Future Mindset

5 Astonishing Ways How Your Expectation Of Life Affects The Mind

Where Does Expectation Come From?

Expectation Of Life Affects The Mind

Expectation comes from everywhere around you. The expectation of life can be different based on your family, location, countries values and expectations of what people must do. It’s an imaginary entity that creates so much power in peoples life. An amazing article on how expectation influences perception is in the link here.

It’s yours to control but too many put their mental health at risk by having a high expectation that falls flat. This can be the difference between you achieving the life you want or giving up because you have made yourself believe it’s not for you.

How Having A High Expectation Interacts With Your Mind

When anyone sets an expectation it’s of course to set the benchmark to improve and do better. You have probably heard the terms 10x your mindset famously coined by Grant Cardone. This is an exceptional movement of the invisible line that can propel people forward in their life. What people don’t understand when they aspire to have a high expectation that’s 10x. Is that these people were dormant with the skillset required to elevate themself forward.

Compared if you started to have these new high expectations to 10x to be an Astronaut but knew nothing about what it takes to be an Astronaut. You would fail quickly and painfully very fast and could lead to your belief that it’s not for you. The failure of these high expectations leads to a lowering in confidence that affects the mind in negative ways. That can change your whole approach to life.

How Our Life Experience Is Affected By Expectation Of Life

Expectation vs reality plays a major role in the feeling we get from the expectation of life we set ourselves. Too many people live in a reality in their minds where they expect themselves to be millionaires within a year.

The expectation vs reality has to be a cohesive match where the attainment of being a millionaire within 1 year is based on the systems and structures you have in place to get there. Or else the expectation vs reality will be a failure, and the mind’s confidence and well-being will be affected.

So when setting expectations you have to base It on reality where the chances of you hitting your target are likely possible with the right actions. You should treat expectations like a game of guitar heroes with every effortlessly placed click that will build the Law Of Momentum.

When you set your expectations the right way you will start to build momentum in your life. If you feel like being a bit of a yo-yo then your expectations your setting are out of balance. By evaluating your expectation vs reality on a consistent basis you can get a real feel for what’s realistic and what’s not.

Expectation has levels. My level compared to Elon Musk is completely different. Likewise, Elon’s level would have been different when he compared himself growing up to Bill Gates for example. Only now has he caught him up financially where now you could say he is a level ahead with expectations my venturing into space.

5 Ways How Your Expectation Of Life Affects The Mind

1. Expecting To Have Your Life All Together

The expectation of life is that the older you get the easier you will get life right? I don’t know about you but this is what I thought. In some ways it’s true but in so many other ways it’s definitely not. Life throws curve balls. The more you progress the more problems increase. You reading this could be 30 and still be living at home not having a clue what your life holds because you expect it all to be figured out.

The solution to this expectation is to expect you will never figure out the perfect life. You understand that life is changeable and what I believe in my 20s will be different in my 40s. The only thing you should expect of yourself is to create systems where your basic needs are taken care of alongside systems that can create great wealth. From there just enjoy the life you have today and stay in the present as much as possible. I’m still trying to figure my life out. It’s normal but expecting to have your life altogether in a nice bow is a myth. A myth you shouldn’t focus on. Just enjoy today.

2. Expecting Life To Be fair

When we leave our parents stewardship and head into life on our own two feet. We can expect that life will be fair and true. Life is far from this. Life will not be fair to you just because you expect it to.

The solution to this is to expect that life will not be fair. So when you come up against any unfairness you will know it’s not your fault but it’s a part of life. From there you can plan how to navigate around it to get your desired outcome. I expected to get promoted to a management level in an early job. I was doing all the right things but was let down by others around me. Instead of dwelling on why life is not fair. I expected that this would happen and learned how I could mitigate this from happening again. With subtle changes and an expectation to prepare for this, I achieved what I wanted without a loss of mindset.

3. Expecting Everything Will Work It Self Out

The illusion of expecting everything will work itself out. Whether I addressed the problem or not is a dangerous game to play. Things don’t magically happen. It’s based on action taken place that changes the outcome. Lack of action just makes the problem bigger in magnitude.

