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How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health

Back in 2015. In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. The study clearly shows the connectivity between the brain and the immune system. Overall the study shows how we treat our brain has an impact on our immune system and the immune system has an effect on the brain.

A clear example is from the food we eat. Inflammatory diet patterns that are high in sugar, refined carbs, unhealthy fats and processed foods can contribute to impaired memory and learning, as well as increasing your risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

From the information, we know now looking after the brain and immune system together is crucial to both functioning healthily. Not only from the food we eat but also from the thoughts and feelings we have as these play a major role.

The Power Of The Mind And The Role It Has On Your Health

Have you ever in your life had a moment where you feel run down in the mind, feel negative etc. Which is followed by an illness? I have to experienced this.

Studies have shown negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan.

The connection our brain has over our body is real. You could even imagine that our brain is who we really are and everything else is just the vessel, the transportation that allows us to live and breathe on Earth. On a side note did you know that our eyes are just our brain trying to see? This blew my mind!

To be able to get the best out of the brain. Treating the mind like a muscle that needs the right exercise, mineral intake etc. Will have a dramatic upturn in the health of the mind and immune system. Psychologists have even found a correlation with simply being positive can kill cancer cells.

The brain is powerful and we are still just scratching the surface of what we know. But without doubt, looking after your immune system aids the brain and when looking after the brain everything from focus, happiness, productivity and overall health increases.

This is why we should practice and create mindset habits that get the best out of our brains.

How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health

Top 4 Mind Hacks To Improve Your Immune System And Overall Health

1. Spread Love

When you are kind to someone how does it make you feel? For me, it feels great and that’s because of the positive energy your giving out is creating a healthy mind. When you receive it back it doubles the feeling but if we have no intention of receiving it back it sets us up for a great mindset habit that we can perform every day. It could be letting another driver out to go in front of you or letting someone you care about, know that you love them.

Spreading love does not cost a thing but it repays you tenfold in life. What you give out is what you receive back and living a life of spreading kindness and love will help your mind and body live a healthy life.

2. Feel Gratitude

Studies have shown that gratitude changes the thoughts and feelings of individuals rapidly. If you’re feeling sad or negative. Just practising gratitude can alleviate your pain if only slightly. If made into a daily habit then wondrous things will happen in the mind that benefits your mental and physical health.

As you know you can’t be happy and sad at the same time. So gratitude is your magic trick that keeps the mind on the right track.

3. Chase Discomfort

Living comfortably is a privilege but also harmful if it’s the main state of mind you live day in day out. When your biceps aren’t used they become weak, when your hamstrings aren’t stretched they become stiff.

So when your mind is not uncomfortable it will not learn or grow. It will wither away.

Studies have shown that when people retire the chances of them dying within the first two years goes up dramatically. Studies have also shown that doing a job where you don’t have to think much leads to a high chance of mental disease as you age.

There is definitely a correlation between keeping your mind active with challenges and discomfort that the brain stays healthy. This is why you should make it a habit to chase discomfort in your life whether that be learning new languages, learning a new skill, travelling the world or just taking risks in your life. This will lead to a fulfilled life, a life you can be happy with in the end days and this will keep your brain and furthermore your immune system healthy.

When the mind is engaged the body follows but when the mind is going through the motions the body will wither away at an alarming rate. So make it a habit to create more discomfort in life daily, weekly, monthly.

4. Forgive

Learning to forgive is something that’s become a mindset practice only recently in my life but the results are exponential. When the mind holds onto negative memories that keep getting recycled around the brain. It causes only pain. It’s an anchor permanently docked in your mind but when you lift the anchor up and forgive yourself and others. Your mind will be able to sail away free to carry on its journey. Forgiveness will change your life and your overall happiness.

There’s Still Time To Act

By powering the mind not only helps the way you feel but within your body, a recovery process is in place and a signal to turn on healthy antibodies that help reduce inflammation, suppresses tumours, mobilizes enzymes and so on. So if your 30 onwards there is still time to act.

Change your eating habits to healthier choices, spread love instead of hate, forgive instead of holding on to a grudge that helps no one, learn a new skill you’ve always wanted to learn and be thankful for the life you have and all the good that’s in it.

Subtle changes in your life can make massive differences in your mental and physical health. Treating the mind as the most important part of your life will help you become happier, purposeful, create stronger relationships and provide mental strength amongst many other positive aspects. But don’t you ever think it’s too late or it’s for someone else. This life can be for you right now if you decide to make the changes today.

