Future Habits Future Mindset Future Performance

The Guide To Why You Can’t-Wait For Motivation You Have To Create It

Why You Can’t-Wait For Motivation

Motivation is a fickle entity. When you have it you have days of endless energy at your disposal and when it’s gone it’s the complete opposite.

Achieving motivation is crucial for anything to be achieved with the right mindset. But why is it so dam hard to replicate?

I was never taught the winning formula of how to achieve motivation. I suspect many people don’t know themselves if you asked them. But without a doubt, motivation is important and you will find countless stories of what motivation can do to change peoples lives.

So we know clearly in all our lives that motivation is important because every time we have achieved anything important or done anything we have found interesting we have been motivated to do it.

So how do we get motivated? Do we wait patiently for it to come our way? Without being conscious of doing it I’m sure we have all been suspect of waiting around for something to happen. I know I have. Persuading myself that I will be motivated later while I procrastinate in my short term motivation.

When it comes to motivation the harder and challenging the task is the slower the motivation will come your way.

Planning Creates Action

That’s why to achieve a motivation state for any challenging task that’s worthwhile you have to plan for it and foremost make it easy.

Now motivation is like playing games, going surfing or anything that you just enjoy doing. It’s going to come easier for you. I have never had to plan to watch a football match or play on my PS4 but I had to plan to complete my degree and I had to plan to write this article today. The reason why is that comfortability is a natural feeling. It’s a feeling of safety but anything challenging is a serious threat to comfortability and makes us enter the uncomfortable zone. This zone is where we need to be to progress at anything in our life that’s worthwhile but expecting to be logical and be readily motivated to do it is another story.

Plan For It To Be Easy

This goal then is to make everything you do easy to start. There can be no friction of difficulty as the chances of you doing it in percentage terms goes further down the harder the task gets.

That’s why planning your route and how you start is so important to unlocking motivation straight away.

For example, when it comes to completing my assignments or writing this article I plan to start easy. I plan to write 500 words a day. For me, that is an easy amount to get started but also worthwhile to complete. But when I first started it was 200 words a day to get me started.

Another example is when I have to do strength training. I plan to start easy by saying I will just do 10 minutes.

When it comes to planning for yourself it has to be easy for you and that’s different for everybody.

Once the plan is made easy it’s time to take action!!

Action Creates Motivation

Once you have planned the route you want to take. The next step is to take action. Action is the magic formula and most important to achieve motivation. Without action, there is no motivation. That’s why it’s important to have a simple formula to take action whenever you can.

The best way to take action is to just start. With the mind predicting every pain and downfall you can have. It’s still in the pit lane doing nothing but when you take action you are out on the track making things happen.

Action is the biggest hurdle to anyone happiness and success. It’s the hardest part because it takes effort but it’s also the most rewarding because it offers up results.

The Hurdle To Taking Action

The biggest hurdle to taking action is procrastination. The moment when you start lying to yourself that your future self will do it later.

Imagining a more disciplined and overall better person will make better decisions. This is all false and an illusion your mind tricks you into believing. The reason being the person you are tomorrow is going to be the same person thinking the same thoughts of putting it off.

The only way you can change your situation is by taking action immediately. When you can make it a habit to take action quickly all the time in your life. You will start to see amazing returns.

The skill to just get started makes things happen.

The best way to do this is to make starting easy and fun.

The opposite and what most people tend to think for example going to the gym is the traffic they will be in to get there and how hard it will be. The chances of you taking action to go are questionable for a lot of people with gym memberships.

But when you make the journey a time of listening to your favourite songs and podcasts as well as saying I’m just going to do 10 minutes and give my best. Well, that tricks the mind into thinking this is easy and fun and very comfortable.

9/10 times when you are into your workout and have all the chemicals released makes you want to carry on and do the hours workout.

Planning to get to the starting blocks is one thing but taking action to get there and just start is the hardest but most rewarding aspect to gain motivation.

Discipline Maintains Motivation

Planning and taking action when you start something new is quite easy. The new job, the new partner or the new training schedule are all exciting when they’re in their infancy. But what makes motivation last is discipline.

Discipline is the secret sauce that brings to life the person you want to become. It’s all good doing something for a day but doing it 365 days in a row is challenging. Some days will wake not feeling our best but when we disciplined to execute the plan with action you will feel accomplishment in our life. Along the way motivation will keep popping up like a long lost friend who you pick up where you left off.

There are so many things in my life where I a not motivated to do at the moment but when I follow through I actually enjoy the thing I didn’t want to do.

That’s why we should never rely just on our emotions in the moment because they don’t always tell the correct story.

How To Make It A Habit

Motivation You Have To Create It by taking action

To make this a habit you have to want to make it a habit and follow this simple system of;

Planning for it to be easy.

Make taking action easy and fun.

Be disciplined to do it when you don’t want to.

To be able to achieve all the things you want in life takes time. There is no magic wand that creates it. The mind has a powerful role to play and being self-aware to plan take action and be disciplined with your habits. You wistart to see the goals you set out to achieve, be achieved. That’s satifing because all we want to do in life is achieve the things we set out to do.

This helps to never live a life of major regret for not trying.


Has this helped you today? Please let us know in the comments!

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article The Guide To Why You Can’t-Wait For Motivation You Have To Create It. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Future Wellbeing

How To Unlock Motivation To Succeed Within The Mind

When The Motivation Of The Mind Decreases

In today’s article how to unlock motivation to succeed within the mind.

