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Simple Ways How To Change Your Mindset From Negative Thinking To Positive Action

Simple Ways How To Change Your Mindset From Negative Thinking To Positive Action
Photo by Binti Malu on

Every day in human life there are parts that can seem like groundhog day. We have to breathe in O2 and breathe out Co2, eat and drink daily as well as going to the toilet. We repeat this action until the day we pass on to the next life. One other part of our day that we can’t get away from is negative thoughts. It can be as simple as doubting yourself or judging someone by the way they look or act. Even though you have never spoken it. That’s why there needs to be a circuit breaker in the mind to change your mindset.

We are all at fault for negative thinking, even the most positive person you can think of. The main difference is that some people live in the negative thoughts they have and halts their growth. While others quieten the negative thinking and replace it with seeds of positivity.

Like all habits, the way you think and act is a by-product of your environment. Who you listen to, what you read and where you work matters in the production of negative thinking or positive action.

Below are simple ways you can change your mindset into positive action. The benefits of health, wealth and wellbeing are strongly connected with the way we think. Creating a mindset that helps those three areas of life comes from positive thinking and action.

3 Quick Ways To Change Your Mindset To Postive Action

Write Down All Your Negative Thoughts

This might sound counterintuitive when we need to focus on positive action. But letting problems and negative thinking build up in the mind. Will only clog the mind where positivity will find it hard to break through. By writing down all your negative thoughts about yourself, your actions, your life and whatever else you can think of. You will release your mind of the weight of all your negativity.

This practice should be part of your self-care routine once a week or once a month.

The next part is the positive action. With everything you have written down, you will write down a solution for each one. For example, if you write down “I’m not smart enough” you can find a solution where you can start reading books, complete a degree, listen to a podcast and say to yourself every day “I am smart enough.”

By finding solutions to everything on your list you will start changing your personality, thoughts, habits and actions into positive ones that will propel your life forward.

By the end of it, you will feel great and have yourself the intention to grow.

Become Self Aware Of Your Thoughts

Without self-awareness, nothing can change. By practising conscious thinking you will start to recognise patterns in your life that have become autopilot where the body controls the mind.

First, you have to observe yourself throughout your day and spot when you produce negative thinking and what triggers it. You have to question whether it’s your job, spouse or living location?

Whatever it is first becoming self-aware can allow you to find ways to overcome the triggers that set you off into negative thinking.

For me, it can be as easy as reading the news. As you know 95% of news is all doom and gloom and purposely done to tap into our tribal mind in some cases.

Once I was self-aware of this. I changed my news intake to the latest scientific studies I am interested in, good news apps and sports news. This allowed my mind not to get sucked into problems that don’t concern me or affect my mindset.

I see now if it’s important enough to affect my life like a health pandemic. I will find out either way.

Create A Positive Environment

The environment you live your life in matters when it comes to the way you think. If you’re in a job, a household or social networks that are of negative thinking. They will drag you down and you will start seeing yourself thinking and talking as they do.

That’s why it’s in your control of where you work, what city you live in and whom you spend your free time with.

Creating an environment that fosters positivity makes it so much easier to fight negative thoughts and produce positive actions.

Imagine if you decided to give up alcohol or cigarettes and everyone around you drunk or smoked. It would a lot harder prospect with many more temptations challenging you to give in.

Review every part of your life and what actions you can do today that help makes it a much positive environment to be in.

Take Charge Of Your Mind

When the body controls the mind you want to hope that the habits you have formed are extraordinary. Unfortunately in most cases, it’s not. That’s why you have to be in the driving seat of your minds decision making when it comes to thoughts. Being in the passenger seat of your life keeps you on a path you have no control over.

With simple tips to start above and having the mindset of conscious thinking. You are on the way to creating a mindset that can make you happy but achieve all the things you want to achieve.

Please don’t forget to like, share and comment It means a lot to know if this has resonated with you.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Simple Ways How To Change Your Mindset From Negative Thinking To Positive Action. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level how about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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How The Stories We Tell Ourselves Can Make Or Break us

We All Have A Story

Everyone reading this will have a story of their life. Everyone you know will have a story of you. No two stories are the same and the story you tell about yourself is interpreted on your opinion of how the events of your life have unfolded.

Life events can definitely shape our story but also other people can definitely shape the person we are today. Within anyone’s story, when they tell themself they’re a terrible communicator or says no to challenges.

