Future Wellbeing

How Travel Can Help Build An Improved Mindset

By Adam Smith

In today’s article, How Travel Can Help Build An Improved Mindset. I will discuss the mental wellbeing benefits of travelling has on our minds. More than ever being connected with nature is important for happiness and wellness. After reading this get outside and enjoy what nature has for you.

Why Travelling Is Vital For A Strong Mental Health

How Travel Can Help Build An Improved Mindset

I want to answer the question of how travel can help build an improved mindset. We are living in an age where technology plays a massive part in our life whether it be work or in our downtime.

We can get lost in the mundane day to day of life living off distraction after distraction. Without noticing this can affect our mental health. I’ve noticed in myself and others a change in mood, especially in overall happiness when they spend too much time in one place.

Humans are built for adventure and exploring and this is one of the ways to fight back mental health by becoming part of nature once more. Some of the happiest people I know are explorers and keen travellers who can’t get enough of the feeling of adventure.

Why Being In Nature Benefits Us

We are connected to the earth and nature has a big part of what makes us happy. That’s why travelling has to be an important part of your goals and how you live your life whether it be getting away every other weekend or going on yearly adventures around the world.

Studies have shown that being In nature reduces anger, fear and stress and increases your positive feelings. As well as emotional it also has physical well-being of reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscles tension and the production of stress hormones.

This is why we need to spend more time in nature.

What I Love About Travel

For me, it gives me great joy to travel. To explore all the wonders of what the world has to offer whether that’s 20 minutes away or travelling around the world. It feels like this is where I belong. Being part of mother nature of how it was intended.

It also allows my brain to relax more and my body in turn becomes a lot more relaxed from the day to day of city life. I admire people who have made travelling their life and maybe one day this can be a huge part of my life too.

Travel Is Great For Creating New Pathways

Travelling is great for the brain as an exercise. With all the new sights and smells, it amazingly stimulates the brain. Also with or without a map or your phones GPS, exploring new routes enables your brain to form new pathways of your surroundings.

It’s like unlocking new parts of the world map in games such as GTA or Fallout.

Even though I haven’t been in a while I remember everywhere I’ve been in Barcelona and Copenhagen and I walk through it in my mind like I’m right there. It also opens your mind to new ways of thinking and understanding.

The news sites you read and society opinion on things allow you to think about things in a certain way. You would think for example all Russians are bad which is far from the case when you meet them, they are one of the most hospital people you could meet.

This is what travelling does. It allows growing as a person and breaking down misconceptions.

Travelling Is What We Were Meant To Do

Everything about us is built from the Earth. This is our home and how we engage with it matters. When you walk through a park and hear birds singing, how does it make you feel? For most, it gives us a good feeling.

In the world, there are still a small number of people who still live in the hunter-gathering stage of humanity and they can be some of the happiest people on earth. That’s why life can be at its happiest when it’s at its simplest.

There’s a part of us that’s happy travelling in nature and we should listen to that voice more often.

Travel Opens Our Mind To New Possibilities

Looking for creativity or if you’re at a crossroad in life. Getting away and travelling can help shape new pathways for you to explore. It can also calm your mind to allow the thoughts of what you want to do to seep through. Bill Gates, for example, spend x amount of time each year getting away in nature to think of new ideas and gain clarity on what to do next. This shows how beneficial travelling and being part of nature can open your mind to new ideas and possibilities.

Travel Decreases Stress And Boost Happiness

One of the main benefits of travelling is the way it makes you feel. Why is it that most people don’t want to go back home and travel longer or get the holiday blues on their return?

It’s because the feelings you get travelling are so profound your mind and body are telling you to continue living like this for its benefits of decreasing stress and boosting happiness. On a recent trip to Malta, I had this exact feeling.

So if you are feeling stressed and unhappy, it’s time for you to travel within your country or abroad for an x amount of time that you can.

Travel Resets The Mind

Lastly, travelling allows you to reset your mind and regain focus on what you want. This is a great time to do your monthly, quarterly or yearly goals. It will create a clear mind to keep you on the right path in your life.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, I’ve answered the question for you about how travel can help build an improved mindset. Of course, there are many benefits to living the way we do in the modern world but there is no doubt that it needs to be balanced with travelling and being a part of nature.

With all the stresses of life going on in our lives. Getting back to nature can help solve a lot of problems especially for our mental health. I hope this helps you in any way. Our next adventure will be to Bristol and Bath next. Where is your next adventure taking you?

All the best see you in our next post!

Future Wellbeing

Simple Ways You Can Save The Planet Immediately

A hand nurturing the planet

With all the science pointing in the direction of a global travesty. it’s an important issue we need take notice of. This post will be show simple ways you can save the planet immediately. Also pointing out what we can do to make a difference. I hope you learn something here and can be part of the change to make our world a better place for the future of all life on Earth.

