Future Wellbeing

8 Guaranteed Ways To Execute Your Vision

By Adam Smith

How To Execute Your Vision

8 guaranteed ways to execute your vision

Planning a vision is a fun and engaging task of the goals for the future. This is the easy part though. Executing a vision is by far the hardest part. What stops people from not executing their vision is a variety of different reasons. For example, procrastination, focusing on non-essential tasks and giving up because they didn’t get the results they wanted straight away.

Attaining the goal isn’t the problem, people are. We as humans are amazing at problem-solving and adapting to pretty much any situation. We are also our own worst enemy when it comes executing difficult outcomes. Not because we can’t do it. It’s how our irrational emotional part of our brain reacts to it which can be ever-changing.

For me to complete a vision I set out to achieve. I have to be laser focussed on what I have to do but open-minded to changing the plan to execute the vision in a better way. It’s having the willpower to not get distracted and dis-hearted by the challenges you face. However to remain optimistic and have the self-control to stick by it.

There have been many examples of people executing their vision from Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos, both self-made billionaires. They both set out with a clear vision directive of their goals and through all their setbacks they didn’t stop they just found better ways to complete their goals.

Achieve Your Vision

With that, I have put together some of the essential things you need to execute your vision. Hopefully, by now you know exactly what you want to achieve. It could be, to achieve a healthy body, open your own business or travel around the world. Whatever your vision is means something to you and with these exciting strategies I hope you can find answers to carry you on to your final destination for achieving your vision.

How To Execute Your Vision

Think About It Everyday

Your vision has to consume you and be part of your conscious and subconscious throughout your day. This is what separates people from executing their vision and not. Just look at athletes and teams in sports. For example, the Liverpool and Manchester City team are breaking record after record. These teams and players are in a culture where their vision is clear. They understand what they have to do and that’s all-out hard work and working smart to get to their destination. If this seems to difficult for you, achieving greatness will be a difficult challenge. Not because you can’t do it, it’s because you won’t do it.

Have It Somewhere You Can See

You can’t execute your vision if you can’t see it. That’s why it has to be in as many places a possible so it stays centred on your mind at all times. Have it in your bedroom, bathroom, office, car or on your phone. Your vision should excite you whatever it is and every time you see your vision it should keep you on track to execute the goal.

Believe It Will Happen

With your vision, you have to believe it’s going to happen and more importantly in the mind, it’s already happened. The way I’ve heard someone explain this is to look at your vision like a movie. You’ve planned and created it. Then you sit back and watch it. Just like your goals. Create it and you execute it by watching it unfold. I like this as it shows to me the vision has already been completed, it’s a done deal and all I have to do is walk the pathway towards it.

Speak It Into Existence

To execute your vision, you’re going to have speak it into existence by how you tell the story to yourself and others. Tell yourself every day it’s already happened and visualise it in your mind that’s it’s already done. Seeing yourself at the final step. Then tell as many people as you can about your vision. This will hold you accountable and make it feel real like it’s happening instead of something you wish will happen behind closed doors. These supporters of your vision will spur you on and any haters you can use that as fuel too.

Execute The Why

Make sure you know your WHY, like the back of your hand and so does everyone around you who’s helping you achieve your vision. This is the beating heart of your vision and without it, the target will be gone and the endpoint nowhere in sight. Write your why somewhere in your journal or phone and look at it twice daily so you know exactly why you’re working this hard.

Take Action Every Day Even When You Don’t Want To

Execution of your vision comes down to you taking action every day without fail. Hold yourself accountable and self control yourself to stay disciplined to the task. After continuous days of action, it becomes easier and easier to do. It’s the days you stop and start again that are the hardest. Some days you’re going to feel on fire. Body and mind working in harmony but some days your not and your body and mind will start giving you all the excuses in the book to do something more comfortable. You can’t listen to this, you have push on and keep taking action towards your vision.

Don’t Quit, Adjust To Your Surroundings

This is the most important for your vision to succeed. DON’T QUIT! If this happens it’s game over. Self-esteem and negative self-worth take centre stage. We have all quit at something and a terrible feeling it is. This is the easy way but it’s not the right way to go about life. Of course, things don’t work out but when you adjust your plan to a better one that’s when things can change. How many stories have you heard when someone has quit just before success. Too many to count.

Ronald Wayne is a name you probably never heard of but he was the co-founder of Apple in the 1970s. The vision of what Apple was going to be weakened in him because of a disagreement with the steves and he sold his shares for $800. Now they would be worth millions and be part of one of the biggest company’s in the world. The lesson learned here is don’t quit just adjust to your surroundings towards your vision. If your going to quit, quit after you have achieved your vision.

Plan Everything The Night Before

You can’t execute a plan if you don’t know where you’re headed. That’s why it’s important to evaluate the good and the bad every evening. This helps you have a clear plan of action of what you need to do next. Just plodding along expecting your vision to just come your way is not going to happen you have to run towards it dodging all the pitfalls along the way.

Final Thoughts

Now it’s time to execute your vision. However long it takes, you have to stick to it because the feeling you will get once it’s completed will be worth it.

Everyone one of you reading this can complete their vision you just have to believe and find the right path and right people to do it with. That’s how you can quickly navigate towards it. Remember there will be challenges and naysayers along the way. Just learn to enjoy it and treat it like a video game on hard mode and don’t take setbacks so seriously. It’s just the universe giving you feedback on where to aim next.

