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Kick Start Your Mind With The 1-Hour Morning Self-Care Routine

Why A Morning Self-Care Routine Matters

If you have been in the personal development world for more than 5 minutes you have probably come across the importance of a morning routine. Every successful person you can think of has probably written down their top tips of why they’re successful based on their own morning self-care routine. From waking up at 4 am to Tony Robbins jumping into ice-cold water first thing as he awakes.

No matter what morning routine you will come across without doubt based on countless studies and real-life examples. A morning self-care routine works and definitely helps your day rather than hinder it. Over time if it’s consistently performed the compound of action will change your life with the output and productivity of your day.

No matter what you having a winning morning routine is a must for building mindset strength.

How To Create A Morning Routine And Stick To It

I have tried out morning routines from successful people and as great as they are. Copying someone else’s morning routine doesn’t feel right. It feels great at first but then becomes forced. Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that you should only look at others morning routines as a guide.

From there you should create your own morning routine that suits your personality, time restraints, areas of focus and so on. The reality is if you don’t enjoy your morning routine the chances of you making it a habit will be difficult. Who wants to wake up to do chores no one. You want to wake to do something you know will be challenging but fun, rewarding and above all easy to do.

Having this mindset in place then you must plan what you want to do. Planning is the first important part of your self-care morning routine. Without a plan, there is no focus or accountability. So planning the time you will awake and what you will do is crucial for any implementation of the morning routine you wish to create.

Within the plan, there must be 4 headings that must be fulfilled to create a winning morning routine.

The 4 Musts Of A Morning Self-Care Routine

Kick Start Your Mind With The 1-Hour Morning Self-Care Routine

1. Set Your Intention

Where the mind goes your intention will flow. This statement is a powerful one. It shows exactly how the mind works when it comes to taking action with anything and that’s where you focus the mind.

When setting an intention for your morning routine make it easily achievable. If your attention is to break your personal best with every routine you are going to wake up with the opportunity to doubt procrastinate and roll over back to sleep. But if your intention is to just give your best effort, to focus on 10-minute meditation etc. You’re waking up to something you can easily achieve. Starting your day with as many little wins you can achieve will build momentum into your day for harder challenges.

Setting your intention as well on paper will allow the mind to process what’s to come and will subconsciously prepare you to wake up ready to go. If you don’t point your mind in the right direction it will inevitability choose the easy road.

2. Get Up Straight Away

Waking up is in my opinion the most important part of your morning routine and also the most challenging. This is the part of the routine that’s make or break your day. Studies have shown that hitting the snooze button or waking up late can affect your day for the worse. There is nothing worse than waking up to know you only have 5 minutes to get ready even after the 5th snooze button you wake up all groggy.

Waking up straight away is the first battle and sets your intention for the rest of your day. It will be challenging and thoughts might race through to keep you comfortable but just get up anyway. There are many tricks you can do to force you of bed that you can easily think of and look at it online.

My favourite one I’m practising at the moment is from ex-navy seal Jocko Willink who on his Instagram page publishes his watch with the time he woke up as inspiration to others to attack their day. For me, this has put my mind into accountability mode to take a picture and also to focus my mind on the importance of looking at my watch for the time.

Whatever strategy you pick waking up straight away no matter what time you pick is of importance for winning your day.

3. Stimulate The Mind

The next part of your self-care morning routine is to wake up the mind. There are many you can do this. The reason why it’s important is that this is the time when your mind is at its freshest for taking in information and being able to be the most creative. Getting your mind focussed, calm and ready for the day will allow everything around you to flow better. This could be the music you play, gratitude, meditation, writing etc. Whatever it is set a time limit of 30 minutes and enjoy the process.

4. Wake Up The Body

After waking up the mind it’s time to wake up the body. Yoga, ice bath or a full-body warm-up and stretch can go a long way. Connecting the body and mind together is important. If the mind is ready but the body is lethargic. You will not at your best as the body reflects the mind. But when there are both working in harmony great things happen. Also working out the body release chemicals into the brain that stimulate it in such a way it gives us motivation and energy to move forward with the day.

By thinking of the body and the mind as two moving parts that work best together you will understand the importance of making sure the body is worked out too.

The Habit That Creates The Law Of Momentum

Like anything the first time you prepare your morning routine the first two days are easy and motivating and you feel like you will do this routine forever. Don’t be fooled by this. Prepare the mind that sooner rather than later the mind will get bored and will not wake up to do the morning routine you previously thought would never end. This is the most important part of forming a morning routine habit. It doesn’t matter what time you wake up, what mindset or physical routine you have in place. Mine change all the time.