Why Is This Happening?

With the rapid rise of temperature on earth since the beginning of the industrial era. The environmental landscape of the world is changing and scientist all agree that humans are having a massive effect on the ecosystems of our planet.

The burning of fossil fuels, burning down forests and the use of transports is sending more C02 back into the atmosphere where it sits underneath the ozone layer protecting our planet from the sun. In-turn this is what’s warming up the planet at an alarming rate.

So it’s now the responsibility of everyone, especially the G20 to take the world in a new direction. A sustainable world that’s healthy for humans to live but also all life, as they’re taking the brunt of humanity growth. This is a simple way you can save the planet immediately.

Below I have comprised the action we need to take to save our planet from preventable man-made problems. Looking After Our Environment Matters and the positives are that we are changing and we are waking up to the changes we have to make but the speed at which we are going to all down the profit and greed from people who are in control to make those decisions.

Now in 2020 after the outbreak of COVID 19. This is the time to make the lasting changes we need to stop the world-changing as we know it. You might say, its a complete overreaction but the data shows it to be true. Ask yourself the question, would you rather prevent something bad happening to you or would rather wait for it to happen to you?

How Can We Save Our Planet

Stop Burning Fossil Fuel And Halt Coal Production

  • Since the beginning of the industrial era, we have seen a massive rise in the burning of fossil fuels. The consumption of fossil fuels include coal, crude oil and natural gas and it’s no coincidence that rising temperature has occurred since we began this process. There are many positives to the rise and development of humans in the past 100 years because of the use of fossil fuels. With the information we know now this is not sustainable for the health of the planet and ourselves. Governments across the world are starting to realise this and are shutting down all coal activity and now developing the natural energy sector of wind and solar energy. Governments have set measures where they are fading out diesel cars. Now with companies like Tesla developing electric cars. With new technology we can defiantly change our habits of relying on fossil fuels, we just to tackle this issue faster.

Stop Burning Our Forests Down

  • Forests are being burned down at an alarming rate over the past 100 years for agriculture purposes. With the increasing demand for feeding countries who are rising in economical terms is ever growing with the likes of China and Brazil being at the forefront. This is down to a growing urban population who compared to rural, prefer a more varied diet that includes different meats and dairy. This demand has led to burning down of the Amazon rain forest where major countries had to ask the Brazilian President to halt the burning of the forest for the endangerment to humanity. The burning of the Amazon rain forest not only is releasing c02 back into our atmosphere its also endangering species of animals and even putting the lives at risk of natives for the greed of wealth. The rate of the population of the world is predicted to carry on rising in the coming decades. Agriculture is not sustainable. So either way, we have to come up with a plan of action. The two viable future options are we all have a more plant-based diet or we artificially make our meat which they’re currently trialling successfully. The cost being a hurdle they need to overcome. Maybe we will be eating like the Star Trek franchise soon.

Change To A Plant-Based Diet And We Can Save More Drinkable Water

  • The world needs to understand that eating meat and dairy the way we do, is not sustainable and a more balanced diet is needed. If we don’t make the changes now there is going to a shortage of food and water soon. Also, the amount of freshwater we use for agriculture is crazy. For example, a one-pound burger requires 1799 gallons of water for it be made. That’s 6809 litres. The average person is expected to drink 2 litres a day. This is crazy. According to the CDC, 780 million people don’t have access to an improved water source and 801,000 children die of diarrhoea because of the cleanliness of their water. The world needs to wake up to the fact we care more about giving fresh water to making food compared to saving a child’s life. With the earth rising in temperature more famines and people dying because of lack of clean water will become a new norm. That’s why we need to act now and slow down our reliance on meat and dairy and focus on making sure every human right has access to clean water.


  • When we decide to change, we will change. It’s as simple as that. The world we live in, is of course, more complicated than that because people in higher powers have their agenda and mostly live in their 4-year terms in power and with immediate issues. As we started to realise now this is an immediate issue being felt today by our hand. If no change happens then it will get severely worse just like if you keep smoking 10 packs a day you will feel the negatives of it somewhere down the line. When we stop burning fossil fuels, burning down the forest for food and when we utilise water better. These are three things that can have a major impact on our fight for a cleaner, and healthier earth. So let’s invest in clean energy, invest in balancing our diets with less death of animals and use of land and let’s use our freshwater to make sure every human has the right to fresh clean water. By understanding why Looking After Our Environment Matters, then we can make real change. Hopefully these simple ways you can save the planet immediately can have an effect on your life.


At Future Mindset, we are here to push the boundaries of our thoughts and actions. By chasing discomfort in our lives, it can lead us to unlock things inside us we never knew was there. Let’s change our mindset to change our future.

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Chase discomfort and have a great day wherever you are!