Future Habits Future Performance Future Wellbeing Mindset Toolkit

Mindset Toolkit: Start Your Day With A Letter To Yourself To Boost Performance

What To Expect? 

In today’s article, start your day with a letter to yourself to boost performance. Was an idea that came to my mind to help re-focus my brain every morning by having an honest conversation with myself. We can all go to bed with the best of intentions but when we wake up the war begins again and somedays we are excited and some days we are not.

To refocus the mind on what’s important to us. Reading a letter to myself has changed my minds focus every single morning back in a forward direction. This article is written to help inspire you to have this winning technique in your life.

How To Improve Yourself Every Day?

Start Your Day With A Letter To Yourself To Boost Performance

Every day we all wake up to a fresh new day. We have the tools, the experience and the capability to succeed but one thing can always hold us back if we let it. That’s the mind.

If we let our mind dictate our decisions based on feelings in the moment, succeeding is going to be a reactive process.

How to change from being reactive is becoming pro-active. You have to take charge of your destiny and the forward direction you want to go in. I to have lived a re-active exitance based on my feelings and what comes to me. When this happens performance drops, productivity becomes slow and procrastination can soon follow.

How to change this is becoming proactive with life.

Why Talking To Yourself Helps Mental Wellbeing

If you have ever had a coach in your life. How has that coach helped in re-focusing your mind?

For me, they can bring out the best in you at any given moment. Changing the very chemicals in your brain where you can feel 7ft tall and do anything in that moment. This is all done through words. Words they have brought to life with their passion but words none the less.

It’s great to have a coach to do this. But wouldn’t it be better to be your own coach. To use words to inspire yourself every day or at any giving moment. That’s the power we all have within us. That’s the power that needs to be unlocked. To have that self-motivation every day to have a conversation with ourselves.

Our own voice is powerful. It can change how we think and how we act. Our own voice can shape our very existence in what we believe and give us the energy to execute our goals. The power of our own voice can make or break us. That’s why it’s such a powerful tool we all need to utilise and control.

How Alicia Keys Inspires Herself By Writing

I think I’m safe to say we all know who Alicia Keys is. If not check her music out she is amazing. Not only is she a famous musician. Alicia has an amazing mindset and in one of her post on Instagram. She discussed a technique she uses every morning to re-align her thoughts. Alicia writes down how she intends her day to go. She lives the day in her mind and on paper and resets the mind to focus its energy on where it should go. This is an amazing pro-active technique to allow the mind to focus.

I tried this technique myself and it’s a great way to plan your day each morning in a fun way. This also gave me the idea of how I could kick start my morning, especially if I don’t have the time to sit down and write. I envisioned a letter coming to me every morning of thoughts from myself. This is where the idea of the mentality letter was formed.

This Is Why I started Writing Letters To Myself

The whole reason I started to write a mentality letter to myself was to improve my mind’s focus and productivity throughout the day. With the countless amount of distractions pulling me in different directions. This letter to myself allowed me to regain that focus and clarity of what I needed to do every day.

How My Performance Improved

Immediately on the first morning of reading the mentality letter, I felt a rush of energy running through my mind and body. That very day I achieved a lot in productivity and also a calmness about myself. I thought this was just because it was new but every day I read this letter I had the same reaction and my performance remained high.

Think of the famous yellow brick road from The Wizard Of OZ. I went from getting distracted with all the things outside of the path I was on. To now only following the path I was set out to achieve with the wizards castle being my overall goal for that day.

So overall for me. Having a mentality letter to read every morning helped me to feel more confident, focused, clear of what I need to do, kept me grounded and gave me the energy I needed to perform.

Why You Should Start Your Day With A Letter To Yourself To Boost Performance

We all want to perform to a high standard in everything we do, We want that Laser focus to achieve our goals. But what gets in the way is our own mind pulling us in different directions or finding the most comfortable way that leads to procrastination.

This habit can be hard to get out of and much like a car if we don’t turn the key the car will not start. This is the same with your mind. For your mind to get started the mentality letter is the key to starting your mind every day and the actions you take is the fuel that keeps it running throughout the day.

  Over To You 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article, start your day with a letter to yourself to boost performance. I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and others around me. I think as humans we not that different as we think we are. We are going through the same mental obstacles each day. The only difference is that some people have better habits and techniques to overcome those obstacles.

This mentality letter has been for me that very technique to overcome doubt, procrastination and a lack of focus in what I need to do. I hope this finds you well and can’t wait to hear about your mentality letter journey.

A Final Word From Future Mindset

I want you to find time alone and sit down and write this letter to yourself. Just like your writing to your best friend.

Be honest with yourself about what you want to achieve. Preemptive strike the bad habits that you need to stop. Then build yourself up with the things you have achieved by having good habits.

This is a letter where your creativity can run wild. You can include what you’re overall grateful for, a paragraph on what you want your morning to look like and how you want your business to improve by the actions you need to take.

Whatever you write in your mentality letter. It has to be able to unlock the fire inside you by holding you accountable. But also knowing you are enough as a person. A fine balance to bringing out your best performance.

If you need any help in building your mental strength contact me at adam@thefuturemindset.

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.