Have you ever been doing well and feeling great for everything in your life to just stall? You ever felt grouchy and reactive and you don’t know why?

This came about in my own life every time I set a goal. There came a point where my motivation and my presence of mind became unfocused. This became a significant problem at certain points in my life, where my performance stopped me from succeeding. It became a frustration, and because I never listened to my subconscious signals, it held me back. One day a solution came to my mind. It was like an update for the brain. Today we will dig deeper to find out how to unlock the motivation to succeed again.

Personal Battles Of Demotivation

How to unlock motivation to succeed within the mind

After setting goals I always felt clear-headed and it allowed me to be motivated to attain my goal. Success came quickly and everyone around enjoyed the new me and everything was going upwards. At last, I’m on the right track I thought.

Then weeks later something gradual happens, my mood starts changing, my energy starts becoming more lethargic, doubt enters the mind, depression hits me, people around me lose trust in my message. What’s going on?

Then the two words that have saved my life enter my mind. MENTAL UPDATE. This is not the sexiest phrase to hear in the world. But it was vital for me to calibrate my mind to move forward again.

The problem that always held me back was,

  • Not resetting the bar of where to go next
  • Not looking at what I’ve actually achieved
  • Comparing my progress to others

With this internal information coming to the surface of my thoughts.

To give me peace of mind I got to work to find a system I could use to stay on an upward curve of my intrinsic motivation. As well as listening to my subconscious mind if signals I could start picking upon.

Below is what I discovered that can help you regain your intrinsic motivation to succeed.

Unlocking The Mind Through Mediation

It’s well known now that meditation can have profound effects on the mind. You have to look no further than a Buddhist monk on the extraordinary discipline and control they have.

Meditation is a learned skill that takes many hours of practice to master or at least in my case still on my journey to mastery.

The reason for meditation was to keep my self-motivation in the mind motivated and on an upward curve. Meditation is a great way for your thoughts to flow out. The reason why it can be difficult to see the downward curve of intrinsic motivation is that my mind can be always busy.

Busy with work, raising children, family, bills etc. The non-stop barrage of always having something to do can stop the subconscious mind from opening into the conscious mind.

Meditation, helped a lot with understanding the feelings I felt, what I needed to do next in my life and what’s actually upsetting me. Immediately after meditating, I would write these thoughts into a journal and got to work on fixing any issues. This helps to change your motivation back into an upward curve motion. Once the problems are fixed. The meditation classes return to a clear mind until the next problems surface from the subconscious minds.

There are many strategies to meditating that you can find on apps and online. For me, it helped by being in solitude and meditating using the breathwork technique of square breathing. Then slowly letting my mind enter deep meditation. I schedule a 30-minute slot to do it but I never time myself and will only come out of it when I’m ready. This for me stops the mind from worrying about time and stays focus.

Unlocking Your Subconscious Mind To Succeed

The subconscious mind is such a powerful friend. It works behind the scenes to allow us to breathe, heal our wounds, stores all our memory’s and everything we have learned. The problem we have is the conscious mind being able to access the information when we need it.

For answering the title of the article, how to unlock motivation to succeed within the mind. Tapping into your subconscious is of importance to find a solution.

Here’s a list of 3 techniques you can apply today,

  • Having time to be silent to listen to your thoughts
  • Asking yourself a series of questions to unlock the answers you seek
  • Write it all down and then analyse the data to find solutions of action

These techniques above helped me stop and take notice of myself and what needed to change in order to regain my motivation to succeed.

How Motivation Can Be Improved Through Journaling

After just writing an article The Surprising Benefits Of Journaling Has On The Mind it would be rude not to include it here. Unlocking your motivation can be powerfully done with a pen and some paper. The form of writing that is journaling is like God speaking down to humans to write religious literature.

The same principle applies here as your subconscious mind is the all-powerful being and your conscious mind is the human who writes down what the subconscious tells us.

Journaling helps so many people in many different ways. To regain my intrinsic motivation it helped to write down all the problems I have in my life, the feelings I feel and the worry I have. Writing them down lifts a weight from you. Which if left untreated can cause serious damage to your motivation.

With all my subconscious thoughts flooding the paper. It’s important now to find a way out. By creating solutions to everything you have written down. This can guide you on the journey you must undertake in your development. I create, to-do list, vision boards, a road map etc. Whatever is best for you, design it and execute it.

Every week or month touch base with the subconscious mind and journal again.

How To Unlock Motivation To Succeed Within The Mind

Hopefully, you know now how to unlock the full potential of your mind. Through meditation, listening to your subconscious and journaling what it says.

To keep your mind motivated there are some great techniques you create as habits to maintain your intrinsic motivation.

  • Gratitude daily
  • Exercise daily
  • Having a diet that boosts the mind
  • Visualise your future self
  • Have a victory list of all your achievements
  • Forgive daily
  • Positive self talk

Over To You

I hope you enjoyed How to unlock motivation to succeed within the mind. Understanding what motivated me and demotivates has allowed my life to go in the direction I want. Knowing how powerful your subconscious mind is and to utilise it for your benefit. Helps to unlock the mind to do wonderful things that help our overall happiness.

If you are demotivated at the moment try this immediately or contact me @thefuturemindset on Instagram for more guidance. If you’re on a high still practice this above to keep you in that sweet spot for longer.

Keep building that mental strength and we can all change our mindset to change our future.


Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.