When your physical health takes a turn for the worse without hesitation we take time to rest for the injury to heal. But when your mental health takes a turn for the worse this can be far from the case. With pressure to carry on being the mantra in workspaces and at home being the norm. The English saying of just “keep plodding on” is somewhat ingrained in our DNA. This is very much the case for men who dare to show their current emotional state. For it to be ridiculed or it’s perceived as a show of weakness. This has been a major strain on mental health in England for a long time and very much so for much of the developed world.
Of course, we are light years ahead with our understanding of mental health and its importance. The job is not done however and much work is still needed for mental health to be taken seriously and boys especially, to have a safe space and without guilt to take care of their mental health.
This article will help you to identify when your mind needs a rest, what you shouldn’t do and how to reap the rewards of taking care of mental health.
When Do You Know Your Mental Health Is Bad?
Just like your body will tell you when your hamstring is torn or you get cramp because of dehydration. Your brain will be giving off different signals to let you know your brain needs help. The difficult part is knowing what they are if you have never been trained before. But once you know and pay attention they’re flashing brightly straight at you.
It can be in the form of anxiety, depression or stress. To break this down further if you;
- Feel irritated
- Worn out
- Struggle to get out of bed after a full nights sleep
- Just feel off
- Can’t concentrate
- Can’t control emotions
- Thinking clearly is difficult
- Want to run away
The above are obvious signs when your mental health is under attack and needs urgent help. If left for too long then there are serious complications that can arise for continued poor mental health.
This can be a breakdown in relationships, loss of job, accidents, suicide, deterioration in overall health, unlocking of the cancer gene and overall happiness of life.
To identify if there is a problem with your mental health you just have to listen to how you feel. Only then can you quickly see that there is something off.
To do this we have to give ourselves permission to be vulnerable. To be able to say there is a problem with how I’m living my life currently. When we do this only then will we seek change.
What You Shouldn’t Do
The worse thing you could do when it comes to mental health is just carrying on hoping it will go away. This mindset of it will work out for the best is not going to help you. It will not go away without you taking appropriate action to solve it.
Imagine you break your leg or a pulled groin and you just kept doing exactly what caused the injury. Of course, the injury will get worse. The same is true when your mental health is being affected by your day to day actions.
When it comes to working and looking after children you can feel obliged to always turn up no matter how you feel. This is terrible advice and this is where the guilt inevitably comes from. Because you are made to feel or forced to always show up.
Everyone circumstance is different but finding a way not to carry on doing what’s causing you harm is of paramount priority or you will face the inevitable consequences.
How To Take A Break Without Feeling Guilt
When it comes to your job, responsibilities or raising your family you are no good to anyone if you don’t look after yourself. To remove the guilt that you put on yourself or others put on you. Give yourself permission to take time away to recharge the batteries of the mind. This will benefit you greatly but in turn, it will benefit everyone around you as well.
This should be commonplace within our society that we can do this freely when we absolutely need it. Sadly we don’t live in a society where we can go up to our boss or tell the children I need 7 days to myself to rebuild my foundations.
That’s why you have to find solutions for yourself whether that be speaking openly to your boss or requesting personal leave with no questions asked. For family, leaning on the other parent or other family members who could help out for a short period.
Everyone is deserving of time for themselves to reflect and recharge. It should be a necessity, not an option because the gains are so huge if we do it right for everyone.
What Activities Can Improve Your Mental Health?
When you are planning to take time for yourself to repair the foundation of the mind there are plenty of options for you to choose from.
What I would like you to do is create your own mental health foundation rebuild. That consists of the activities below or any you can think of to create a week, a weekend or evenings where you can take time for yourself to feel like you again.
For me it’s travelling to new places, reading, yoga, practising gratitude, spending time with my family to name a few that I always go back to when I need time to rebuild the foundations of my mental health.
Mental Health Foundation Rebuild Activites
- Walks in nature
- journalling
- writing
- Yoga
- Physical exercise
- Meditation
- Practising gratitude
- Tick off the bucket list
- Self-forgivness/forgivness of others
- Sleep
- Learn new skill
- Art/Dancing
- Time with loved ones
- watch your favourites films/tv-shows
- Play a game
- Get lost in a story/ Learn from the best
- Ask yourself what you want
- Start your own business
- Volunteer
- Give back
- Speak to a therapist
- Get a mindset coach/life coach
- Music
- Take yourself out on a date
- Solo travel
- Spa day
Add in the comments and anything I’ve missed. I will amend the best ones
Remember don’t ever feel guilty for taking time out to focus on mental health. Never let anyone make you feel guilty either.
With Love & Gratitude
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A Final Word From The Future Mindset
I hope you enjoyed today’s article When Your Mental Health Is Bad, Take A Break Without Guilt. I hope the article has helped in some way.
If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at adam@thefuturemindset.com
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