Future Wellbeing

5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life


Have you ever felt overwhelmed and don’t know what to do? In today’s article, 5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life. We will discuss why we get overwhelmed and how to overcome it. It’s a normal feeling everyone has gone through at some point. If you want to know how to control this feeling keep reading below.

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed With Life?

Life can definitely be overwhelming sometimes. Especially when we become independent from our parents in adulthood. You are now in charge of your finances, bills, rent, a demanding job and maybe you have the responsibility of raising children.

Adulthood can definitely be a daunting proposition especially if you’re mentally and skillfully ill-prepared to take on this role.

I too was overwhelmed when I flew the nest. I was ill-prepared to take on many responsibilities of adulthood. Spending more than I earned created an overwhelming feeling. Having too much responsibility on my shoulders made me feel overwhelmed. Expecting a child without building my own foundation made me feel overwhelmed like never before.

We all have our own causes of overwhelmedness. It’s our job to find what causes it and prevent it from happening again.

Find The Cause Of What Overwhelms You

Many different causes overwhelm everyone on an individual basis. Some we all have to go through. But to limit the damage being prepared is a crucial technique all young people should learn quickly. You could ask yourself the question what could cause me to be overwhelmed?

By asking yourself this question it will lead to what problems could come your way. This will be followed by a solution to the problems you may face.

So if my answer was “I’m worried about being in debt and having to work until I’m 80”

Then the solution would be.

Learning to become financially literate and having clear financial strategies. Like spending less than you make. Preparing for retirement with an index fund or paying your rent 6 months in advance. This can go a long way to helping you take control of your finances to prevent the overwhelming feeling of being out of control with your finances.

Having this approach with every aspect of your life can defiantly help but not all. We don’t know what our future experiences will be. Life throws curve balls we don’t expect. Especially on an emotional level.

If you can’t prevent overwhelming situations from happening. Learning how to get yourself back to calmness is essential to your mental wellbeing and overall productivity.

I have had the feeling of being overwhelmed for months because I never dealt with it. I was constantly trying to run away from my problems. This is a terrible place to live within the mind and it’s a place no one should have to stay for too long.

Once you realise there is always a way out and preventive measure to help you fight off this feeling. That’s when you start taking control back of your mind.

What To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed

When you do feel overwhelmed don’t think you’re alone. Everyone goes through it at some point and there’s always a way out no matter how big the problem may seem to you. You just have to reach out for help from yourself and others, whoever you trust or specialised help. Like never before with the internet there is help to deal with finances to parenting to help you with any problem you have.

For me when I do feel overwhelmed I have 5 simple steps I use to get me back to feeling centred. It helps to re-focus my mind on the solutions I need to prevent overwhelmedness from coming back again and again.

5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed With Life? Here's 5 Solutions To Help.

Walk In Nature

We are all connected to the earth and nature is the easiest way we can feel connected. Whenever I am overwhelmed nature is the first solution I need to find. Whether that be a local park, going for a hike or a drive to the sea. Depending on where and what overwhelms me dictates how far I will travel.

Being part of nature brings calmness and a familiarity that’s much needed. Breathing in the fresh air and looking at the wonders of mother nature does so much for my mental health. It’s first on my list to overcome overwhelmedness.

Find Alone Time

Overwhlmeness can come from crowded places, the responsibility of too many people or the role of a parent is taking its toll. A great way to reset your mind. Is finding time with yourself whether that be to journal, put your favourite music on or just to do whatever helps you to relax. Finding this time for yourself is crucial for your mental wellbeing and can quickly elevate the feeling of overwhelmedness.

Write It Down

A great way to understand what’s making you feel overwhelmed is by writing down how you feel. Knowing what’s triggering your overwhelmedness can help you quickly identify how to fix it. Once the cause is found, you can get rid of what’s causing this feeling or learn how to improve yourself so this feeling is no longer felt. Public speaking used to make me feel overwhelmed but when I learnt how to public speaking, the overwhelming sensation disappeared. So by writing down what makes you feel overwhelmed. It can help you solve your overwhelming problem.

Focus On The Breath

Breathing is still an underrated tool that we can use at our whim. The power of the breath can help elevate overwhelmedness quickly. When we feel overwhelmed or our breath becomes shorter and quicker. You can start to regain control of your mind and fight back the feeling of overwhelmedness. Check my article on breathing for more breathing tips.

Go To Your Safe Place

Similar to spending time alone. Having a safe place you can always go to whether that’s a friend, a partner or a place of comfort. Can help you find peace. By knowing this place it can help you overcome the feeling of overwhelmedness in the short term. Similar to a child running back to their parent when they feel overwhelmed. This strategy should be something you have for your mental health. Countries such as Italy pride themselves on family and this is one of the reasons for mental wellbeing is great.

Where to Go From Here

First off I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life. When you feel overwhelmed apply these simple steps above and you will quickly find your calm centre. I hope this helps to continue to build your mental strength.

A Final Word From Future Mindset

Building our mental strength is important more than ever. The number of responsibilities, people have to face can seem a daunting task. Learning to prevent and deal with overwhelmedness should be another layer of your mental wall you build. Thinking, writing or talking about how you feel every day can get to the root of the problems you face. If you need help with what we have talked about today please contact me on adam@thefuturemindset

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.