The solution here is to expect everything will work out by taking action. That subtle difference in wording changes everything. Since this has become an expectation I have followed. I have improved my finances, relationships and my business decisions. Life is not handed to you. The expectation of life is to take action.

4. Expecting Everyone To Like Me

The expectation that everyone will like me for me. Will set your well-being up for failure. It doesn’t matter how likeable or kind you think you are. There will always be people who won’t like you because of your personality, your positivity, your outlook on life or they’re jealous of you. I fell into this trap where I expected everyone to like me if I just change this or I just change that. This constant change of who I was to benefit someone else is not only a confidence nightmare. It goes against your true nature and who you are as a person.

The solution here is to expect that not everyone will like you and that’s ok. As long as you are true to yourself the right people will be attracted. The ones who do not. It has more to do with them than it has to do with you.

6. Expectation On Success

Everyone’s expectation of success is different. But too many look to celebrity culture as a guide to what success is. I too had this outlook where I expected success to be when I have a fancy home, supercar, high-end clothes etc. This is all a lie. Success is whatever you think success is. I’m successful because I am there for my children every single day. I am successful because I focus on developing myself to become a better person daily.

The solution here to find what success means to you and when your expectation meets your reality and not someone else’s. That’s when your wellbeing and mind can be in tune with each other and you can be happy with your accomplishments. As well as setting yourself expectations of what you want in your life that means something to you. Not someone having a life you think you should have.

How To Set Realistic Expectations

First don’t set expectations based on what others expect from you. People can make suggestions but you have to make decisions. You first have to train your mind to have the expectation of a life that you want. This is non-negotiable. Too many people myself included have fallen into the expectation trap that doesn’t align with your values, spirit and skillet to fall flat on your face. You then throw a pity party about how bad you are at life. This is all pre-programmed in the mind to do when we fail at the expectation that should never have been set for ourselves in the first place.

You have to sit down with yourself and get to know yourself truly and what you are capable of completing presently. Once you know what you can do and what you want to do. You can set realistic expectations to achieve with a realistic time limit to complete. Once you hit this goal your confidence and wellbeing will be awoken. Your life has now begun the chapter you’ve always wanted to read. Set when your creating your expectation of life. Make sure the expectation VS reality is in your mind. From here you can achieve success and feel good at the same time whist moving forward with harder challenges that you can achieve.


Has this helped you today? What do you think, should you be realistic with your expectation or should you set a high expectation. I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with dealing with the expectation of life. Always remember you’re not alone and everything can change by developing your mindset.

A Final Word From The Future Mindset 

I hope you enjoyed today’s article If you’re struggling with dealing with mastering your own mindset. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people go through the same experience every day. I hope the article has helped in some way. If you need extra help or any questions answered. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

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Future Wellbeing

5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life


Have you ever felt overwhelmed and don’t know what to do? In today’s article, 5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life. We will discuss why we get overwhelmed and how to overcome it. It’s a normal feeling everyone has gone through at some point. If you want to know how to control this feeling keep reading below.

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed With Life?

Life can definitely be overwhelming sometimes. Especially when we become independent from our parents in adulthood. You are now in charge of your finances, bills, rent, a demanding job and maybe you have the responsibility of raising children.

Adulthood can definitely be a daunting proposition especially if you’re mentally and skillfully ill-prepared to take on this role.

I too was overwhelmed when I flew the nest. I was ill-prepared to take on many responsibilities of adulthood. Spending more than I earned created an overwhelming feeling. Having too much responsibility on my shoulders made me feel overwhelmed. Expecting a child without building my own foundation made me feel overwhelmed like never before.

We all have our own causes of overwhelmedness. It’s our job to find what causes it and prevent it from happening again.

Find The Cause Of What Overwhelms You

Many different causes overwhelm everyone on an individual basis. Some we all have to go through. But to limit the damage being prepared is a crucial technique all young people should learn quickly. You could ask yourself the question what could cause me to be overwhelmed?

By asking yourself this question it will lead to what problems could come your way. This will be followed by a solution to the problems you may face.

So if my answer was “I’m worried about being in debt and having to work until I’m 80”

Then the solution would be.