The Result Will Be

When you do make changes to prioritise your mental health you will experience increased healing, creativity, wholeness and syntropy. I too have made these changes and I’m still working on them today. It’s life-changing for sure and should be taught in all education settings for children to build these foundations into adulthood.

As the world is taking mental health more seriously day by day. Hopefully one day we will see people talking and practising mental health habits to strengthen the mind and the immune system as a normal thing that everyone practices.

Until that day comes you personally have to build your mental strength and pass it on to your children and anyone who wants to listen.


A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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How To Build Mindset Strength With Self-Awareness: It Will Unlock Your Purpose

Why Self-Awareness Matters

Self-awareness is a critical skill to build mindset strength. By being self-aware you will find out your purpose in life. You will find out your strengths and weaknesses and how you can guide yourself in the right direction overcoming obstacles along the way.

When you’re not self-aware, you miss the small things and the bigger picture of life. This will lead to poor decision making on your future self.

How To Build Mindset Strength With Self-Awareness: It Will Unlock Your Purpose

How To Improve Your Self Awareness

Self-awareness just doesn’t come out of thin air. It’s developed over time. There are easy ways you build mental strength through self-awareness. My top 4 are;

Meditation – A study has found that the average person has 6,200 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thoughts running around in our minds. To help pick out the right thoughts that help us increase our self-awareness and find our purpose is to sit and learn to meditate. It can be uncomfortable at first but learning to quieten the mind to find the answers that move us forward is important for being self-aware of the right choices.

Planning – Without planning you are aimless. The chance of executing your goal is slim. But when you are self-aware enough to plan. You will see your execution of reaching a favourable result is huge.

Daily Feedback – To understand and review where you’re currently at in life you have to be self-aware every day to find it. Making this a habit increases your self-awareness muscle to find it easier to know what to improve on. This process helps the brain to digest the day to put it into an order of what needs to be done next.

Build Your Knowledge & Increase Your Experiences – To build self-awareness you have to develop the mind and understand the world around you better. The best way to do this is through reading and gaining experience. To mature as a person travelling the world and live and experience new cultures can do this.

This leads to a better awareness of the world and knowing everyone is going through the same things you are. But it can also be more specific where focus on gaining knowledge and experiences in an area you want more awareness in.

What’s The Benefits Of Being Self Aware

The best thing about self-awareness is that it impacts every area of your life. There are numerous benefits to being self-aware but my top 4 are as follow.

Reduces Stress – Stress is horrible for your mental health and physical health. It feels like your brain is on fire and you don’t act like your true self. Being self-aware to notice when you are stressed and how it was caused. Is a great help to overcome a stressful mind.

Improves Wellbeing – Wellbeing is important more than ever. Being self-aware of what your mind needs and when will help your mental health build the strength it needs to overcome anything. Being self-aware when I need to journal or when I need to talk to someone helps me to keep a level head and overall mental wellbeing.

Decision Making – Making the right decisions in life is crucial to having a life of purpose. Now you don’t have to get every decision right but having it in your favour more times than not is important. Being self-aware is how you attain this. It will allow you to analyse the situation and have an understanding of what needs to be done to make the right decision.

Problem Solving – Being able to problem solve is a skill that is sought after. Self-awareness allows problem-solving to be increased. Buy understanding what’s gone right and what’s gone wrong helps the process of finding solutions much easier.

How To Become Self-Aware Of Your Strengths

Becoming self-aware of your strengths will help you understand what you are good at. A book by Tom Rath called Strength Finder discusses the importance of focusing on your strengths as what unlocks your true potential.

This is true and being self-aware of what your strengths are will allow you not to focus on things you are bad at.

For me when I focus on my strengths everything becomes easier and enjoyable no matter how challenging the task is. But my weaknesses has the opposite effect. This is crucial when looking to find your purpose in life. If you’re doing something you’re not very good at or don’t enjoy. You do not stay doing it for long.

How You Will Find Your Purpose By Being Self-Aware

Finding purpose in life is a key element to building mental strength. The energy and wellbeing it gives you when you’re doing what you love are huge. Self-awareness can play a crucial part in discovering your purpose in life. Everything we have discussed above will help you on your journey to finding purpose. When you are self-aware of what you want. Then you will know that it has to be done.

Make time in your day to focus on being self-aware. Based on your habits, experiences and the knowledge you receive. This is the step to finding your purpose through self-awareness.


Has this helped you today? What’s your favourite mindset strategy you’re going to try out. I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with a negative mindset. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How To Build Mindset Strength With Self-Awareness: It Will Unlock Your Purpose. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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