Where did that come from? Is it really who you are or is it a habit that’s learnt?

I believe it’s learnt from the story others have told us about who we are and what stories we have told ourselves that have become our reality. Of course, when it comes to communication there are personalities who are well suited to talking in large crowds or to strangers.

But speaking as an introvert whose story was that I am a terrible communicator who dreaded any public speaking role. This story was a lie, a story that was created in my childhood. Luckily I learned I was a good communicator by learning the skill through coaching and face to face sales and came to enjoy speaking at large events. This goes to show that the story we tell ourselves are not always what they seem and like any story you change to be whatever you wish it to be.

What’s Your Story?

The question you have to ask yourself is. What’s my story?

Is your story creating you happiness, wealth & purpose or is it making you give in to fear, debt or comfortability?

Only you will know the answer but analysing your story will help to see the lies and where they come from. Are they your thoughts or somebody else’s?

Too many of us, myself included have thoughts of what we think we are that have come from somebody else’s mind. Not only harm our progression but also our wellbeing.

It came to my attention in adulthood that I struggled with self-belief. I always believed someone else was more deserving because my effort wasn’t good enough when in reality it was. My story was that I had to be the best or I’m not good enough and constantly downplayed my success. I’m not sure where this story came from but it affected me from achieving my best but also my well-being.

When you lack self-belief happiness is a commodity.

But when I analysed my story and lies I have told myself. I came to realise that I am enough and I have a victory list of accomplishments that I came to be proud of. This has allowed me to change my story.

So what’s stories are holding you back? Take 10 minutes to write down stories that harm your health, wealth, wellbeing & happiness.

What Stories Can Hold Us Back

  • Creating a false reality
  • Worse case scenarios predictions that stop them from moving forward
  • Thinking small
  • Stories that are forced upon us

How We Can Tell New Stories

If you’re living a life that’s not bringing you health, wealth, wellbeing & happiness. It’s time to make a change. The best way to do it is to question the thoughts and habits that you keep.

For example, when it came to food. I used to have stories of I had to eat everything on my plate, all meat is good for you for protein and being a vegan is unhealthy and weird.

These stories I was told was not helping me have great health. I ate too many calories compared to my lifestyle, I ate too much meat that gave me high cholesterol and exploring different food lifestyles didn’t give me a bigger picture of how I could eat healthy as well enjoying a vegan diet.

The new stories we create don’t have to be the same but they have to help you in areas of health, wealth, wellbeing & happiness. Doing your own research from credible people and research from a wide range of viewpoints can help you shape the life you want. For the four areas, we have discussed I have a mentor as well as keep up to date in how I could improve my story further. The trick is to always keep an open mind on how to constantly improve your story. This will help create a life you truly can be proud of.

Don’t Worry What Others Think

My stories are definitely different to when I was 18 and are looked at like I’m sought of an alien from family members but the difference is that I am evolving the story that helps me and they’re living the same story they were told what life was.

If this resonates somewhere with you please tell me in the comments after reading this article because I think it’s time to create a new story for you.

Make Sure You Keep The Good Stories

To create a life you want. Making new stories that benefit you is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean eliminating all your stories of who you are. I’m sure in everyone there I amazing stories you live by and help you in your life. For me, it was the story of helping others less fortunate. Whether that be in a charitable sense or just helping people who need it. Another story I hold dealy I can achieve anything I set my mind to. This has led me to perceive and show determination in everything I set my mind to.

These are my stories but great stories that you have created or have been influenced by? When you’re reviewing your own stories make sure to write all the good stories you have that fuel you in life. Alongside who taught you. This will show you the great influencers of your life and how best to use them going forward.

To finish off. Always remember nothing is fixed in life, it’s changeable. There are people all over the world maybe even someone you know. Who is living a life of health, wealth, wellbeing & happiness. If they can do it, you can do it.

I have faith in you and you have faith in yourself.

I challenge you to go create the amazing stories you always wanted to create today!

Let us know at THEFUTUREMINDSET how you get on!

Please don’t forget to like, share and comment It means a lot to know if this has resonated with you.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article How The Stories We Tell Ourselves Can Make Or Break us. I hope the article has helped in some way.

If you want to take your mindset to the next level. How about scheduling a 30-min discovery session to chat about your current status, results you want, and next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

We are on social media platforms below but we are really excited to announce our weekly newsletter about everything mindset. Sign up below and enjoy the process of building your mental strength.

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