Future Health Future Wellbeing

How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health

Back in 2015. In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. The study clearly shows the connectivity between the brain and the immune system. Overall the study shows how we treat our brain has an impact on our immune system and the immune system has an effect on the brain.

A clear example is from the food we eat. Inflammatory diet patterns that are high in sugar, refined carbs, unhealthy fats and processed foods can contribute to impaired memory and learning, as well as increasing your risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

From the information, we know now looking after the brain and immune system together is crucial to both functioning healthily. Not only from the food we eat but also from the thoughts and feelings we have as these play a major role.

The Power Of The Mind And The Role It Has On Your Health

Have you ever in your life had a moment where you feel run down in the mind, feel negative etc. Which is followed by an illness? I have to experienced this.

Studies have shown negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan.

The connection our brain has over our body is real. You could even imagine that our brain is who we really are and everything else is just the vessel, the transportation that allows us to live and breathe on Earth. On a side note did you know that our eyes are just our brain trying to see? This blew my mind!

To be able to get the best out of the brain. Treating the mind like a muscle that needs the right exercise, mineral intake etc. Will have a dramatic upturn in the health of the mind and immune system. Psychologists have even found a correlation with simply being positive can kill cancer cells.

The brain is powerful and we are still just scratching the surface of what we know. But without doubt, looking after your immune system aids the brain and when looking after the brain everything from focus, happiness, productivity and overall health increases.

This is why we should practice and create mindset habits that get the best out of our brains.

How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health

Top 4 Mind Hacks To Improve Your Immune System And Overall Health

1. Spread Love

When you are kind to someone how does it make you feel? For me, it feels great and that’s because of the positive energy your giving out is creating a healthy mind. When you receive it back it doubles the feeling but if we have no intention of receiving it back it sets us up for a great mindset habit that we can perform every day. It could be letting another driver out to go in front of you or letting someone you care about, know that you love them.

Spreading love does not cost a thing but it repays you tenfold in life. What you give out is what you receive back and living a life of spreading kindness and love will help your mind and body live a healthy life.

2. Feel Gratitude

Studies have shown that gratitude changes the thoughts and feelings of individuals rapidly. If you’re feeling sad or negative. Just practising gratitude can alleviate your pain if only slightly. If made into a daily habit then wondrous things will happen in the mind that benefits your mental and physical health.

As you know you can’t be happy and sad at the same time. So gratitude is your magic trick that keeps the mind on the right track.

3. Chase Discomfort

Living comfortably is a privilege but also harmful if it’s the main state of mind you live day in day out. When your biceps aren’t used they become weak, when your hamstrings aren’t stretched they become stiff.

So when your mind is not uncomfortable it will not learn or grow. It will wither away.

Studies have shown that when people retire the chances of them dying within the first two years goes up dramatically. Studies have also shown that doing a job where you don’t have to think much leads to a high chance of mental disease as you age.

There is definitely a correlation between keeping your mind active with challenges and discomfort that the brain stays healthy. This is why you should make it a habit to chase discomfort in your life whether that be learning new languages, learning a new skill, travelling the world or just taking risks in your life. This will lead to a fulfilled life, a life you can be happy with in the end days and this will keep your brain and furthermore your immune system healthy.

When the mind is engaged the body follows but when the mind is going through the motions the body will wither away at an alarming rate. So make it a habit to create more discomfort in life daily, weekly, monthly.

4. Forgive

Learning to forgive is something that’s become a mindset practice only recently in my life but the results are exponential. When the mind holds onto negative memories that keep getting recycled around the brain. It causes only pain. It’s an anchor permanently docked in your mind but when you lift the anchor up and forgive yourself and others. Your mind will be able to sail away free to carry on its journey. Forgiveness will change your life and your overall happiness.

There’s Still Time To Act

By powering the mind not only helps the way you feel but within your body, a recovery process is in place and a signal to turn on healthy antibodies that help reduce inflammation, suppresses tumours, mobilizes enzymes and so on. So if your 30 onwards there is still time to act.

Change your eating habits to healthier choices, spread love instead of hate, forgive instead of holding on to a grudge that helps no one, learn a new skill you’ve always wanted to learn and be thankful for the life you have and all the good that’s in it.

Subtle changes in your life can make massive differences in your mental and physical health. Treating the mind as the most important part of your life will help you become happier, purposeful, create stronger relationships and provide mental strength amongst many other positive aspects. But don’t you ever think it’s too late or it’s for someone else. This life can be for you right now if you decide to make the changes today.

The Result Will Be

When you do make changes to prioritise your mental health you will experience increased healing, creativity, wholeness and syntropy. I too have made these changes and I’m still working on them today. It’s life-changing for sure and should be taught in all education settings for children to build these foundations into adulthood.

As the world is taking mental health more seriously day by day. Hopefully one day we will see people talking and practising mental health habits to strengthen the mind and the immune system as a normal thing that everyone practices.

Until that day comes you personally have to build your mental strength and pass it on to your children and anyone who wants to listen.


