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How To Get Unstuck Straight Away When The Mind Procrastinates

How To Get Unstuck Straight Away When The Mind Procrastinates
Procrastinating slows him down.

We all have days when the mind procrastinates. If left unchecked it can lead to weeks and months of putting important tasks off. That’s why everyone needs a procrastination mindset hack to always get you back on track straight away.

There are 3 non-negotiable actions I believe will get the mind focused again. By blowing the cloud of distraction when your mind procrastinates.

They are;

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Journalling

These 3 simple procrastination hacks have been a major game-changer in my life.

I want to share with you why you need it in your life too.

Here’s what you need to know…

Why You Need Procrastination Mindset Hack?

Don’t you hate it when you have a great routine then something completely knocks your schedule out of sync? For me, I have found it hard to maintain habits when the timing of the habit has changed due to work commitments or a change in my schedule.

It feels like you are in a spell trapped from thinking clearly. The mind will be drawn to anything distracting and easy whist lying about how you’re going to get back on track and change the world tomorrow.

From the outside, you can easily notice someone procrastinating but when you’re inside your own mind it can be very challenging.

That’s why everyone needs a procrastination mindset hack.

This will allow you to create a habit for the sole purpose of when you start to procrastinate it will be the go-to solution you will instinctively trigger.

People have habits already in their life like this but are mostly bad habits like when something bad happens they turn to food, drugs or an ex-partner to make them happy.

Utilising this same strategy by having a habit trigger for when you procrastinate will lead you to overcome days and weeks of procrastination.

You Need A Habit Trigger

Many habits are formed by triggers that set our minds into action. It could be when the morning alarm goes off you press snooze 10x times or you are triggered to brush your teeth and do yoga. Both are triggers of a habit. It’s just down to you to create a good one.

The same goes for how procrastination starts to find its way into your day. It could be something that was too challenging and you got sucked into watching Netflix instead or you had to wake up at a different time and choose not to do your normal morning routine.

There will be a thousand different possibilities as to why procrastination has entered your mind.

This is normal.

All the mind wants to do is chill and relax if it can. But we all know it’s not good for anyone in the long run.

So by noticing what triggers procrastination in your life you can then create a habit to be triggered to get yourself out of it.

Here is a list of a few things you could set a trigger for;

  • Staying in bed past your normal wake up time
  • Watching entertainment at home for more than 2 hours
  • Endless scrolling on social media platforms
  • Putting off important tasks
  • Hiding away at home

By identifying your go-to procrastination you can then trigger your mind to take action immediately on your 3 procrastination mindset hacks.

This habit will allow immediate action to regain control of the mind.

Why You Need Exercise, Meditation & Journaling To Unlock The Mind?

The reason I choose exercise, meditation and journaling are because they are proven to enhance productivity.

Exercise – When we exercise we release a chemical called endorphins that quickly change our mood. This change in mood has positive effects on the mind allowing clearer thinking. As well as better decision making. Exercise is the go-to to feeling good and having a motivated mind again.

MeditationHormones that are released or reduced during meditation include Serotonin, Cortisol, DHEA, GABA, Growth Hormone, and Melatonin. This clearly shows the importance that meditation can have on the mind by transforming from its previous state. After meditation, you will become calm, happy and clear focused to pursue actionable tasks free of procrastination.

Journalling – Written form journalling is a great way to clear the mind of any obstacles in its path through the act of forgiveness and a written list of fears you might have. This releases the mind of what triggered procrastination in the first place. From here journalling can help refocus the mind on what’s needed to achieve your goals.

Exercise energises the mind, meditation calms the mind and journaling frees the mind.

With 2 hours all procrastination mindset hacks can help break the spell of procrastination. Not only will you be ready to move forward with your day. You will be mentally and physically healthier too because of the actions you have taken.

You Are Now Free

By following everything above you will become unstuck from the lure of procrastination.

Now it’s time to take action.

  1. Create a procrastination habit trigger
  2. Implement the 3 procrastination mindset hack

Want more procrastination techniques? Read this article on how to stop the mind from wandering to procrastination.

Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my Mindset Monday email newsletter. Each week, I share amazing content that will develop your mindset into the best version you can be. Let’s build an amazing community Enter your email now and join us.

Creating Discomfort Future Mindset Future Performance

Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes

Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time

Edward Young first coined the phrase procrastination is the thief of time. He couldn’t be more accurate with these words. The average human can live now to 79 which is way ahead compared to the 1500s where the average was 35. I’m definitely happy to live in a time where we live so long. But if you compare it to the bigger picture of the universe. It’s not even relevant.

That’s why our short life is precious and should not be taken for granted. With the urge of comfortability running through our veins. Without constant pressure, this can be a life filled full of procrastination.

