Future Habits

6 Unique Ways How To Overcome Procrastination

In today’s article 6 unique ways how to overcome procrastination, we are going on a journey of discovery. We will find out how we can turn procrastination into something controllable rather than it controlling us.

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the human condition that gets in the way of getting goals completed. There’s always this niggling voice that tries to show us a different path. An easier path that accumulates in lost time doing nothing of value or purpose.

For me, it’s whenever I need to do anything of substance at home.

My procrastination knows the things you love the most and will use it against you at every turn. It will let me know about the next episode of Game Of Thrones I need to watch. The next stage of Red Dead Redemption I need to complete. Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of fun to be had with anything entertainment.

Deep down I know this is not going to get me to my end goal. Procrastination sole purpose is to put you off doing anything challenging and keep you as comfortable as possible.

Maybe it’s because human existence has been a real challenge to survive. So to keep us safe our mind keeps us comfortable to stay away from danger.

Why Do We Procrastinate?

6 unique ways how to overcome procrastination with clock saying later

In essence, the reason why we procrastinate is because of boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond. These emotions derail us from completing anything quickly.

For example, a task you have to complete might be the most challenging thing you have ever done. You might even question your ability whether you can complete it. These emotions stop us from succeeding and when procrastination sets in. Progression halts to a sudden STOP!

How To Overcome Procrastination In The Short Term

You and I know whenever we have been faced with procrastination. Once we get past the short term pain of doing a task. Our emotions change to enjoying what we were trying to put off in the first place.

In a 2013 study, Dr Pychyl and Dr Sirois found this to be the case and concluded that procrastination. Is, in fact, a short term problem not a long term one. So this means we don’t have to go through many traps doors to escape procrastination. We just need to get past the first one and we are free.

Of course, it’s a lot easier in theory. Especially when you have to get past that amazing short term feeling called dopamine your body releases when you do procrastinate.

So below are 6 unique ways how to overcome procrastination techniques that have allowed me to change my habits with procrastination. Even writing this blog post today.

6 Unique Ways How To Overcome Procrastination

6 unique ways how to overcome procrastination just get started with a pen in your hand

Focus On One Task At A Time

What’s helped me to simplify everything I do recently is to focus on doing 1 thing at a time. What can hold me back from doing tasks immediately is the amount of task I have to do.

So the night before I plan my list in order of difficulty. I then focus on one task at a time. That means if nothing else gets done because I’m focussing on this that’s OK.

By knowing how long the task will take. I can trick my mind into believing it’s just this one task I have to do doing. Then I repeat it for the next task. Also making sure you pick your most difficult task first is a must. This is because when you start anything your mind is a lot stronger to overcome the more difficult task first.

Just like how you feel more awake in the day and more tired towards the end before bed.

Make It Super Easy To Start

What procrastination hates the most is anything difficult. Especially when you have to write a 1000 word blog post or having to write 2400 words for course work for your degree. The latter was an enormous struggle in my first and second year at university. My choices where Call of Duty, night out or do my course work. The first two always won. I looked at the project in its entirety not what I had to do first.

What allowed me to achieve the grades I got was handing in my work first. Then getting it reviewed and checked again until it was at a great standard. I did this by saying to myself every morning and evening I just need to write 100 words. Yes, just those simple words allowed my brain to relax and get started. From there I could write for hours as it allowed me to get into my writing zone. This trick has allowed me to start writing my blog posts and achieving many other goals. It changed my life.

Plan It The Night Before

A great way to get yourself ready to fight through procrastination is to plan your day the night before. This allows your subconscious mind when sleeping to plan out your day for you. Your subconscious mind then expects your goals to happen and allows you to easily flow into the task.

For instance, if I want to get up at a certain time and not have to hit snooze. I set a specific time I want to get up. (also an alarm away from my reach and go from there.) The amount of times my brain has woke me up 5 minutes before my alarm has gone off. I can’t remember any more. This technique allows me to work as one with my brain, not against it.

Visual Aids

When it came to applying new habits there was always something a lot easier to do like playing video games. This was, of course, a habit too. When I decided I needed to change some of my working habits. I applied a visual habit tracker that I could see every morning upon awakening. This helped me stay aware of what I needed to do and by having to tick off the days. It also allowed me to become more action orientated. It held me accountable for the task and killed off all procrastination.

Accountability Partners

Following on from my last point about being held accountable. This is the pressure that can make or break you. Depending on how you look at it. I find when I’m held to account for something. I always deliver and think that’s the case for everyone if they believe what there doing.

When humans backs are against the wall we have a great ability to be able to find our way through the most difficult of challenges. So when I tell people about my habit trackers for the month. They’re always there to check up on me. One thing you don’t want to do is let people down who believe in you. So this helps a great deal too.