A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How The Brain Affects Your Immune System And Overall Health. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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Creating Discomfort Future Mindset Future Performance

Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes

Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time

Edward Young first coined the phrase procrastination is the thief of time. He couldn’t be more accurate with these words. The average human can live now to 79 which is way ahead compared to the 1500s where the average was 35. I’m definitely happy to live in a time where we live so long. But if you compare it to the bigger picture of the universe. It’s not even relevant.

That’s why our short life is precious and should not be taken for granted. With the urge of comfortability running through our veins. Without constant pressure, this can be a life filled full of procrastination.

We can’t take life for granted and look back on it with regret. We have to live life with purposeful action. Knowing that procrastination is the thief of time. This should be motivation enough to make better decisions in the now that can have great benefits on our future.

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

To understand procrastination we must first get inside the mind of a master procrastinator. To see what stops them from living a fulfilling life. The best example you can find is usually yourself. I have been and still in some cases a master procrastinator. Knowing masterfully how to guide my life away from anything challenging. The assignment that needs to be done, the morning workout session or perfectionism halting my progress. All challenging and important to do but nonetheless put off in place of video games, Netflix or socialising with friends.

Sound familiar?

The problem comes from the imagination that plans ahead of our life. When we plan ahead to a workout we know it’s going to be challenging compared to watching your favourite tv show that’s super easy. With the craving for ease in the short term, the human mind craves this life as if there is no firewall to protect it from procrastination.

By understanding your own procrastination tricks. This Is the first step to realising you have a problem. From here you can plan ahead with procrastination strategies like making it super easy to get started or minimise distractions within your environment.

Getting inside the mind of a master procrastinator is the first step you need to guide your mind to following through on challenging tasks.

When We Listen To The Mind We Find Answers

When the mind is full of distractions it tends not to work very well. You can even learn the habit of being a master at being distracted. When you think about it, isn’t that crazy!

Eventually, through all your procrastination, the mind will be throwing out signals of what you should be doing with your time.

A procrastination mind though can be fuzzy and totally engaged in the procrastination task that halts all thought of the now and what is needed for the future. That’s why journaling of thoughts and quiet time for the thoughts to flow out of your mind through meditation. Will help you catch the signals flowing through you.

The feeling of anxiousness, fidgety and a mind that’s paralysed of focus. Is a mind that’s blocked and needs unplugging. If not depression, a mind and body that’s lethargic with a topping of the thief of time will you stuck.

This is no place, anyone, what’s to live. This is not our life purpose it’s just an easy habit that’s formed over time. It creeps up on you without knowing and coerced you into decisions that benefit you instantly but robs you of meaning in your life.

Procrastination Is The Enemy

That’s why you have to treat procrastination as the enemy. You must wage war on procrastination. A never-ending war for your life to have purpose and meaning. A war that must be won because procrastination will never stop coming. It will be relenting, frustrating and sneaky.

But to win the war you must have a strategy to win. One strategy is to chasing discomfort. Making it a life goal to chase discomfort for the things you want to do. Skydiving, travelling the world, applying for the job you’re scared to apply for or ask the person you’re attracted to out on a date. Discomfort is where life is at, this is where all the good stuff happens and this is where procrastination loses the battle and eventually the war.

How Discomfort And Fear Changes Everything

If you wrote down all your fear you have presently. How many on that list if you tackled them head-on would make you happier, more productive and following your life purpose? This very list helped change my approach to life. I was scared of so many things, what people would say of me, what if they say no, what is this happened. It’s funny looking back now at how I used to think like this because the things on the list weren’t scary or even close to what my mind imagined them to be.

Our minds are wonderful at creating. Just look at all the beauty humans have created in our minds. Films, art and music. But the mind is also good at predicting the worst-case scenario future. Of course, this is great if you’re looking to avoid death on the savannah. But not in modern life. That’s why you have to look at what the mind is creating and be vigilant.

I like to laugh at my mind now when it comes up with these crazy ideas. “I say thank you brain for letting me knowing of the worst-case scenario and I will be prepared if this happens. But wish me luck because I’m going to do it anyway.”

Treat Fear As A Protective Friend

Don’t fight fear, use it as a guide to prepare yourself in case it happens. But do it anyway. Take skydiving, for example, the mind will show you all the ways you will die. A defiant film of 100 ways to die from an aeroplane would definitely be made from my mind’s imagination. When your mind does this. Take this as a sign to book the safest skydiving company, to double-check your own equipment and make sure you are not doing anything to jeopardise your life.

Fear is an amazing thing that’s a friend that always has our back. But that doesn’t mean we have to live a fearful life of doing nothing that matters to us.

When we chase our discomforts. Life changes for the better.

What’s on your list that you’re going to tackle today!!!!

Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes

Where To Go From Here

  1. Write a list of all your fears
  2. Write a list of all the things you want to do
  3. Create or buy a calender and write down the date when you overcome your fear or chase your discomfort
  4. Have daily silence to listen to what your mind really wants to do
  5. Journal all your thoughts onto paper to stop the bootle neck of the mind


Do you believe procrastination is the thief of time? How are you going to chase your discomfort and overcome your fears? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with this. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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