We can’t take life for granted and look back on it with regret. We have to live life with purposeful action. Knowing that procrastination is the thief of time. This should be motivation enough to make better decisions in the now that can have great benefits on our future.

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

To understand procrastination we must first get inside the mind of a master procrastinator. To see what stops them from living a fulfilling life. The best example you can find is usually yourself. I have been and still in some cases a master procrastinator. Knowing masterfully how to guide my life away from anything challenging. The assignment that needs to be done, the morning workout session or perfectionism halting my progress. All challenging and important to do but nonetheless put off in place of video games, Netflix or socialising with friends.

Sound familiar?

The problem comes from the imagination that plans ahead of our life. When we plan ahead to a workout we know it’s going to be challenging compared to watching your favourite tv show that’s super easy. With the craving for ease in the short term, the human mind craves this life as if there is no firewall to protect it from procrastination.

By understanding your own procrastination tricks. This Is the first step to realising you have a problem. From here you can plan ahead with procrastination strategies like making it super easy to get started or minimise distractions within your environment.

Getting inside the mind of a master procrastinator is the first step you need to guide your mind to following through on challenging tasks.

When We Listen To The Mind We Find Answers

When the mind is full of distractions it tends not to work very well. You can even learn the habit of being a master at being distracted. When you think about it, isn’t that crazy!

Eventually, through all your procrastination, the mind will be throwing out signals of what you should be doing with your time.

A procrastination mind though can be fuzzy and totally engaged in the procrastination task that halts all thought of the now and what is needed for the future. That’s why journaling of thoughts and quiet time for the thoughts to flow out of your mind through meditation. Will help you catch the signals flowing through you.

The feeling of anxiousness, fidgety and a mind that’s paralysed of focus. Is a mind that’s blocked and needs unplugging. If not depression, a mind and body that’s lethargic with a topping of the thief of time will you stuck.

This is no place, anyone, what’s to live. This is not our life purpose it’s just an easy habit that’s formed over time. It creeps up on you without knowing and coerced you into decisions that benefit you instantly but robs you of meaning in your life.

Procrastination Is The Enemy

That’s why you have to treat procrastination as the enemy. You must wage war on procrastination. A never-ending war for your life to have purpose and meaning. A war that must be won because procrastination will never stop coming. It will be relenting, frustrating and sneaky.

But to win the war you must have a strategy to win. One strategy is to chasing discomfort. Making it a life goal to chase discomfort for the things you want to do. Skydiving, travelling the world, applying for the job you’re scared to apply for or ask the person you’re attracted to out on a date. Discomfort is where life is at, this is where all the good stuff happens and this is where procrastination loses the battle and eventually the war.

How Discomfort And Fear Changes Everything

If you wrote down all your fear you have presently. How many on that list if you tackled them head-on would make you happier, more productive and following your life purpose? This very list helped change my approach to life. I was scared of so many things, what people would say of me, what if they say no, what is this happened. It’s funny looking back now at how I used to think like this because the things on the list weren’t scary or even close to what my mind imagined them to be.

Our minds are wonderful at creating. Just look at all the beauty humans have created in our minds. Films, art and music. But the mind is also good at predicting the worst-case scenario future. Of course, this is great if you’re looking to avoid death on the savannah. But not in modern life. That’s why you have to look at what the mind is creating and be vigilant.

I like to laugh at my mind now when it comes up with these crazy ideas. “I say thank you brain for letting me knowing of the worst-case scenario and I will be prepared if this happens. But wish me luck because I’m going to do it anyway.”

Treat Fear As A Protective Friend

Don’t fight fear, use it as a guide to prepare yourself in case it happens. But do it anyway. Take skydiving, for example, the mind will show you all the ways you will die. A defiant film of 100 ways to die from an aeroplane would definitely be made from my mind’s imagination. When your mind does this. Take this as a sign to book the safest skydiving company, to double-check your own equipment and make sure you are not doing anything to jeopardise your life.

Fear is an amazing thing that’s a friend that always has our back. But that doesn’t mean we have to live a fearful life of doing nothing that matters to us.

When we chase our discomforts. Life changes for the better.

What’s on your list that you’re going to tackle today!!!!

Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes

Where To Go From Here

  1. Write a list of all your fears
  2. Write a list of all the things you want to do
  3. Create or buy a calender and write down the date when you overcome your fear or chase your discomfort
  4. Have daily silence to listen to what your mind really wants to do
  5. Journal all your thoughts onto paper to stop the bootle neck of the mind


Do you believe procrastination is the thief of time? How are you going to chase your discomfort and overcome your fears? I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with this. Always remember you are not alone and everything can change.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article Procrastination Hurts But When We Guide Our Mind To Discomfort Life Changes. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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