Learning to become financially literate and having clear financial strategies. Like spending less than you make. Preparing for retirement with an index fund or paying your rent 6 months in advance. This can go a long way to helping you take control of your finances to prevent the overwhelming feeling of being out of control with your finances.

Having this approach with every aspect of your life can defiantly help but not all. We don’t know what our future experiences will be. Life throws curve balls we don’t expect. Especially on an emotional level.

If you can’t prevent overwhelming situations from happening. Learning how to get yourself back to calmness is essential to your mental wellbeing and overall productivity.

I have had the feeling of being overwhelmed for months because I never dealt with it. I was constantly trying to run away from my problems. This is a terrible place to live within the mind and it’s a place no one should have to stay for too long.

Once you realise there is always a way out and preventive measure to help you fight off this feeling. That’s when you start taking control back of your mind.

What To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed

When you do feel overwhelmed don’t think you’re alone. Everyone goes through it at some point and there’s always a way out no matter how big the problem may seem to you. You just have to reach out for help from yourself and others, whoever you trust or specialised help. Like never before with the internet there is help to deal with finances to parenting to help you with any problem you have.

For me when I do feel overwhelmed I have 5 simple steps I use to get me back to feeling centred. It helps to re-focus my mind on the solutions I need to prevent overwhelmedness from coming back again and again.

5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed With Life? Here's 5 Solutions To Help.

Walk In Nature

We are all connected to the earth and nature is the easiest way we can feel connected. Whenever I am overwhelmed nature is the first solution I need to find. Whether that be a local park, going for a hike or a drive to the sea. Depending on where and what overwhelms me dictates how far I will travel.

Being part of nature brings calmness and a familiarity that’s much needed. Breathing in the fresh air and looking at the wonders of mother nature does so much for my mental health. It’s first on my list to overcome overwhelmedness.

Find Alone Time

Overwhlmeness can come from crowded places, the responsibility of too many people or the role of a parent is taking its toll. A great way to reset your mind. Is finding time with yourself whether that be to journal, put your favourite music on or just to do whatever helps you to relax. Finding this time for yourself is crucial for your mental wellbeing and can quickly elevate the feeling of overwhelmedness.

Write It Down

A great way to understand what’s making you feel overwhelmed is by writing down how you feel. Knowing what’s triggering your overwhelmedness can help you quickly identify how to fix it. Once the cause is found, you can get rid of what’s causing this feeling or learn how to improve yourself so this feeling is no longer felt. Public speaking used to make me feel overwhelmed but when I learnt how to public speaking, the overwhelming sensation disappeared. So by writing down what makes you feel overwhelmed. It can help you solve your overwhelming problem.

Focus On The Breath

Breathing is still an underrated tool that we can use at our whim. The power of the breath can help elevate overwhelmedness quickly. When we feel overwhelmed or our breath becomes shorter and quicker. You can start to regain control of your mind and fight back the feeling of overwhelmedness. Check my article on breathing for more breathing tips.

Go To Your Safe Place

Similar to spending time alone. Having a safe place you can always go to whether that’s a friend, a partner or a place of comfort. Can help you find peace. By knowing this place it can help you overcome the feeling of overwhelmedness in the short term. Similar to a child running back to their parent when they feel overwhelmed. This strategy should be something you have for your mental health. Countries such as Italy pride themselves on family and this is one of the reasons for mental wellbeing is great.

Where to Go From Here

First off I hope you enjoyed today’s article, 5 Solutions To Help When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life. When you feel overwhelmed apply these simple steps above and you will quickly find your calm centre. I hope this helps to continue to build your mental strength.

A Final Word From Future Mindset

Building our mental strength is important more than ever. The number of responsibilities, people have to face can seem a daunting task. Learning to prevent and deal with overwhelmedness should be another layer of your mental wall you build. Thinking, writing or talking about how you feel every day can get to the root of the problems you face. If you need help with what we have talked about today please contact me on adam@thefuturemindset

Hi I'm Adam
Hi I’m Adam

I’ve spent over 10 years coaching and mentoring people within sport and business. I have many life skills that I have developed and I want to pass these skills on so people can find their best self. I believe it all starts in the mind and I write about valuable tools and strategies to help people grow in this area.