Emotionally Stimulate the short and long term feeling

What can break your procrastination quickly is your emotions towards any challenge or task you have to face. When you want to do anything that you are truly passionate about and enjoy. There are no barriers that can hold you back. So when it comes to anything difficult or challenging you to have to face them.

You have to learn to visualise and feel a great emotion of doing and completing the task. For instance when I had to public speak in front of a thousand people. I was petrified but I just imagined positive emotions of the experience. It allowed me to follow through and complete it.

Our emotions are a powerful force we can use them for our detriments or our future success. You have the power.

You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again.

Benjamin Franklin

To Conclude

These 6 unique ways how to overcome procrastination techniques have allowed me to get through life in a forward directory, not a stationary one. It’s a daily challenge. Over time these techniques become habits I don’t think about but they allow me to fight off procrastination daily.

Also to help fight off procrastination have things throughout your day that you plan your downtime. This can be with your family, your favourite sport or TV show. Just don’t let comfortability take advantage of you, you take advantage of it.

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Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Habits

Focus On One Thing To Be Successful

By Adam Smith

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” Alexander Graham Bell

How To Focus On One Thing To Be Successful

Have you ever been working out and you just want to give up because it’s so painful? I think the answer will be a resounding yes.

Whenever I am doing something challenging or uncomfortable my mind wonders to the future. It starts imagining how long this pain is going to last for, then quickly zaps away my focus. It falsely predicts an endless never-ending struggle and lets me know I should just give up. What my brain is really telling me is to find a way to be more comfortable. This is an option I can not and will not accept.

The Mind Games The Brain Plays

On our Creating Discomfort journey, I found a great way to stay focussed and that’s focussing on the present. It can be easy to look back at past experiences of how difficult something is. Likewise when imagining the pain of the future. When it comes to something challenging. Your mind will always try and make excuses to you why you shouldn’t do anything.

The main reason for this is that your mind is trying to protect you from danger but what this feeling doesn’t realise is that we are not living in the wild any more. We are living in the 21st century where what it perceives as being dangerous is not the case. Of course, we need this feeling but we need to learn to take control of it when we need to.

Focus on one thing to be successful and here we have a view of a city through a lens

The One More To Go Strategy

That’s why whenever we do anything challenging and our mind wants to give up. I say just one more to go! From there the brain is then happy to know it’s coming to an end. This keeps the mind focussed and because humans have the power to control our thoughts. I just repeat it again and again to receive the same benefits.

This worked so well whenever I did Yoga or any form of exercise like reps or running. Then I thought how else can I focus the one more to go strategy.

Here’s what I found,

Focus On 1 Goal At A Time

When it comes to goal setting or completing my to-do list it can feel never-ending. The thought of it has caused procrastination where nothing actually gets done.

Procrastination formed because I looked at the list in its entirety. It was like a big weight I had to carry all at once. When I applied the one more to go strategy it massively helped. My focus was transformed and instead of thinking about all 10 goals. I just focussed on the 1 major goal first. I did my to-do list way faster than I have ever done before and felt great every time I approached just 1 goal at a time.

When humans have multiple choices to make the brain can feel fuzzled and not make any decision at all. It can feel like a brain overload. So when it comes to any goal you want to achieve, focus on 1 goal at a time.

Focus on one thing to be successful with a hand tattoo

Focus On The Person In Front Of You

You can apply this strategy anywhere. Over the past 10 years, the rise in mobile phones has skyrocketed and everyone has one. This can at times be a very distracting tool, especially when building real-life relationships.

Have you ever spoken to someone you’re trying to have a serious conversation with and their half-listening to you and half on their phone? It comes across as rude and they don’t care about what you have to say. This may not be the case for them but that’s how it looks.

That’s why to build a lasting and strong relationship with someone. When you’re communicating with them you should give them your full focus. This helps you to understand all points discussed so there’s no confusion. Also, it creates respect between each person which allows the relationship to flourish to new heights.

Final Thoughts

Through studying how to get more done in my day. I learned when we focus on one thing at a time, that’s where real progress happens. It helps you stay present and in the moment of living your life to the fullest. Most importantly it allows you to get things done.

Now it’s over to you. Where in your life are there difficulties? The places where your mind wants to give up far too easily. Find out what they are and acknowledge them. Then use the one more to go strategy and see yourself go further than you ever thought possible. Always remember that the brain is a muscle and with the right focus. It can achieve wonders.

“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfilment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”
Jack Canfield


At Future Mindset, we are here to push the boundaries of our thoughts and actions. By chasing discomfort in our lives, it can lead us to unlock things inside us we never knew was there. Let’s change our mindset to change our future.

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Chase discomfort and have a great day wherever you are!

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