The most important part is following the 4 steps no matter how you feel. Over time like every habit that’s done long enough and consistently will be done without much effort. The law of momentum will take over and the benefits you will reap from your effort will literally change your life.

What’s The Benfits

  • Control of your time
  • A proven winning habit
  • A boost in wellbeing
  • A focused mind
  • A creative mind
  • Mind & Body working together
  • Your first win of the day
  • Redusing stress & anxiety

What To Prepare For

  • For missing a day (It’s ok just don’t make it two days in a row)
  • Not having enough time to complete an hour morning routine (rare occations)
  • Missing your alarm
  • Your mind waking you up to persuade to stay in bed
  • To not find your perfect routine staright away
  • To comapre your routine to others (DON’T DO THIS)


What routines are you going to implement for your mind and body? What do you think about the 4 points to a morning routine? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with this. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Kick Start Your Mind With The 1-Hour Morning Self-Care Routine. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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12 Mindset Habits Children Need To Become Mentally Strong

Why Should Children Be Mentally Strong

Any adult reading this will know the difficulties life throws your way. Imagine if you were mentally prepared to deal with any negative, solve any problem and understand self-care practices that could benefit your life. You would rip my handoff in a heartbeat. Instead of struggling in your 20s. Training and teaching children to be mentally strong will build the very foundations that build mental strength and mental wellbeing.

Why Should It Matter To You As A Parent

Every parent’s dream is to have their child go into the big wild world fully prepared to deal with any challenges that come their way. This won’t happen magically. This will happen from the parent’s guidance and understanding of what makes a child mentally prepared. Your role as a parent is of course to prepare your children for adult life. By taking it seriously you will see your child become mentally happier and resilient into adulthood. No one’s upbringing is perfect but with the knowledge, we have at our fingertips. There is no excuse anymore.

The Long Term Benefits Of Focussing On Teaching Children Mindset Habits

Becoming mentally strong starts with forging the right habits. Which will be discussed below. The long term benefits of this will huge. Mental health, relationships, finances, career, purpose, life satisfaction. The list could go on. There is no debate here as this would benefit anyone. A child mind is perfect for being nurtred and forming these correct neural pathways that create mentally strong mindset habits. Just like producing sports athletes or musicians. The elite always crafts their habits and skills in childhood. As this is the easiest way to learn and teach someone.

Below are 12 mindset habits that I believe through experience and research will benefit any child to become mentally strong.

12 Mindset Habits Children Need To Become Mentally Strong

12 Mindset Habits Children Need To Become Mentally Strong

1. Let Them Make Mistakes

When a child is condemned for every mistake they make it will lead to long term mental health issues when they become an adult. It will cause them to be fearful to take risks to believe in themselves and become doubtful. No one wants to live this way as it will lead to a lack of confidence. As a parent to build mental strength we have to let our children be free to make mistakes without ridicule. We mustn’t get angry at them (which can be challenging) but we must learn to re-direct them in a better way. Being their personal guide through childhood and into adulthood. The child will be free to take risks and be less fearful of taking action. By learning this they will grow into a mentally strong adult.

2. Learn Positive Thinking

Teaching a child to always think and look for the positives when their upset and frustrated can be seriously challenging. The easy way to react is always in a negative way but teaching your child to look for the positive can have a dramatic change in the outlook they have on life. They will see through the mist that there is a better way and this negative situation they’re in will not last. Not only will it be healthy for the mind it will create opportunities for them. As what you focus on will come your way eventually. By focusing this way you teach them to find positives in any situation.

3. Self Care Of The Mind

Teaching a child a self-care routine will create a long term habit they benefit from more and more as they attain adulthood. As responsibilities come their way the stress of this can mount up if you don’t take notice of it. Preparing your child for these problems will go a long way to protecting them. Some simple self-care routines to do are meditation, gratitude, positive affirmation about themself and journaling about their day. The list could go on but picking something they enjoy or making it an enjoyable process is crucial for them wanting to make this a habit. Make this a family routine and show your child the benefits of taking care of your mind can do. This will build mental strength from their failures, emotions and any challenges they face.

4. Find Ways To Win At Everything They Do

We live in a world now where the hint of completion is frowned upon. This is a world that doesn’t exist and will make any child worse off for it. Preparing your child to find a way to win at everything they do will teach them to find solutions and positives in everything they do. So if they go into a competitive race they want to find a way to win the race, if they studying for their exams they will look to find a way to get the highest marks they can achieve.

