes to show that you are not alone there is someone out there waiting to connect with you. You just have to recah out to find them.

Don’t Let Anyone Define What You Should Feel

On your personal journey out of loneliness. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilt or shame for speaking the truth about how you feel. Every male is a human with feelings and suppressing those feeling cause huge problems for wellebing. Be true to yourself and guide yourself to like-minded people where you can form meaningful connections. Your loneliness is the short term I promise. It ‘s just a matter of time and forward action to get out of it.

Helping Hand

I understand fully the effects loneliness can have on the mind. At The Future Mindset, we are here for you to connect and help you any way we can. Just read everything below for a way we can help you.

Please don’t forget to like, share and comment It means a lot to know if this has resonated with you.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article The Epidemic Of Male Loneliness And How To Solve It. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Future Habits Future Wellbeing

5 Ways To Overcome The Mind When It Dwells On Failure

What To Expect?

Do you ever dwell on your failures? In today’s article, 5 ways to overcome the mind when it dwells on failure. Is to help anyone who deals with failure which is in fact, everyone. Learn how to control it with simple techniques anyone can do. Failure is a part of life and when we accept this, then the mind can overcome the failure by learning from it and fighting back to win again. Building mental strength in this area is so important for future growth.

Finding It Hard To Overcome Failure In The Mind?

5 Ways To Overcome The Mind When It Dwells On Failure

Don’t worry your not the only one. Of course, no one likes failure. It’s a painful experience especially when you have put in so much effort to come up short. Everyone’s failures are unique to them but there is a difference between people who are successful and people who are not and it’s how they deal with failure. How we deal with failure says a lot about our character and whether or not we are overcoming our failures.

I have found it hard to deal with failures. When it’s a failure I can immediately try again straightway like a sales rejection or a loss on a FIFA 21 I can take that in my stride. But when it’s a failure I have to wait to try again or it takes a long time to achieve I found it much more difficult to deal with until I learned how to.

Dealing with failure badly can come from the social pressure we face. No one wants to look bad in front of people. But unfortunately, we live in a society that pounces on failure and makes you relive it again and again. This is something that we all need to give up. Caring about what people think about our failures.

For the mind to be strong we need to make our failures our own. Owning the battle scars of battle, the epic story we have to tell others or the opportunity to be a real-life superhero for a chance to rise up again.

How we think about something is important, how we think about our failures is near the top of that list. This will be the difference between whether we fight back or stay knocked down. What would you rather do?

What Happens If Failure Controls Your Life?

When we can’t deal with failure it will start to ruin our mental health, relationships and progression in life. The negative effects are huge if you live in your failure. You will become sick, your body we start to have less energy and your mind will feel heavy. This is from personal experience and it’s not a place you want to be.

Dealing with failure is a skill that anyone can learn. But we are not taught this in school. We only learn this if we are lucky from parents and coaches or the hard way. Too many people who have failed think such negative thoughts, that they’re a loser, they’re not good enough etc. But if you could teach yourself to always find the positive in difficult moments you would be able to deal with any failure that comes your way.

By changing how you talk to yourself. Words are powerful, it can move people into action for good or bad. The words you speak to yourself are just as important if not more. When you fail tell yourself instead I’m going to win next time, I am good enough to solve this problem. This will send your brain on a different path. A path that’s good for all parts of your life.

How To Overcome Failure And Achieve Success

We have to treat failure like a message. A message we receive to let us know this isn’t the right way to do it. A message that lets us know there’s a better way we have to pursue to gain our success. I’ve watched Manchester City a football club in England attempt to reach the champions league final.

For 10 years they have tried. First getting knocked out at the group stages for two years. Then the last 16 and quarter-finals. Now the final. By learning and adapting from our failures whether that be in the mind, our skillset or our strategy. This is when we can achieve success on a consistent basis.

5 Ways To Overcome The Mind When It Dwells On Failure

1. Find Inner Peace

Finding your inner peace is crucial to helping the mind when dealing with failure. When failure hits it can be a crushing feeling, you know how it feels yourself. Letting that foster only leads to more chaos but finding a way to deal with failure inwardly is a necessary step to move forward from failure.

A technique that has helped when I fail is to forgive myself and others who are part of the failure. This is great for letting go of all the negative emotions that come with failure. By taking time to sit with your thoughts and put them on paper not only release the negative energy but also contributes to solutions to move forward.

2. Look At The Big Picture

The emotion of failure is unique to everyone. What means something to you might not mean something to someone else.

I have had failures in my life where now I look upon them and laugh at how I reacted at that moment as it wasn’t that big of a problem looking in on the experience. As the saying goes if won’t affect you in 5 years time, it’s something we shouldn’t worry about in the present.

Time will always pass and what is now will not always be. Having this mindset allows me not to dwell in my present failures but look from the perspective of the photographer or video director on your failure and you will get a completely different outlook on failure.

3. Have A Pre- Emptive Habit

What I have learned through experience is to be prepared for failure. Understanding it will come allows the mind to be prepared for the eventuality of failure. I understand when parenting I’m going to mess up sometimes or when I start a business one of them might fail.

This mindset has helped when failure has occurred and has become less of a shock when it does. Expecting to win and succeed is great but understanding winning and success is like war, some battles will be lost along the way. This mentality will help with inner peace and thinking big picture about your failures.

4. Block Out The External Noise

Failure can be even deadlier when others look down upon your failure. This can hurt a lot for the mind. What truly makes you mentally strong and take every failure in your stride is blocking out all external negativity or having a wall so strong that it does not get through. Your failures are yours. Yours alone. Taking responsibility for your failures. Will go a long way for you not to fear failure and take it on the chin when it comes along.

By training your internal voice to be a positive one by creating an alter ego of a coach you admire. To delegate the task of helping you recover from failure in your stride. Will help you be in full control.

5. Learn From Your Failures

The most important of all is learning from your failures. Making the same failures, again and again, can be a painful reminder of not learning from your failures. Having time to sit down to analyse what went right and what went wrong will help to find solutions.

By networking with your findings it will help you to understand better what to do next. Having a toddler brain for learning is crucial. When a toddler falls down, or can’t say the right words, they find solutions, they persist and through learning from their failure they always overcome the challenge that’s in front of them.

Learning from your failures is how you will deal with your failures and this is what keeps the mind from dwelling on failure.

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 ways to overcome the mind when it dwells on failure. Knowing that failure is not permanent but it’s a part of life can help you overcome any failure that comes your way. Practice the techniques above and I’m sure you will able to move on from failure much faster than before.

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.