I hope this helps and would love to hear in the comments below what your vision is and how you are going to execute it.

Future Wellbeing

How To Unlock Flow State Easily

By Adam Smith

5 ways how to reach the state of flow more easily

How To Find Your State Of Flow

We have all heard the terms in the zone, flow or sweet spot. These are all terms we say when we feel at our best and perform to our peak state. Whereas when we are not in this zone. It’s either nothings happening or we are climbing Mount Everest to get back into the state of flow. I’ve tried my best to reach this state as I know it’s where my best self lies. So here’s what I’ve found out with my 5 ways how to unlock the state of flow more easily.

I have had many experiences with the unlock of state of flow. A prime example I have from my childhood was when I was playing the formula 1 game. I was driving a Ferrari around Monaco. I liked to make it as realistic as possible and set it to the exact amount of laps (72) as in real life. As I’m driving from lap 48 to lap 56 I can’t remember anything other than I’m still driving in 1st place. I got into such a zone that my subconscious had taken over. It was a weird sensation but I knew I was in the zone.

Whenever I’m in the zone for anything else my brain feels like it’s Limitless. Everything is moving in the right direction. Essentially everything I touch turns to gold in those moments.

Whenever you learn something and do it many times over. Your brain takes you to an autopilot setting. Here your subconscious mind can run the task a lot smoother. Rather than you overthinking loads of other thoughts that get in the way.

It’s like putting an untrained fighter in with an experience well trained UFC fighter. The foremost is going to be all over the place trying to think of what to do. Whereas compared to the UFC fighter he will indistinctively shut you down through his autopilot state.

Where are you an expert

The question you have to ask yourself. Where in your life have you become an expert? If you’re thinking your not an expert at anything. Remember you’re an expert breather, at walking, picking up things ETC. These are the things that run autopilot in your life without thinking.

After you have made a list of what you are an expert in. Ask yourself how can I channel my mind into the state of flow? If it’s writing, how can you get rid of all distraction or if your playing sports what preparation can I do before a game to get focussed?

This is what athletes do all the time to get them into their flow state. In formula 1 split-second reaction time matters and Two-time world champion Mika Hakkinen says “Every lap, you need maximum concentration. You need to focus 100%, so everything influencing your life must be in the right place and there can be nothing disturbing your mind.” This is why many athletes have turned to meditation and visualisation as techniques to help their mind focus and enter the state of flow.

Even when you get into the state of flow you can come out of it by a simple distraction then the whole process has to begin again. What if I told you there’s a way to access your state of flow whenever you wanted to.

Below are 5 ways how to reach the state of flow more easily

Something Challenging

Do something that challenges and excites you that’s just enough challenge that you can do. Getting into the state of flow your brain needs to be stimulated by a task that pushes you out of your comfort zone. If you pick something to difficult there’s too much for the brain to figure out. This will draw away brain resources to that area where you’re more consciously active in the development.

For example when I public spoken the first time I did it I was a mumbling sweating mess. Now through experinece the fear factor has gone. I now enter a flow state where an hour can feel like 10 minutes and I’m always shocked by the amount of time that has elapsed. When you know something and it’s a slightly challenging thing to do, this is prime time for the state of flow to take over.

Take action

This is a really simple one. You can’t reach a state of flow if you don’t take action. Here we are talking about activities that push the needle forward to improve your life. As much fun sleeping and watching Netflix can be. They’re not the zones we are looking for. So take action and become an expert on challenges that can move you into the state of flow.

Clear all distractions

For you to stay in the zone you need to stay inside your mind and not get distracted enough to come out of it. At home, if your writing, have your headphones on, let everyone know what you’re doing and move any other distraction like mobile phones to one side. This will drastically improve your chances of staying in the zone. If what your trying to do involves a crowd, prepare yourself for it, embrace it and over time it will become normal as background noise for your zone.

Find something that makes you happy

As there are many ways to enter the state of flow. When you’re trying to focus on entering it. Pick things in your life that make you happy. Everyones goal in life should be to achieve happiness any way they can and by choosing activities that get you into the zone will make the feeling of flow even more profound. Do something that ignites your passion that creates the focus needed to enter the state of flow. This shuts out everything around you to focus on what you love to do. Which means your probably an expert at it to allow yourself to do it on autopilot happily.

Quieten the mind

A great way to get into the state of flow is when you quieten the mind. It can be doing tasks at a certain time of day. I love writing and doing my morning routine before everyone wakes up in my home and this is the quietest part of my day. I can stay in this zone until everyone wakes up hours later. The feeling I get from this is something I look forward to. Another great way is to take meditation and breathing work which can also incorporate Yoga as an option. These techniques have allowed me to enter a state of flow consistently. The best way for me to enter this zone is by doing it alone without any distraction.

Final Thoughts

The unlock of state of flow is a wonderful experience when done by doing things your passionate about that, in the end, make you happy. Finding more of these experiences rather than a mundane flow state will boost your immense feeling when you reach that sweet spot.

Don’t focus on applying this into your day too much. Just allow times in your day where you can allow yourself to enter it without distraction and let go and enjoy the process. More will get done for you to progress onto whatever next step you wish to achieve.

What helps you enter the state of low? How does it make you feel? Have you ever planned to do it?

I would love to hear your thoughts on the post 5 ways how to unlock the state of flow more easily.