This will be done based on their own ability and potential in comparison to what others are doing but acknowledging their choice to become the best they can be. When a child mind finds a way to win. They will find a way. As a parent, you will have to teach ethicalness as well about doing it in an honest way which should naturally reflect your own values. With others, mental strength skills like dealing with failure and being allowed to make mistakes will contribute to an effective mindset to always find ways to win in life.

5. Deal With Failure Positively

Teaching your child to deal with failure is of major importance. When you treat failure as the end of the world or live in that pain for too long it can majorly affect your mental health. When a child knows that failures are just lessons of how to make improvements. It will put them into a mental state to not give up but to make corrections. All successful people from inventors to sports athletes know that failures are part of the journey.

A great way to get your child into the habit of dealing with failure positively is at the end of each day you ask them what have they failed at today. This shows to them that it’s normal and by discussing it you can both come up with solutions to fix it.

6. Push Them To Face Their Fears

Just like adults, children have fears. It could be a fear to speak to strangers or it could be a fear of going to a new sports club. Whatever the fear is as a parent you have to help them face their fears that you know they are more than capable of achieving. Then when they have done it and they feel excited and see that it wasn’t scary. You teach this lesson. Over time they will do it on their own. Taking this into adulthood they won’t be scared of taking risks because of a feeling of fear, they will know that this feeling needs to be acted upon. This build mental strength.

7. Build Responsibility For What They Can Control

It’s important to teach children what they can and can’t control. Helping them to understand they can’t control the weather, peoples actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs. But instead focus what they can control is their attitude, work ethic and actions. This will teach them to focus on internal factors that they have full control over rather than giving too much time over external factors they cannot control. This gives great power to an individual and builds their mental strength.

8. Build The Balanced Mind

When you are a child all of your emotions are new and much like superman finding his powers for the first time. They can definitely get out of control sometimes. One minute they can be on top of the world then soon after they can feel like the world is on their shoulders. Teaching children to remain level headed when things are going well and remaining level headed when things are going wrong. Will help them develop that life is changeable and nothing is ever fixed. Will help them keep themselves on the ground. Because when we are arrogant, mistakes start to creep in and when we are depressive nothing ever gets done. Teach them repeatedly to be balanced (easier said than done) and you will see them mature to have a level head. This is mental strength.

9. Teach Them To Build Systems

Research has shown the very best business and leaders work off systems. These systems are straightforward practices that help make businesses or coaching seem seamless. If the system is so good it can be easily picked up by another person to succeed in its success.

Whether you like it or not. The Mcdonald franchise is the best example I can think of, of creating a system that you understand clearly and can replicate. When you teach your child systems, they can use them throughout their life but also easily pass them down to their children. Leaving a legacy of mentally strong and healthy family members in my opinion that’s priceless.

10. Create A Want List Not A Can’t List

Children are the asking champions for things they want. You will never enter a shop where they don’t want at least something. This is normal but always telling a child they can’t have something can develop the mind into a mindset that can’t get rather that will get. To combat this teaching children to have a want list. So things they want can be written down so they can get them in time when it’s ready. This allows them to become mentally strong to know they can have anything they want they just have to work towards it. Rather than they can never have it.

11. Allow Them To Speak Their Mind

When children get older they will challenge your thoughts at every turn with why why why!! This can be a strange feeling for a parent to have everything questioned but this is a great thing. The child is starting to understand the world and you as a parent have to be open-minded for discussion. Especially in the teenage years. Of course, adults are teachers for children but children can definitely teach adults a thing or two. Allowing a child to speak their mind creates a safe space for them to express themselves and develop thoughts and ideas that develop creativity. This will build their mental strength to free-thinking not submissive. The latter will result in resentment and they will not come to you when they face problems.

12. Stillness Is A Strength

With any child keeping them in one place can be difficult. Of course, this is natural and great for every child to do. But practising stillness can foster discipline and a focus on their present self. The best way to do this is with meditation for about 5 to 10 minutes or through Yoga where they have to focus on the breath in positions. This creates a good habit for kids so they are present and in control of their thoughts. Studies have shown being in stillness reduces responses in the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for fight or flight and increases responses in the sympathetic system, responsible for rest and relaxation. In other words, it calms your mind allowing you to feel more at peace and less stressed out and helping the child become mentally strong.

How To Apply This With Your Own Children

  1. Make a weekly strategy of what your going to do to help them build mental strength.
  2. Don’t expect quick results, this will be years of prcatice.
  3. Expect your child to resist and that’s ok
  4. Make it enjoyable for everyone
  5. Show them don’t tell them ( Be the role model)
  6. 1% improvement is better than no improvement

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article 12 Mindset Habits Children Need To Become Mentally Strong. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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